Educational development trends in Russia. Development trends of the modern education system in the world. Higher Education Trends

Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of society, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. The integration process of the cultural-educational and scientific-technical directions consists in the introduction of modern norms and standards in teaching, science and technology, the dissemination of their own cultural and scientific-technical achievements. A particularly important task is the implementation of joint scientific, cultural, educational and other projects, the involvement of scientists and specialists in research programs.

Definition and implementation of national educational standards

educational trends

The definition and implementation of national educational standards are the main trends in the development of education in modern Russia. Integration of training applies to all its levels, but most often it is used in the formation of the content of basic training. National educational standards add up to clearly defined regulatory requirements for curriculum content. The attitude of teachers towards standardization of education is ambiguous. Some of the experts believe that unification is based on strict standards that link all children to a single cultural and intellectual model without sufficient consideration for their individual characteristics. Increasingly, one can hear thoughts that standardizing the content of education should not mean standardizing the personality of the student. So, in training, it is advisable to fix the minimum necessary knowledge and skills, while maintaining a wide space for variable training programs. This determines the need for standardization of education with further improvement of the systems of differential education.

Adaptation of curricula to the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body

trends in higher education

Responsible tasks are entrusted to new curricula: to provide children from different cultures and ethnic communities with the assimilation of the linguistic minimum of basic knowledge as the basis of constructive social integration. The solution to this problem requires considerable efforts at the level of society - organizational, financial, political and, above all, directly educational. Therefore, recently, the development of training on the basis of multiculturalism has been singled out in a special direction of modernization of programs and, in particular, the content of basic knowledge.

Careful, respectful attitude to different cultures, dialogues, mutual enrichment and mutual knowledge of different peoples and ethnic groups as priority principles of multicultural education are gaining increasing trends in the development of school disciplines. To this end, school curricula include knowledge of modern and former civilizations, the diverse geopolitical regions of the world and individual countries, as well as religious studies courses. A particular trend in the development of the education system is acquiring local and regional educational initiatives. In the process of studying some educational topics (clothing, food, entertainment, hygiene products), children are taught to understand and respect everyone’s right to dissimilarity. School religious studies courses are important in the context of multicultural learning. The teaching of religious studies is designed to familiarize students with various beliefs, world religions, the activities of ecumenical churches and contribute to the formation of a rationalistic worldview among young people, instill moral virtues, provide tolerance and pluralistic thoughts in relations between people of different faiths.

Humanization and humanization of the content of basic education

development trends of the modern education system

Humanity and humanitarianism are the inherent characteristics of the trend in the development of children's learning. And the role and importance of these components of school education has a clear upward trend. The tasks that the modern school is called to solve require not only to take into account the humanistic and humanitarian aspects of the formation of the content of knowledge, but also to engage in their strengthening and development. Ensuring full literacy, preventing functional illiteracy, professional self-determination and self-realization of a person, socialization of youth - this is not a complete list of truly humanistic and humanitarian problems, in the solution of which there are development trends of the modern education system.

However, the problems of humanization and humanization continue to remain urgent and relevant for high school today. The movement continues to ensure the safety of this school from manifestations of violence, for the adoption of the principles of tolerance and cooperation in pedagogical relations. In the process of teaching the subjects of the humanitarian cycle, it is recommended to study not only wars and political events, but also to provide students with knowledge about the most diverse types and aspects of human activity - trade relations, economic activity, religion, art and the like. As already noted, all varieties of basic knowledge, now natural-technical and mathematical, are subject to the trends of humanization and humanization. These educational development trends are realized in pedagogical practice in several ways. Of great importance is the value-semantic aspect of the natural-mathematical block of knowledge, although it is equally inherent in humanitarian knowledge. Human life is the highest value.

Education Development Trends in China

educational trends in the world

Using the experience of developed countries in the field of the organization of higher pedagogical education in China is, of course, a positive trend in recent decades. In China, there are many universities that cooperate with foreign institutions, in April 2006 there were 1,100 of them. In the 70s. XX century a one-party policy was chosen. This has its drawbacks: one-sided views, constant monitoring, following the ideas of Mao Zedong. In pedagogical universities of China, as well as in non-pedagogical, the main subjects include: ideological and moral education, the foundations of law, the principles of the philosophy of Marxism, the principles of the political science of Marxism, the entry into the teachings of Mao Zedong, the introduction to the teachings of Deng Xiaoping.

Historically, back in the early twentieth century. Six districts of the PRC were identified where teacher training institutions were located: Beijing District, Northeast Province Region, Hubei District, Xi Chuan, Gong Dong and Jiang Su. China is a large country, and those bordering the ocean are considered successful and wealthy provinces. In the west of the country (where the desert) are the worst conditions for the development of higher education. Not all graduates of pedagogical universities want to travel to remote corners of their country, especially to villages. Therefore, the state is pursuing a policy of encouraging young people to do so in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to communist ideas. In China, as in many countries of the world, technical universities are provided with more resources and financial support for development and improvement. Special laboratories, research institutes, platforms for experiments and the like are being created. For example, Beijing Polytechnic University is included in the list of the state plan "Project 211", that is, it is focused on the world level of development. Pedagogical universities in this respect lag behind technical ones. Positive trends in the development of modern education prevail, and therefore it can be argued that the process of modernization of teacher education in the PRC is gaining new momentum.

The development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration

The role and importance of learning potential in ensuring social progress is growing. Education is a strategic resource of the socio-economic and cultural development of mankind, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. The development trends of modern education in Ukraine are determined by the strategy of the Bologna process. The introduction of its principles is a factor of Ukraine’s European integration and a means of increasing citizens' access to quality training, it needs a deep reform of the structure and content of training, teaching technologies, their material and methodological support.

Education reform, both structurally and meaningfully, is a pressing social need today. Entering the Bologna space for Ukrainian society has become important and necessary because of the need to solve the problem of recognizing Ukrainian diplomas abroad, to increase the efficiency and quality of education and, accordingly, the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions and their graduates in the European and world labor market. At the same time, there is uncertainty about the prospects and principles of relations between Ukraine and the European Union. This is one of the objective limitations of the integration of Ukrainian higher education in the European space. The way out of this situation is to answer the question: what is the development trend of education in Ukraine that is correct depending on the level of readiness of Ukrainian higher education for this?

Modern Higher Education in Poland

The experience of the Republic of Poland, which is the first post-socialist country that signed the Bologna Declaration on June 19, 1999, can be an experience for our country. The end of the twentieth - the beginning of the XXI centuries is characterized as the period of signing by the ministers of education of leading European countries documents on the reform of higher education in accordance with the conditions of the modern world. The Magna Carta of Universities was signed on September 18, 1988.

Now Poland has the best trends in the development of education in the world (from secondary education to doctoral programs) by young people aged 15 to 24 years. These achievements of Polish teachers coexist with a deep decentralization of management with the country's top leadership. The Central Council for Higher Education (established back in 1947), which consists of 50 elected representatives of universities and the scientific community (of which 35 doctors of science, 10 teachers without a doctor’s degree, collaborates with ministries to which the most (state) institutions are subordinated), and also 5 representatives from students).

The law granted the Council considerable supervisory rights, because without the consent of the budget funds are not distributed and ministerial orders are not issued. State higher education institutions receive funds from the state treasury to solve problems related to the training of students studying in programs, graduate students and researchers; for the maintenance of universities, including the repair of premises, etc. These funds are allocated from part of the state budget, which is administered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. State universities do not charge money for tuition, but students must give money in case of a repeated year of study due to poor performance, for courses in a foreign language and courses that are not provided for in the program. State universities also accept admission fees, while state colleges may charge entrance exams.

Trends in the development of higher education in Russia

educational development trends in Russia

Higher education, as one of the leading public institutions, undergoes constant changes in accordance with the dynamics of social processes - economic, political, cultural, social. However, the response of training systems to social challenges occurs with a certain inertia. For this reason, an urgent and constant need arises for purposefully bringing the basic parameters of disciplines in line with social changes. An element such as content is subject to a modernization trend in the development of education. The constitution process has two main aspects - social and pedagogical, because they are interconnected. Therefore, it is not always a change in the social aspect that automatically causes a change in the pedagogical one. However, sooner or later, their coordination becomes an objective necessity and requires targeted pedagogical actions. This need finds itself in the permanent process of reforming the content of higher education in Russia. Rapid scientific and technological advancement, the development of the latest technologies, a high level of market relations, the democratization of public relations are the factors that determine the needs and form the prerequisites for improving the content of higher education.

Contradictions in improving the education system

main trends in the development of education

Today, the improvement of student training programs occupies one of the leading places in the general context of the modernization of the content of higher education. Characterizing the development of the content of teaching at the university and the institute, it is possible to identify such important in the dialectical plan contradictory aspects of this process as:

- The contradiction between the unlimited volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind and the limited curriculum. There is no full ability to display this knowledge in full and with sufficient depth.
- The contradiction between the integrity of the spiritual and practical experience of mankind and the predominantly fragmented or disciplinary method of teaching it to students.
- The contradiction between the objective content of knowledge and the objectivity of forms and ways of their translation and assimilation.
- The contradiction between the social conditionality of the content of knowledge and the individually-subjective characteristics of student needs and dispositions as to its assimilation.

Modernization of education in Russia

what is the development trend of education

To the extent possible, teachers seek to mitigate or make amends for these contradictions. In particular, the directions of modern modernization activities in the field of the formation of the content of higher education are subordinated to this very extent. Accordingly, the following trends in the development of education in Russia can be ranked as priority areas:

1. Bridging the gap between the achievements of modern science and the content of disciplines.

2. Enrichment and modernization of the invariant component of the content of higher education.

3. Optimization of proportions between blocks of humanitarian and natural-mathematical knowledge.

4. Humanization and humanization of the content of higher education.

5. Compaction of training programs through the formation of interdisciplinary integrated blocks of knowledge content.

6. The introduction of educational disciplines of socio-practical direction, the latest information technology.

7. Adaptation of curricula and their methodological support according to the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body.

8. Improving the organizational mechanisms and methodological foundations of teaching program knowledge in order to ensure their assimilation by an absolute majority of students.

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