Once upon a time, a young woman named Maria lived in Nazareth. She performed her duties, was kind to others and loved God very much. She was engaged to Joseph, who was a carpenter. This is where the story of Jesus Christ for children begins. This story can show children a lot and make them understand who the Savior is.
The story of the birth of Jesus Christ for children: briefly
Once, when Mary was cleaning her room, an angel suddenly appeared. Before Mary could say anything, the angel told Mary that God favored her and that God was with her.
Maria was surprised. She tried not to be afraid, but she had never seen an angel before. After all, Mary was an ordinary woman. Why did this angel visit her? What did he want?
The angel quickly tried to reassure Mary. "Do not be afraid!" - he said. “God has found favor with you. You will have a child, and you must give him the name Jesus. ”
Mary was embarrassed. She was not yet married to Joseph, since she could have a baby? The angel thought that this could concern Mary, so he said: “The Holy Spirit will work a miracle, and because of this, your child will be called the Son of God.”
To Mary’s surprise, the angel had more exciting news: “Even your cousin Elizabeth will have a son in old age. Many thought that she could not have children, but she was already pregnant. Nothing is impossible with God. ”
Mary could not believe what she heard; she did not know what to say. She realized that she was trembling, and knelt down. When she was finally able to speak, she said: "I am the servant of the Lord, and I hope that everything you said will come true."
Then the angel disappeared, and Mary was left alone.
Joseph's dream
Soon after, Joseph found out that Mary would have a baby. He was embarrassed and upset about this, but an angel came to him in a dream and said: “Joseph, do not be afraid to accept Mary as your wife. The child Mary must have is the son of God, and you must give him the name Jesus. ”
When Joseph woke up, he remembered what the angel said. He knew that everything was in order, and was no longer upset.
In those days, the government decided that they should count everyone who lived in this area of the world. Therefore, Joseph had to take Mary to his city of Bethlehem in order to register.
It took Mary and Joseph a long time to get to Bethlehem. They had no cars at that time, so it probably took them a lot longer to get there. It was very tiring for Mary, because she was soon to have a baby.
When they got to the city, all the hotels were full and they had nowhere to stay. Finally, someone offered them a place to relax.
The Birth of Jesus Christ: A Story for Children
The Bible does not say exactly where they stayed, but most people think that they stayed in a small barn where animals were kept. In any case, does it not seem strange that Jesus, the King of the Jews, was not born in a magnificent palace or even a hospital?
Mary and Joseph were thankful that at least they had a place to lie down. It was warm and a lot of soft straw.
That night, an amazing, wonderful event took place: Mary and Joseph had a child! But it was not just a child, he was a Baby Jesus! The creator of the whole world, the king of kings and the one who will save the world.
The little boy fell asleep in the arms of his mother. She wrapped him in clothes and laid him in a manger on a clean straw.
Mary and Joseph soon fell asleep; they were so happy that this special child joined their family.
Jesus calms the storm
It's time to tell a few other stories about Jesus Christ for children. Jesus and the disciples were sailing one night across the Sea of Galilee in a boat when a great storm broke out. The ship was filled with water, and the students were afraid to drown. They found that Jesus was sleeping deep in the boat. They woke him up. But they thought that He was sleeping, because He did not care whether they lived or died.
When Jesus woke up, He stood up and told the sea to be calm. Immediately the wind and the waves subsided. The students were now scared for another reason. They really did not know who Jesus was at that time. This happened shortly after many of them joined Jesus as His followers. They did not understand that Jesus was the Son of God and could control everything in the world if He chose.
Jesus and the woman at the well
Jesus sent His disciples to find food when He traveled through an area called Samaria. Many Jews did not like traveling there because they did not like the Samaritan people. But Jesus said that He needed to go through this place. Why did he have to go? He knew that he would meet a woman there who needed to hear about God.
He stopped at the well where the woman received water. Jesus offered her eternal water. She did not understand what it was. Jesus explained that people who drink water from a well will have to come back and drink again. But Jesus offered salvation — eternal life. He compared salvation to water. Jesus said that if she accepts the salvation that He offered, she will never have to be saved again. He called this eternal water.
Jesus walks on the water
Jesus sent His disciples across the Sea of Galilee one night when He went to the mountains to pray. The disciples obeyed and went to their boat. But there was a storm at night. The students worked hard to take the boat to the other side.
Early in the morning they saw a man walking on the water, and they got scared. They did not know that Jesus would come to be with them. Jesus called the disciples in the boat and told them not to be afraid. Jesus told them who He was. When Jesus came to them, the storm began to subside.
Peter asked Jesus if he could also walk on water. Jesus told him to get out of the boat and go to Him. Peter was surprised to stroll through the water. But he soon began to look at the waves and the storm. When he looked away from Jesus, he began to sink. Jesus held out his hand and caught Peter. They went aboard together.
After they were in the boat, the Bible says the disciples worshiped Jesus. They began to realize that Jesus was indeed the son of God.
Jesus Heals the Blind
Jesus' disciples were still amazed when He performed a miracle. Immediately after the story of how Jesus fed 4,000 people, they led the man to a blind man. They were in the city of Bethsaida.
People asked Jesus to touch a person so that he could see again. They knew that Jesus had the power to heal people. Jesus took the blind man and led him out of the city. He healed a man by spitting in his eyes and touching them. Jesus asked the man if he could see anything. The man opened his eyes and said that he sees people who walk like trees. Then Jesus laid hands again on the eyes of man. After that, the man could see clearly.
It is generally useful for children to study Christianity from an early age, because good parents buy specialized literature about the life story of Jesus Christ for children. Jesus was able to perform many amazing miracles. Each of these miracles helps us understand that Jesus is the Son of God and that He controls everything in the world.
In this article, you have become acquainted with several fragments of the story of Jesus Christ for children. It is hoped that this information was useful to you, because Christ is the son of God, and his life should be an example for everyone. The story of Jesus Christ for children, the reviews of which cannot but be positive, is an opportunity to introduce children to Christian ethics and morality from early childhood.