Essential oil for legs: useful properties, features of application

Many people do not pay enough attention to their legs, but this particular part of the body needs special care and care. The fact is that during the day the legs experience increased stress: they are affected by cold, uncomfortable shoes, dampness, body weight. Simple care procedures and cosmetics will help to cope with these problems. Perhaps the most effective and safe for the feet - essential oils.

What oils are suitable for foot care?

Manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products offer dozens of varieties of oil, each of which is suitable for foot care.

Tea tree oil. For legs, this plant is one of the champions in terms of the number of nutrients. With its help, you can eliminate fungus, viruses and bacteria, accelerate the healing of cuts and cracks, give the skin smoothness and block the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Eucalyptus. The extract of eucalyptus is a natural antibiotic, therefore, it quickly copes with staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi and many other pathogens. Adding oil to a cream or bath water will help to quickly remove tissue swelling.

Fir. This coniferous plant promotes the rapid healing of cuts and cracks. Bone tissue recovers faster after injuries. Regular use of fir for foot care eliminates corns and corns.

Juniper. Such a cosmetic product can not do for those people who suffer from sweating legs. In addition, under the influence of juniper oil, tissue regenerates quickly, the skin becomes softer.

Oregano. Oregano oil cannot boast such popularity as tea tree oil and eucalyptus, but this cosmetic product is no less useful and effective. With its use, you can get rid of cellulite, puffiness, earthy skin tone. All this is due to increased blood circulation and cellular nutrition of subcutaneous tissues.

essential oils for feet

Lemon. By applying this foot oil, you can cope with the symptoms of varicose veins and cellulite. Spot application on the foot helps eliminate corns and corns, making the skin smooth and soft.

Celandine. This plant has been used for many decades to treat skin diseases. Celandine essential oil is the best remedy for rough skin.

Incense. Such a product must certainly be in the arsenal of those who fight for the beauty and health of their legs. The regular use of frankincense oil promotes the healing of microcracks, blocks the development of the fungus, softens and tones the skin.

Shea Butter. For legs with rough skin, this cosmetic is one of the best. After several applications, dryness of the skin, cracks and corns on the legs is eliminated.

How to get rid of corns and rough skin on the heels?

In the fight against calluses and rough skin, it is extremely important to observe regularity and an integrated approach.

  1. First of all, you should prepare a foot bath. Warm water is poured into the basin and legs are lowered into it for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the skin should be steamed. You can add laundry soap, soda, sea salt or chamomile decoction to the water. In this case, an additional therapeutic effect will be achieved.
  2. After taking a bath, softened skin should be treated with a pumice or brush. All problem areas must be thoroughly cleaned.
  3. A mixture of oils should be applied to the skin. You can evenly distribute this product with the help of massage. Active massage movements enhance blood circulation and accelerate the absorption of cosmetics.
foot oil reviews

To do this, you can use different mixtures of oils for the feet.

  1. Oil base (1 tsp) + 5 drops of cedar oil.
  2. Oil base (1 tsp) + 5 drops of geranium oil.
  3. Base + 6 drops of rosemary oil.

How to relieve leg fatigue?

People who are forced to stay on their feet for a long time feel very tired and have pain in their legs at the end of the day. You can cope with this with the help of baths with the addition of natural essential oils for the feet.

In the summer, it is best to make cool water and add 5-7 drops of Japanese peppermint oil to it. This procedure tones and refreshes the skin, removes signs of fatigue.

In winter, you need to prepare warm water with the addition of lemongrass and geranium oil. Each oil should be taken in 3-4 drops.

tea tree oil for feet

To relieve itching

To eliminate unpleasant sensations and itching, you can use the following recipe.

As a basis, you need to take 10 ml of vegetable oil and add to it the essential oils for the feet:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 3 drops of chamomile;
  • 2 drops of lemon;
  • 4 drops of thyme.

The resulting fluid to lubricate problem areas of the skin.

With increased sweating

This problem arises in thousands of people, and it is imperative to fight it. Wet legs are not only a source of discomfort, but also a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.

To 1 tsp. base oils add 2 drops of cypress, 3 drops of bergamot, 1 drop of sage, 1 drop of juniper and 2 drops of lemon. The resulting product must periodically lubricate the sole.

There is another mix to deal with sweating and foul odors. It will take 1 tsp. base oils, 2 drops of sage, rosemary and thyme.

Peeling with the addition of essential oils

According to reviews, foot oils can enhance the effect of peeling. As a result of this, the skin becomes not only smoother and silky, but also healthy.

For the preparation of peeling based on coffee in 2 tbsp. l coffee grounds add 2 or 3 drops of tea tree oil. The scrub should be applied to clean, dry feet and massage the mass throughout the entire foot. Rinse off the peeling after a few minutes.

Oils for foot creams

In addition to baths and applications, oils can be added to the nutrient base to obtain a high-quality effective cream. To do this, stock up on the following components:

  • lanolin - 30 g;
  • lavender oil - 5 drops;
  • apricot kernel oil - 20 ml;
  • lemon oil - 2 drops.
    oils for foot creams

To apply such a remedy should be in the evening before bedtime. Feet should be washed and wiped dry. To enhance the effect after applying the cream, cotton socks are put on the legs.

Clay mask

Such a mask helps to heal small cracks, fights against corns and tones the skin. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need 0.5 tbsp. blue clay, a little warm water and lavender oil in the amount of 10 drops.

Oil is added to water, this liquid is gradually introduced into clay to obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream.

foot oil

The mask is applied to clean, dry skin of the feet and covered with a film on top. Rinse off after 30 minutes. To consolidate the effect, it is worth using a nourishing cream.

Against fatigue and swelling on the calves

After long walks or at the end of the working day, heaviness is felt in the legs, and puffiness appears in the calf area. Suitable oils for the skin of the legs will help to cope with it. With their help, you can enrich store cosmetic products.

shea butter for legs

In a small amount of body milk (you can use base oil instead), add 2 drops of geranium and eucalyptus oil. A good effect is given by a mixture of the following oils: cypress, grapefruit, juniper, lemon.

Against cellulite

Most women experience signs of cellulite. Most often, the "orange peel" appears on the outer and inner thighs and buttocks. To completely eliminate the symptoms, a complex effect will be required, including massage, sports, proper nutrition. To enhance the effect by applying the following cosmetics.

10 drops from a mixture of these oils are added to jojoba foot oil (100 ml): cypress, orange, juniper, geranium. This mix is ​​applied to problem areas during massage.

foot oil

Regular use of this tool allows you to speed up the metabolism at the cell level, increase blood circulation, and tone up the skin. As a result, subcutaneous tissues and epidermis will restore their healthy appearance, and the signs of cellulite will noticeably decrease.

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