Operational and service activities of bodies: types, foundations and principles

Any state, one way or another, has an established administrative apparatus within the framework of the prescribed legislation, through which administrative activities are carried out, which are distributed geographically to all levels of its functioning. Accordingly, the government of each state has a number of ministries and services subordinate to it, which make it possible to promptly and efficiently respond to all kinds of processes taking place within the country, as well as implement all necessary measures to ensure the normal functioning of the society living in it. One of the most important tasks of this level is the implementation of the operational activities of law enforcement agencies and relevant state structures. What is it and what significance does it have in the life of modern society?

The concept of operational activities

Today's life is full of all kinds of risks and dangers. Unfortunately, modern society after many years of evolution has not learned how to live in complete union and harmony. Someone commits a crime on a daily, hourly, minutely, and secondly basis. Moreover, atrocities are committed of a different nature: from petty documentary fraud to a grandiose scam to rob one of the largest banking systems, from a harmless yard skirmish to intentional murder, from verbal slander to violence with brutal torture and bullying. Scary, but true.

Be that as it may, society needs reliable protection of its rights, labor protection and its own vital functions. It is this kind of need that makes the functioning of authorized defense and law enforcement bodies mandatory among citizens who are protected by the operational and official activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, as an integral element of the structure of the state administration apparatus, completely and completely directs all its actions to the maintenance of law and order in society and the protection of the rights of the people.

What is the concrete essence of the operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies (ATS)? This is a set of measures and actions at various levels of the hierarchy of executive bodies and special services, which are based on operational (detective) activity, accompanied by the work of related types of public service functioning, namely the analytical apparatus, information, personnel, managerial and other departments of state regulation of law enforcement. Simply put, the operational and service activities of the ATS is the main tool in a large-scale mechanism that performs the function of state protection of society.

Organized Crime Work


Thanks to the creation of a unified system of law enforcement, the authorities regulate procedural relations between citizens and control the level of existing crime, carrying out both preventive and punitive measures. The fundamentally important features of operational and service activities are the set of specific functions that are performed by the relevant authorities at each level of the centralized hierarchical system. The entire functional apparatus of the law enforcement regulation system is reduced to several basic ones, namely:

  • implementation of constitutional control and supervision - it is supposed to verify compliance with the legislative framework in the form of acts and norms of the constitution of the state, that is, the emphasis is specifically on compliance with the statutory rules for the implementation of economic and procedural activities;
  • justice - this refers to the functioning of justice as a system of judicial institutions with the issuance and enforcement of specific judicial decisions within the framework of existing penalties for specific crimes;
  • conducting prosecutorial supervision - it is characterized by non-departmental monitoring of the implementation of the norms of the law in the state and the subsequent adoption of appropriate measures for those who were reckless to violate these norms of the law;
  • activities for the investigation of offenses - carried out as part of the monitoring of compliance by individual units and entities of different areas of the functioning of the laws prescribed by law with regard to their work, livelihoods, rights and obligations;
  • ensuring the proper level of security - is expressed in a set of organizational measures that are aimed at preventing, localizing and eliminating threats to the existence and development of the life of an individual as a unit of society, society itself and the state as a whole, which is a regular task and the main condition for the well-being of social unity; To achieve the proper level of security, the state helps to implement policies to create and maintain the necessary level of security for all objects of supervision;
  • enforcement of court decisions - this refers to the implementation by the prison service of the enforcement of sentences regarding judicial decisions made in a particular case by a specialist judge; in other words, this penal system implements measures to imprison for acts committed by criminals;
  • conducting operational-search activities - manifests itself in the organization of operational groups of qualified specialists, employees of the operational department of law enforcement agencies, who undertake to conduct detective work and search activities regarding criminal activity;
  • observance of the protection of public order - is carried out through the introduction of patrol, administrative, road, tax inspections at regional, city, district and local sections to monitor public compliance with legislative norms;
  • legal assistance - implies that every citizen of the company has the right to legal protection in court or to consult a lawyer regarding property, possession, attempt, offenses committed against a citizen or committed by a citizen, that is, everyone has the right to rely on legal assistance;
  • crime prevention - acts as the work of the relevant authorities aimed at preventing a complex of social phenomena, the joint action of which provokes the emergence of criminal activity.
Law Enforcement Officers


Speaking about the principles of operational and service activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the main body for the control and supervision of the rule of law and the protection of legal relations in society, we can conditionally divide them into two groups - general and private. General principles, as fundamental, starting points arising from the laws of social development, imply a model of behavior of the relevant authorities over all areas of their work. And private principles have a specific orientation in the operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies, that is, their essence implies a narrower range of functioning. On the whole, these two groups predetermine the beginning and the fundamental principle of the work of controlling and managing bodies, and also carry ideas and rules in accordance with which their practical performance is carried out.

So, the general principles of the activities of the operational-service system of the state include the following:

  • respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen - implies compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and international law, based on strict adherence to all law enforcement officials to the rights and freedoms of any representative of society;
  • legality - the basis of any action by a representative of the rule of law is the law and its steady adherence;
  • impartiality - despite all kinds of personal beliefs, principles, family ties, sympathy and other moments that may interfere with the objective performance of official duties, law enforcement officials should in no way have a biased attitude or, conversely, disposition towards a particular subject of the offense;
  • openness and publicity - the law enshrines the obligation to provide information to the media by law enforcement agencies within a certain level of openness (classified information for the purpose of investigation, of course, does not apply here);
  • public trust and support of citizens - the police, the judiciary, legal structures and other bodies of law and order and the regulation of public relations should work for society, in every way demonstrating their service to the people and proving their commitment;
  • interaction and cooperation - involves the coordination of all the forces and means used to detain criminals, eliminate illegal armed groups in the interests of the investigation and successfully fulfill the mission assigned to the authorities for execution.

The list of general principles in the work of ordinary and special services serves as the foundation for the quality work of bodies for the result.

At the same time, the particular principles of the fundamentals of operational and service activities, operating in specific areas, are represented by the following:

  • conspiracy - a system of thoughtful actions and techniques designed specifically for the implementation of operational investigative activities, involves mandatory confidentiality of tactics and strategic steps in moving towards the disclosure of a specific case;
  • the combination of vowels and unspoken methods and methods of work - a combination of divulged and undisclosed information in order to verify and double-check the data obtained during the investigation contributes to a more thorough detective work and more reliable results;
  • secrecy - in a certain framework of the operational-detective activity there is information data and people (security officials, dummies, “baits” and other employees) introduced into criminal structures and groups in order to identify the necessary information and subsequent neutralization of the criminal gang formation;
  • misinformation is an effective operational method for the dissemination of false information by law enforcement officials in order to mislead criminal organizations and their representatives, which prompts them to reckless actions that contribute to their further exposure.

Thus, on the basis of existing principles, both general and private, the work of the state’s most important law enforcement institution is carried out. They are the basis for all the operational activities of service units, individual districts and the entire centralized structure of the service as a whole.


Any division of the administrative apparatus is divided into separate structural branches in specific areas. The same thing happens with operational activities: the kinds of all kinds of work carried out by bodies of government and law and order at various levels of functioning are multifaceted in their industry classification. It is conditionally possible to distinguish this sphere into several blocks, including specific measures to protect human rights and freedoms, as well as to combat offenses of various forms of influence. In view of this, the types of operational activities are distributed within a specific working apparatus.

  • The operational-search work is a powerful unit functioning in counteraction with the criminal world and gangs existing on the territory of the state. Includes such varieties of operational and official activities as interviewing witnesses, inquiry, interviewing eyewitnesses, searching for samples for comparative analysis, test purchase, examination of objects and documents involved in the case, observation, personality research, search of real estate and real estate, monitoring communications and notifications in social networks, wiretapping of telephone conversations, operational implementation, operational experiment and others.
  • Forensics and forensic examination - provides a set of measures to work with the crime scene and the bodies of the victims (deceased). It manifests itself in the examination of material evidence, their analysis, laboratory examination, autopsy, identifying the exact time and causes of death of the murdered (deceased).
  • The prosecutor's office is a capacious system, the main functionality of which is the collection of evidence in a criminal case against a suspect who has committed a crime. This includes such areas of operational activities as detecting violations of the law, identifying perpetrators, taking appropriate measures regarding them, preparing competent legal grounds for administering justice.
  • The judicial system - includes the organization of the processes after the investigating committee carried out all types of work assigned to them, as well as after the prosecutor’s office has charged the suspect with a specific crime. The judicial system, as a type of operational and official activity of law enforcement bodies and the completion of the law, performs its functions through court hearings, the adoption of information from the parties - the prosecutor's office and the legal profession, scheduled hearings, discussions of the jury verdict, direct sentencing.
Law and crime


To ensure the normal functioning of any society, the government must provide for the formation of appropriate bodies that could become guardians of the rule of law and the protection of human rights and protect it as much as possible from various types of offenses. In this vein, a subdivision of operational activities in the areas is provided. There are three main branches in the direction of the apparatus of human rights bodies that work for the benefit of society: the police, justice, and the investigative department.

The police is one of the organs of operational and service activities, which provides an administrative and methodological approach to fixing offenses and documenting deviations from the law. The administrative unit of law enforcement bodies includes such main bodies as:

  • road patrol service;
  • patrol service;
  • state automobile inspection;
  • precinct police facilities;
  • customs police;
  • border police.
Patrol Service

Justice is a sector of operational activity, the result of which is the legal protection of the injured party and the corresponding punishment by the criminal party. The confrontation of law enforcers with criminal gangs has a mandatory legal background, the representative bodies of which are:

  • law offices (advocacy);
  • prosecution office - prosecutor's office;
  • bailiffs;
  • sentencing service.

The investigative department is a direction in the organization of operational and service activities, which includes a system of evidence, detective work, actions aimed at finding and identifying the circumstances of a particular case. Its purpose is the administration of justice, as well as the protection of the rights of the innocent and the punishment of those responsible. The bodies of this block include:

  • investigative committee;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Ministry of the Interior
  • departments and units of special services.
Special Forces of the Russian Federation


As already mentioned, one of the principles by which the authorities and the rule of law are guided by the results of operational activities for a certain period of time is the openness and publicity of information. That is, all the work that is carried out in the framework of the public service by specific bodies takes place in the list of statistical data posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This information about the results of operational and service activities shows the trend of an increase or decline in crime in a particular region of the state, in a particular territorial area. The level of disclosed crimes is recorded in a quantitative and percentage ratio, and the terms that are taken as the basis of the analysis. , - , :

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If we talk about private regulatory documents that guide various units of law enforcement agencies at the local level of subordination in their activities, they include a wider range of all kinds of administrative documents.

  • Acts governing operational service activities - contain a list of information of a private nature, applicable more to the territorial districts of a particular area. These may be, first of all, presidential decrees regulating the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regulations on departments of the Ministry of the Interior in a particular area, acts on social guarantees to law enforcement bodies.
  • Orders of operational activities - this includes all sorts of orders developed by the government, contributing to the functional implementation of the tasks assigned to law enforcement agencies. For example, they include: an order on the approval of a code of ethics for representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an order on the organization of scientific support and the application of experience in the training of qualified personnel, an order on the organization of information and analytical work and planning of the OSD of the internal affairs bodies, an order on additional measures to improve the activities of detachments special police, an order on moral and psychological support, and others.

Psychological support

The moral and psychological support of operational activities occupies a special place in the list of documents regulating the activities of relevant employees in law enforcement departments. Based on the fact that one of the most important areas in the functional significance of the internal affairs bodies is contact with representatives of society - with the people - all kinds of changes, reforms and decisions will not take effect without due attention to the training of personnel, their re-profiling and modernization, due to realities present time and changes in society. Psychological support of operational and service activities provides for the formation, maintenance and restoration of emotional and mental stability of the personal working composition of police officers, which determines the quality work for the implementation of operational and service tasks. It predetermines the dynamics of the reproduction of moral and moral character traits and those personality traits of employees of the internal apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which express their real attitude to what is happening, and also increase the degree of official activity, the level of training and the ability to get out of the most unpredictable situations that can occur on a task. The moral and psychological support of operational and service activities involves the arrangement of factors favorable to the work of units, namely:

  • willingness to work in the bodies for the result;
  • resistance to the influence of traumatic factors;
  • emotionally stable climate in the staff;
  • educational work;
  • formation of professional qualities;
  • creating conditions in society for the effective implementation of operational activities;
  • social work on education and cultural knowledge;
  • disciplinary work.

Before proceeding with the assignment, each law enforcement and law enforcement officer should be mentally and psychologically prepared for what he is doing.

Law and court

Modeling situations of operational activities

In order to carry out their work efficiently, to be result-oriented, to understand what their situations and outcomes of operations can expect, police officers and special services operatives undergo special profile training, during which modeling of possible situational options for official activities takes place. It is noteworthy that building a model in the work of operatives is a crucial moment in the system of displaying the reality of possible factors that may develop during the investigation. Thanks to a re-enactment of the alleged development of events on a special operational task, the essential features of the potential criminal’s behavior model are reproduced, which in the process of training not only provides new knowledge about the threatening object, but also allows the formation of practical skills in a real operational environment. Therefore, it is impossible not to note the importance and significance of such a component in the preparatory base of operative officers as a dramatization of the behavioral model of a criminal or circumstances related to a criminal case.

Weapon tactics

Another major aspect of the implementation of labor activities by law enforcement agencies is the tactics of using weapons in operational activities. This is the so-called complex of measures, measures and methods for the optimal and most effective use of combat techniques, as well as the properties of firearms, used in the event of eliminating a threatening person or society.

Combat exercises

An important fact is that such a system operates exclusively in accordance with the law and the established procedure for its application in the current circumstances. This tactic is developed on the basis of legislation and taking into account all the possible features of a situational nature. So, it is possible to use the tactics of using firearms in cases:

  • attacks on citizens;
  • danger to the life or health of citizens that arose as a result of human intervention;
  • assault on an object seized by terrorists;
  • hostage release;
  • repel an attack on a police officer with the aim of acquiring his weapon;
  • repel an attack on housing or government facilities;
  • repel an attack on a police convoy.

Accordingly, if a police officer did not use the weapon for the intended purpose, or if the situation did not provide for interference with actions involving its use, he is also criminally responsible and his case will be examined with a thorough study of all the circumstances that led to the incident.

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