Constellation The Ship: Relation to Myths and Astrological Influence

There are a huge number of stars. Many centuries ago, man began to observe them and discover unexplored parts of the sky. The names of the constellations are certainly associated with the popular heroes of myths or traditions. Often behind each of them is an interesting, mysterious, romantic or sad story. The constellation Argo Ship occupies a special place in the sky.


Myths, cartoons, as well as literary works tell of the legendary ship called Argo. On it, participants in a trip to Colchis sailed in search of the hide of a gold-wool ram.

constellation ship

Ancient authors differently record the number of argonauts on board: some have 50 people, which is equal to the number of oars, while others reach 67 people. Since the appearance of the myth and its existence among the people, the list of outstanding heroes has been replenished with such names as: Hercules, Orpheus, Teey, Meleager, Amfiara. All of them, under the guidance of the shipbuilder Arg, and also with the blessing of the goddess Athena, built the ship Argo.

Further existence

After completing the campaign, the ship that named the constellation was used for some time for its intended purpose. He did not lose his special status even then, because he became the only vessel not belonging to Crete, which, under an agreement with the Minoans, had the opportunity to sail in the seas, which were under the control of the Minoan thalassocracy.

The Paradox of Argo

The legendary ship gave rise to such a thing as the "Argo paradox." His explanation may well become the basis for serious philosophical reasoning. The ship visited the most terrible and dangerous water areas, which affected its condition. He came out of every collision damaged, which means that he needed to be repaired. Over the entire period of its existence, this has happened so many times that in the end there was not a single detail left on the ship that would have been preserved since its inception.

constellation ship horoscope

The question arises as to whether this vessel can be considered Argo in this case, which helped the heroes get the golden fleece. However, an inaccuracy in the interpretation and fixing of traditions and myths does not fix the paradox for this ship. He is also attributed to the ship of Theseus. Some experts still consider this to be nothing more than a fun logical fact.

Unusual abilities

This is an unusual constellation. The ship also possessed amazing properties. Help in its construction was provided by the goddess Athena herself. She cut into the stern a piece of a special tree - a sacred oak from the grove of the oracle of Zeus in Dodon. If we replace this part of Argo with ordinary material, the essence of the ship will disappear. Due to the presence of such an unusual tree in the structure, the ship adopted some oracle abilities, namely the gift of speech. True, not everyone could understand its true meaning.

Abilities also include the gift of vision. No wonder blue eyes were painted on board the ship, at the bow.

Mystical grave

In the description of the constellation Ship Argo, you will not find mention of such a part of it as the nose. A mysterious story is also associated with this.

Argo constellation ship in the sky

It is believed that the ship did not survive its captain. According to one version, Jason, persecuted and despised by people, already in his advanced years, wandered around the earth. Once he came across Argo. Tired of walking or desperate to gain a better fate, Jason crouched in the shadow of the ship. It is not known what he planned to do next - just relax or end his life, but at that moment Argo's nose fell on the captain and killed him. Since this part of the ship caused human death, it is not in the sky.

Argonautics became known to the world thanks to Kuhn. But the ship and the constellation named after him are characters of other myths.

Another version

According to another myth, Danai, who was the son of an Egyptian king, as well as the ruler of Libya, received divination. Ten of his wives raised fifty daughters who could marry. But the king was predicted that he would die at the hands of the future son-in-law.

Danae had fifty nephews who intended to marry his daughters. The king decided to avoid death and refused them. However, it is not so easy to get away from the will of the gods: the offended nephews decided to go to war against the king. Danai, fleeing, sailed overseas. He did this on the ship Argo, which was named after his place of arrival. It is the ship on which the king set sail on the open sea, and is captured in the sky.


The constellation Argo Ship today exists in a different form.

constellation ship argo description

It was one of the largest in size and occupied approximately 1888 square degrees. With the naked eye in its composition can be counted 385 stars. Such an impressive size created a lot of difficulties for astronomers who observed the Argo Ship, so it was divided into several parts: Kiel, Korma, Compass, Sails. They are constellations of the southern celestial hemisphere.

Astrological influence

Most are interested in the horoscope of the constellation of the Ship and its astrological influence. Feed refers to the second zodiac circle, whose influence lasts from June 4 to 28. People born at this time strive to achieve their goals, in spite of any difficulties. They value experience and knowledge, they want to find a soul mate. Often these people have a passion for travel. Other signs, especially those that are aquatic (Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer), also fall under the influence of the constellation of the Ship and tend in the spring to expect changes and to discover new, unknown places.

ship argo constellation

Our aspirations, desires can often be explained by astrological changes. The sky with the help of constellations can tell amazing stories. Behind every cluster of luminous points that we observe is a myth, a legend. Knowing about them is not only useful, but also very interesting.

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