The shock absorber front strut: device and varieties

Modern cars are able to provide maximum comfort to the driver and his passengers while driving. Their suspension absorbs shock so effectively that they can hardly be felt in the cabin. Many are accustomed to comfortable driving, but few of us have thought what exactly provides such softness to the car. The answer lies in the chassis, where one of the most important parts is located - the shock absorber. It is this seemingly primitive detail that takes on all the load, effort and blows that are transmitted from the wheels when they hit the pits.

shock absorber strut

In fact, the design of the front shock absorbers is no different from the rear. They perceive the load the same way. It doesn’t matter where the shock absorber is installed - front, rear - anyway, it will provide shock mitigation when driving a car.

The front strut of the shock absorber, however, like the rear, has the following components:

  • case with an ear of fastening;
  • piston with compression and recoil valves and rings;
  • cylinder and spring;
  • sealing elements;
  • shock absorber stock complete with a fixing eye and a casing;


There are currently three types of shock absorber struts. These are oil, gas-filled and gas-oil.

front shock absorber strut

The first type of shock absorbers is the most soft and affordable. Basically, such devices are equipped with family city cars. The gas-filled and gas-oil front strut of the shock absorber are intended for cars with a sports bias, therefore they are often referred to the same category. As far as comfort is concerned, such parts provide lesser impact mitigation than oil. But at the same time their design and composition excludes the possibility of boiling oil. This is achieved by the presence of nitrogen gas. In the pits, they are very tough and are mainly operated on smooth roads. And since in the CIS countries such a roadbed is rather a fairy tale, all domestic cars are supplied with oil shock absorbers. And this applies not only to cars, but also to trucks.

On average, the oil strut front strut is 30-40 percent cheaper than gas. This is due to the great demand for them. By the way, the gas strut of the front shock absorber, in addition to its rigidity, provides a large load on the hub and bearings. Therefore, rarely any of the drivers gets them on their cars.

replacing the front strut

Life time

As a rule, the front strut of the shock absorber can last 60-80 thousand kilometers without problems. But this is possible only with good and smooth roads - for example, on foreign autobahns. In Russia, these details live 2 times less - from 30 to 40 thousand kilometers. After this period, not a repair is made, but a replacement of the front strut of the shock absorber. If this is not done in time, the load will increase not only on the ball joint and hub, but also on all other suspension parts. Neglecting the replacement of shock absorbers, you not only sacrifice comfort, but also run the risk of getting into an emergency, since the struts are also interconnected with the brake system.

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