Oil classification

Oil is used to lubricate the engine in a car. It can be of different types. The choice of one type or another directly depends on the engine and all the conditions in which the vehicle is operated.

Today automobile oils are divided on three grounds: by type, by viscosity, by purpose and quality.

1. Type. In this case, mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils are distinguished . The mineral form is obtained by mixing distillate base and residual oils. It has a low cost and is suitable for most motors. The synthetic type is more expensive, but at the same time it has high performance. This oil can be used in all climatic conditions and during any season. A semi-synthetic type is obtained by mixing the two previous ones, so it has better performance than the mineral version, as well as a lower price than the synthetic one. This oil can be used for all types of engines.

2. Viscosity. This is the most important indicator. It is based on the classification of oils SAE J-300, it has five summer and six more winter options. The latter are reflected by the letter β€œw” (25w, 20w, 15w, 10w, 5w, 0w). The lower the first digit, the lower the viscosity of the oil at sub-zero temperatures and the easier the cold start of the engine. For example, if the viscosity is 0w, then the pump will be able to pump oil at a temperature of 35 Β° C below zero, and the starter will be able to spin the engine at a temperature of - 30 Β° C. In this case, the viscosity index is 3.8 mm2 / s. If the viscosity according to SAE is 25W, then pumpability is possible at - 10 Β° C, and turnability is possible at - 5 Β° C (kinematic viscosity is 9.3 mm2 / s). Summer oils are indicated by the numbers 60, then 50, 40, 30 and 20. There are all-season products with a double designation: the first is winter, the second is summer class (SAE 10W-30, for example).

3. The classification of oils by purpose divides them into those that are used for gasoline engines and those that are used for diesel engines. There are also universal products. In quality, they all have either a low or a high level. According to their purpose, motor oils are classified according to several systems: American and European, which determine the area of ​​their use. The European system is considered more stringent. Depending on the properties of motor oils (antiwear, antioxidant, anticorrosive, detergent and others), their belonging to a certain class is also established.

The American API system divides oils into the following categories: β€œS” for gasoline engines and β€œC” for diesel engines.

The classification of oils according to this system is as follows:

- for gasoline engines - SM (2004), SL (2001) and also SJ (1996), SH (1993), SG (1989);

- for diesel engines - CI-4 (2002), CH-4 (1998), also CG-4 (1995), CF (1994) and, of course, CF-2 (1994), CE (1987), CD-II ( 1987).

The letters after S and C indicate product quality. It is better if the letter is further down the alphabet. Today, oils labeled β€œB” and β€œA” are not produced, as they have low performance.

The European system describes in more detail the properties and the area where engine oils are used . The ACEA classification has exactly three categories: it is β€œA” for gasoline, as well as β€œB” and β€œE” for diesel engines. Since 2004, class β€œC” has appeared, the oils of which are suitable for both types.

The classification of oils according to the European system is as follows:

- for gasoline engines (cars and vans) - A5-2002, A4-98, A3-96, and also A2-96, A1-96;

- for diesel (cars and vans) - B5-2002, B4-98, B3-96, B2-96 and, finally, B1-96;

- for engines of trucks and road trains - E5-99, E4-99, E4-98, E3-96, E2-96, as well as E1-96.

The larger the number in the marking, the higher quality (automotive) oil. The year indicated by the hyphen is the year of approval of the specification.

Each motorist can choose the engine oil that he considers necessary. However, in his preference, he, one way or another, will rely on the above classification.

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