Psycho-gymnastics is ... Definition, features and exercises

Psycho-gymnastics is a way of transmitting information in which children or adults show themselves and speak without words. This is an effective way to optimize the socially-perceptual area of ​​the personality, as it makes it possible to concentrate on the "body language" and other characteristics of communication, including spatio-temporal.

What is psycho-gymnastics?

Psycho-gymnastics is focused on resolving issues of collective psychocorrection:

  • establishing contact;
  • stress elimination;
  • working out inverse relationships, etc.

In the broad sense, psycho-gymnastics is a course of specialized lessons aimed at the development and correction of different sides of the human psyche, both cognitive and emotional-personal area. It is used both in preschool educational institutions and in schools.

Psycho-gymnastics is a non-verbal method of collective interaction, which involves the presentation of experiences, psychological conditions, problems using non-verbal methods of communication, allows children to express themselves and maintain communication without the help of words. This is a method of reconstructive psychocorrection, the purpose of which is the study and change of personality.

psycho-gymnastics for 5 years


Generally speaking, psycho-gymnastics for kindergarten children makes it possible to solve the following problems:

  • babies gain auto relaxation skills;
  • learn the technique of living movements;
  • develop psychomotor functions;
  • improve sublime feelings and emotions;
  • Correct their own actions with the assistance of role-playing games;
  • get rid of psychological stress;
  • learn to distinguish feelings and manage them.

Unique exercises of psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten are used, as a rule, in cases where pathologies of psychomotor or psychological sphere are revealed in children, if the child suffers from a certain fear, is of a severe nature. In some situations, the technology is used to relieve fecal and urine incontinence.

The technology of psycho-gymnastics is a set of actions that allow the baby to understand that his actions, thoughts and emotions are interconnected, and all difficulties arise not because of certain conditions, but because of a specific attitude to them. A preschooler explores feelings and masters the science of mastering them.


The main advantages of psycho-gymnastics in the garden:

  • play-type exercises (emphasis on the main activities of a preschool child);
  • preservation of the psychological well-being of the child;
  • emphasis on imagination;
  • the ability to apply collective forms of activity.


The goals of psycho-gymnastics for preschoolers:

  • child overcoming obstacles in expressing his thoughts, understanding himself and others;
  • elimination of psychological stress and support of psychological well-being of children;
  • formation of ability for self-expression;
  • the formation of a verbal language of feelings (the naming of emotions leads to emotional awareness by the guys of their "I").
goal of psycho-gymnastics

Emotional development

Tasks for the formation of the psychological sphere:

  • arbitrarily draw the child’s interest in the experienced emotional sensations;
  • distinguish and compare emotional sensations, establish their appearance (good, annoying, anxious, strange, creepy, etc.);
  • freely and imitatively “recreate” or show feelings according to the established example;
  • understand, recognize and distinguish the best emotional states;
  • empathize;
  • correspond with adequate emotions.
psycho-gymnastics for preschoolers


Owing to the development of man, certain motor feelings were fixed to certain feelings and emotions. The motor component is inevitable in every psychological reaction, in every emotional state.

It is possible to determine the characteristic features of the external manifestation of psychological states by facial expressions, pantomimics of the whole body, and vocal facial expressions (expressive properties of speech). In a broader view, physical interactions, accompanying emotions also belong to expressive processes.

Understanding the external manifestation of feelings causes counter sensory excitement and interaction in people and occupies a prominent place in human communication.

psycho-gymnastics for kindergarten children

Facial expressions

Facial expressions used the method of psycho-gymnastics. It testifies to certain emotions and moods of a person. If an individual smiles, it means that he exults; shifted eyebrows and vertical folds on the forehead indicate discontent, rabies. The gaze of a person can tell a lot. He can be direct, open, downward-looking, naive, good-natured, gloomy, interrogative, frightened, lifeless, motionless, wandering. In general, facial expressions can be deliberate, sad, gloomy, disgusting, smug, lethargic. A large number of definitions can be chosen both to laugh and to sob. Mimicry is active, lethargic, poor, rich, unexpressive, tense, serene. In some cases, amimia is traced.

Facial expression plays an important role in communication. Researchers noticed that the feelings reflected on the face are “heard more correctly than a conversation”, for this reason, for the development of mutual affection between the mother and the child, for its full formation, it is necessary for the mother to realize that the baby is “telling” to her, and that , in turn, is obliged to “notice” and feel the psychological response of the mother.

Mentally undeveloped guys (as well as intellectually undeveloped adults) are much worse than people with medium and high intelligence, recognize emotions on the face of another person. How far this kind of difference goes, it all depends on the level of backwardness. Quite often, poverty of facial expressions and indifference of feelings are observed in a child with a developmental delay.


Gestures are divided into expressive, indicating, emphasizing, descriptive. Gesturing can be active, lethargic, poor, rich, serene, quick, proactive, gesturing may be absent.

Even young children understand gesticulation and can use it. When they call the words “big”, “small”, “further”, “I”, etc., and ask to demonstrate what was said with a gesture, they easily cope with this task.

The exception is only those children who are lagging behind in development. For them, and at the age of 6 years, it is difficult, for example, to demonstrate the size of a small mosquito (ants, tiny saccharines, etc.). Children with schizophrenia, in comparison with healthy children with less accuracy, recognize emotionally expressive hand movements.

psycho-gymnastics method


Lachinov wrote that expressive movements sometimes consist of gestures, often from facial expressions, from poses all the time. All negative feelings “shrink” a person’s figure, and all positive feelings “unfold” it. “Blossomed like a flower,” they say about a happy person.

Posture and posture have a huge role in creating the overall appearance of a person:

  • Posture consists of the position of the head and body. The head can be set straight, tilted to the side, pulled into the shoulders, thrown back.
  • Change of poses can be gradual, rapid, slowed down, fast, smooth. The single view is characterized as intense, relaxed, matched, sandwiched, stately, humiliated, dejected, rude, unstable, straightened, stooped, hunched, slender, without sharp features.

Can children in the middle and senior groups freely take the agreed position? In order to find out, we suggest that the child, in the absence of other children, demonstrate how he would look if he was cool or had a stomachache. Under normal development, a significant part of the children shifts their shoulders, shrinks, bends, while the smaller one keeps the body level, that is, such children can not cope with the tasks.

With regular exercises, it is possible to improve pantomime.

Violations of expressive motility deserve keen interest due to the fact that the inability to competently show one’s own emotions, constriction, embarrassment, or mismatch of facial-gestural speech complicate the child’s interaction with peers and elders. Especially in this case, children with neurosis, organic brain diseases and other neuropsychological diseases suffer. Guys with poor expression probably themselves do not fully perceive what they are told in a wordless way by others, and they incorrectly regard their approach to themselves, which, in turn, can be a factor in deepening their asthenic qualities of character and the appearance of secondary neurotic layers.

psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten

Attention development

Below are the exercises that are suitable for children suffering from psychomotor hyperactivity, poor mood, pathological fears, early autism, delayed psychological development and other diseases in which immaturity of attention is manifested. When conducting psychogymnastics according to Chistyakova, you can pay attention to the following games:

  1. The driver gives the child to listen and record in memory what is happening outside the door. Then he asks to state what they heard. Applied psycho-gymnastics for 5 year olds and older.
  2. At the signal of the child leading the interest, it is redirected from the door to the window, from the window to the door. Further, each preschooler is obliged to state what happened.
  3. Kids march to any rhythmic music. Further, the guys should start galloping to the word “rabbits” said by the driver, to the term “horses” - as if to beat “hoof” on the floor, “crayfish” - to retreat, “birds” - to run, arms outstretched to the sides, “stork” - be on one leg.
  4. The host agrees with the child that if he turns on the low sound, he is obliged to take the pose of “weeping willow”, if the high sound is the pose of “poplar”. Then they start the game - the guys go in a circle. A low sound sounds - children take the pose of a "weeping willow." On the sound, taken in the uppercase, stand in the pose of "poplar".
  5. The players are in a circle. If the driver claps his palm once, the guys should pause and take a stork pose. If the driver slams 2 times, the players take a frog pose. At 3 claps, the players begin walking.

false mirror

You can use this exercise of psycho-gymnastics: an adult encourages children to show themselves in the morning in the bathroom, where a curved mirror hangs - it repeats all the movements in the opposite. In that case, if the player raises his hand, the mirror, in turn, lowers it, etc. It is allowed to fight in pairs, changing roles, or as a whole team, performing figures-shifters, each inventing his own movement.

psycho gymnastics exercises

Enter the circle

The task is to help the baby check himself, overcome shyness, enter the team. A child who feels difficulties in communication is taken aside. The other guys stand in a circle, holding hands firmly. A shy kid must scatter, break a circle and get into it.


The task of the described exercise: to train the child to condole and provide assistance. The adult explains that all people are different and certain of them need the support of caring people. One kid shows a blind man, puts his hand on the shoulder of a guide friend and closes his eyes. The "Explorer" at a leisurely pace makes a variety of movements, moves around the room, overcoming obstacles. A kid with his eyes closed must follow him. Then the guys switch places.

Show tenderness

The challenge is to satisfy the child’s need for emotional warmth and intimacy. The host brings soft toys (one or two) to the room, for example, a doll, a dog, a bear, a hare, a cat, etc. The children walk around the room. At the signal, they are divided into groups and go to the toy that they would like to console. The first baby takes the toy, wraps it in her arms and tells her something soft and pleasant. He then gives the toy to his friend. He, in turn, is also obliged to hug a toy animal and say gentle phrases. The game can be repeated several times.

Who is talking

Objective: to form in children the ability to identify themselves with someone or something, to teach the child to empathize. In the process of the game, the guys take on various roles and describe their own condition, the causes of actions, the system of relationships with reality. The first baby begins: “I am not Igor, I am a pen. I would have liked it if I hadn’t been monotonous, but painted in a fun pattern. “I would like not to be held in a pencil case, but laid on the table.” The following kid continues: “I am not Artem, I am a ball. I am made of rubber and well inflated. The guys have fun if they throw me to each other! ”The adult gives the names of the following objects:

  • cloak;
  • minibus;
  • soap, etc.

The guys also offer their own options.


Everyone knows, but not everyone understands how important emotional dynamism is for the development of physiological and psychological health of a person, how important it is to teach a child to lead an active lifestyle. The question of physiological and psychological well-being is very relevant. According to the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health, the number of children with various pathologies has doubled in recent years. But a good physiological and psychological state of health of children is the basis of personality development.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that through the experience of emotional states in a child the main main competencies are created:

  • Socio-communicative: socio-psychological management of communication processes in a communicative situation.
  • Scientific and technical: the ability to work according to an algorithm, plan.

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