How to easily make a cake with cookies and banana without baking?

When you really want sweets, but don’t have time to prepare, and you don’t want to eat purchased desserts, cakes without baking always come to the rescue: cottage cheese, bananas, condensed milk, cookies, various fruits and gelatin masses - all this can be turned into an amazing dessert for just A couple of minutes. The only minus is that it will take at least six hours to wait for the tasting, which not every sweet tooth can do, because it is already clear that the cake promises to be incredibly tasty, but high-calorie.

Based on condensed milk cream

Cake without baking from cookies and bananas can be prepared on the basis of curd cream with condensed milk. Such an unusual combination gives the dessert not only an interesting taste, but also a stable shape, so the cake perfectly transfers transportation.

Cake without baking with banana, cookies, cottage cheese

To prepare 6-8 servings, the following proportions of products will be required:

  • 500 grams of simple cookies square or rectangular;
  • 300 grams of low fat cottage cheese;
  • five bananas;
  • 1/2 cans of condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • chocolate chips, fresh berries, coconut, walnuts - any ingredient of your choice for decorating a cake without baking cookies and bananas, based on taste preferences.


To begin with, you should prepare a cream: turn the cottage cheese with a blender into a uniform mass. Combine the oil softened at room temperature with condensed milk, grind thoroughly, and then mix with the curd mass. Then spread the cookies on a wide tray in one even layer, lay on top of it a portion of the cream with a thickness of at least 1 cm.

Cake with cookies and banana without baking

Cut the bananas into circles, which should be distributed on top of the cream, you can slightly push it into it. Next, place the second layer of cookies, cream and bananas. Continue in this mode until 5-6 cookies remain, which should be crushed into small crumbs. Coat the top and sides of the cake with cookies and banana (without baking) with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with finished crumbs.

Final touch

The resulting dessert should be placed in a cool place for six to eight hours, so it is very convenient to make a cake in the evening, and in the morning for breakfast to get an amazing treat. A few minutes before serving, the cake with cookies, cottage cheese and a banana without baking should be embellished: it can be chocolate chips, chopped into large flakes, or fresh whole berries of raspberries or strawberries. You can also simply sprinkle the top with chopped walnuts or coconut.

Sour cream cake

A faster option, as well as less high-calorie one, would be a cake without baking cookies with bananas based on sour cream. Small cookies of the “Zoological” or “Fish” type are taken as the basis, although you can also use the usual “Tea” or from baked milk, breaking it into pieces of the required size (no more than 2 x 3 cm).

Biscuit cake without baking

Essential Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of fresh sour cream or cream;
  • 300-350 grams of cookies;
  • 2-3 bananas;
  • 160 grams of sugar;
  • some vanilla for flavor;
  • 1 tbsp. l gelatin (it is better to take instant) + 100 grams of water to soak it.

How to cook?

Before preparing a cake with cookies and a banana without baking, it is necessary to soak the gelatin in cold water for 5-10 minutes, and then heat it in a water bath until dissolved, but not boil, otherwise it will lose its properties. Beat sour cream with sugar and flavor in a lush cream.

Prepare a cake mold: this can be a large and wide bowl that needs to be lined with cling film from the inside, which will allow you to easily remove it from the mold. Pour cookies mixed with bananas into slices.

Cake without baking, recipe

Next, pour the gelatin mass into the finished sour cream, be sure to vigorously stir with a spoon so that the gelatin is evenly distributed over the cream, and not solidified by lumps. Then pour the biscuit with the resulting sweet mass, mix if necessary, so that all the pieces are liberally greased with cream, and place the cake form in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, carefully turn the finished dessert onto a serving dish, freeing it from the film. If desired, you can decorate with chocolate icing or curls of whipped cream, decorated with cocktail cherries or pieces of marmalade.

For those who don’t like cookie pieces in desserts

A cake with cookies and a banana without baking can be prepared in a completely different way:

  1. Grind one hundred grams of cookies into small crumbs and mix with 80 grams of butter and the same amount of coconut. Tamp the resulting viscous mass at the bottom of the split baking dish, forming a cake cake. You should also make small sides. Submit the form with the base in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  2. To prepare the cream: mix in a bowl with thick walls 150 grams of milk, 75 grams of corn starch and three yolks. Beat with a fork or whisk until smooth. Then add the same amount of milk, 70 grams of sugar and 150 grams of cream. Stir well again and put on medium heat. Constantly stirring, bring the mass to a thickening (do not boil!) And cool a little. Then wipe through a sieve to remove small lumps.
  3. Three bananas cut into 1-2 cm thick circles and lay them on the bottom of the cookie cake. Pour the cooled cream on top, leveling the surface with a spoon. Allow to cool in a cool place.
  4. 150 grams of cream and 2 tbsp. l powdered sugar + a pinch of vanilla - whip it all into a stable foam, turning it into a fragrant cream. Using a pastry bag, make beautiful curls on top of the cake, covering them with the bottom layer of cream.
    Cake without baking, cottage cheese, banana

Return the finished dessert to the cold for another two to three hours, and then it can be served by carefully removing the detachable board and slicing the cake into portions with a sharp knife.

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