Analysis of competitor sites. Comparison of competitor sites

How to quickly get into the TOP 10 in search results? Thousands of optimizers and hundreds of specialized website promotion firms are constantly struggling to solve this problem. But they will always lose to such large corporations as Yandex and Google.

These companies are the owners of the game. All the rest are just trying to guess, find out or calculate the rules of this game. What makes a site rise as a result of search results? What mechanisms and algorithms do search engines use? How to find out the main secrets of ranking sites? How to promote your site to the first page of a search engine?

There are no definite answers to these questions. And, probably, they will never be. Optimizers are getting meaner, and search engines are smarter and more flexible. What was guaranteed to bring results five years ago does not work today. What to do?

Leader analysis as a way to promote your own web resource

Want to get into the top ten sites? Explore them! Analysis of competitor sites is the first step in building your successful promotion algorithm. Why is this so?

  • TOP 10 is always at hand. That is, if you want to know the competitors of the site, then this is very simple. We entered your request and immediately received the top ten.
  • Dozens of sites always show their strengths. They need only to be seen.
  • Success on the Internet is a dynamic state. Today the leaders are alone, and tomorrow the others. That is, you can always see something new and very interesting.

Competitive sites are the best source of a wealth of useful information. They will tell you all about their path to success. You just need to learn how to find the information you need, effectively analyze it and draw the right conclusions.

analysis of competitor sites

What is useful for promoting your site can be seen from competitors

All information useful to you on a competitor’s website can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Information that is visible immediately.
  2. Information that is not immediately visible, but can be found using special analysis tools.
  3. Information that you will never know.

What is visible on the site right away

find out site traffic

Immediately striking the convenience of the site for the user. Almost all leading sites are very well thought out in terms of perception psychology. They have a clear and precise structure that allows the user to immediately find what he needs. And most importantly, what the user finds will be useful to him! Nobody likes useless and inconvenient sites - neither search engines, nor people.

In promotion technologies, there is such a thing as a website for people. It is characterized by the following:

  • Good, user-friendly site structure.
  • Easy and simple search for the necessary information.
  • All texts are well readable. They are not overloaded with key phrases that make the text gibberish.
  • All information is interesting to the user. It is concrete and without excess water.
  • Advertising on such a site does not stick out from all sides, but gently supplements the content of the page.
  • The design of the site does not cause irritation, but clearly fits into its content and attracts the user.

If you compare the sites of competitors by these criteria, then you can get for yourself a sufficient number of useful and necessary things. All information for analysis will be located directly on the monitor screen. All you need is patience and the desire to learn as much as possible. The rest for you has already been done by your rivals. Thank them and take the best from them.

By the way, sometimes you can find out site traffic directly on the main page of a competing site. If there is no counter or it does not display the number of visitors, then this and other information hidden from a simple look can be obtained using additional tools.

What can be seen on competitors' websites using special analysis tools

All modern search engines, when ranking websites in the search results, use their own powerful analysis algorithms. They include components inherent in any site. The combination of these components, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics directly or indirectly affects the position in the issue.

When analyzing competitor sites, you are sure to come across a basic list of components that determine the position of your and competing site:

know the competitors of the site

  1. TIC for Yandex and PageRank for Google.
  2. The number of indexed pages on the site.
  3. The number of indexed images on the site.
  4. The number of external links to the site.
  5. The quality of external links. Their relevance.
  6. The number of internal links on the site.
  7. Links from blogs.
  8. The number of outgoing links from the pages of the site.
  9. The number of directories in which the site is present. The quality of these directories.
  10. The uniqueness of the content.
  11. Website traffic.

This is an incomplete list. But it is quite enough to understand the essence of what can be seen by analyzing the competitors' website using special tools.

How to analyze a competitors website using special tools

All the information necessary for analysis about any site can be found using specially designed programs or online services. It is very easy to do. All that is needed is to know the name of the site, its domain name. The domain name is entered in a special line of the service, and that’s it. After a while, you will receive maximum information about the competitor.

competitor sites

For complete confidence, you can use two or three services. Comparing the information received, you will receive complete information about the portal of interest.

Why collect information about competitor sites

If your goal is to promote your own Internet resource in the top ten of search engine results, then by analyzing competitors' sites and finding out their strengths, you can always apply the information received to your own site for comparison. After that, you will already clearly understand what aspects of your project you will need to pay attention to.

competitor site traffic analysis

For example, you can find out the traffic to a competitor’s site. Let’s say it will be in the region of 300-500 people a day. A maximum of 100 people visit your site. So you need to raise the popularity of your own resource. This is how a simple analysis of the competitor’s website traffic can give you the necessary starting point.

Thus, you can compose for yourself a whole list of tasks that will need to be performed to increase the rating of the resource and its promotion.

Useful tips for optimizing your own work

On the Internet, everything is developing very dynamically. Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved. The fact that yesterday brought a guaranteed result, today may already recede into the background or third plan. How not to get confused in this?

  1. Start keeping statistics. Make a table of all available criteria for promotion and constantly supplement and monitor it. You will have a clearly localized starting point for your project. A constant analysis of competitors' websites will ask you the direction of your movement.
  2. Explore all available information about how search engines work. Believe me, your competitors have mastered this topic as well as the developers of search algorithms have allowed.
  3. Experiment. Find new methods and apply them on your own site. You can’t stand still. Only in this way can you succeed.

What you will encounter on the way to promote your site

Comparison of competitors' sites and their analysis sooner or later will lead you to the conclusion that you will not be able to master the whole engine of promotion and promotion of your site alone. You will need helpers - professional SEO-optimizers, good copywriters, content managers and other specialists.

Compare competitor sites

In this case, the growth rate will directly depend on the size of your wallet. That is, the more money you have, the faster you will promote your resource. Believe me, your competitors use this very successfully, investing decent money in their development . So be prepared for this.

Summing up, we can say that the analysis of competing sites can always give a lot of useful information for promoting your own web resource. In principle, at the initial stage of promotion, this may be the only right decision. I looked and did better - this is a very powerful principle. Use it.

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