Saint Photinius: Icon, Prayer, Angel Day

The history of the Orthodox religion knows many examples of people who have suffered severe hardships and torments for the sake of spirituality and the affirmation of faith. One of these is Photinia - a saint who preached Christianity at the dawn of his path, during the time of severe persecution. The famous ascetic has repeatedly shown the miracles of prayer and converted thousands of people to faith. Believers are still turning to her image with requests for help and healing from serious illnesses.

saint fotinia

The Parable of Living Water

In the Gospel of John there is a chapter that tells about the meeting of Christ with the Samaritan woman. In those days, the Jews and Samaritans (immigrants from Mesopotamia) lived in cold hostility. In preaching the gospel, Jesus traveled through the Samaritan lands. Stopping near the city of Sychar, he wanted to drink water from the well of Jacob. Just at that moment a young woman came up. It was Photinia (angel day - April 2, according to the new style). Christ asked her for help, which surprised the woman very much, because he was a Jew. Jesus answered her that if she knew who she was talking to, she herself would ask Him for living water, which would become a source of eternal life. Christ spoke of the Christian faith. He also told the details of her life, pointed out her sins, and Photinia immediately recognized Him as a prophet. She returned to the city of Samaria and told everyone about the coming of the Savior, after which many Samaritans believed in the Messiah and converted to the Christian faith.


Emperor Nero

After this momentous meeting, Photinia (Svetlana) went to Carthage (North Africa) to preach Christianity there. Despite the persecution of the pagans, she did it openly, fearlessly and selflessly. When the apostles Paul and Peter were killed, Jesus appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to go to Rome, to the emperor Nero, to continue the spiritual path of the predecessors. Together with her five sisters, the ascetic set about fulfilling the mission. At that time in Rome there was severe persecution of Christians. Arriving at the palace, Photinia and her sisters were captured by the Gentiles. Nero ordered the women to be cut off. But no matter how hard the guards tried, they could not do this, they themselves fell to the ground, writhing in pain. And the wounds that they managed to inflict on them immediately disappeared.

fotinia angel day

The Temptation of Photinia

Then the cunning and arrogant Nero, not wanting to believe in Christ, decided to tempt Photinius and her companions. He put her in the palace, regaled her with delicious, delicious dishes, surrounded by a hundred slaves for service. There was also the daughter of the emperor - Domina. Forty days later he visited Photinia and was very surprised when he found out that all the slaves surrounding her, including his daughter, had converted to Christianity.

Enraged, Nero ordered the skin to be removed from Photinia and then thrown into the withered well. The same fate befell the sisters of the martyr. A few days later Photinius got out of the well, she was still alive and did not abandon her faith. Then she was locked up in prison for another 20 days. And again, Nero called her to his palace, but even then he did not get her to bow down and accept paganism. Photinia only laughed and spat in his face. Then she was again thrown into the well.

So the martyr Photinius ended her earthly life. The saint before death did not renounce Christ, striking the Gentiles with miracles of prayer. She was ranked among the holy great martyrs, who still patronize the needy and doubting their faith.

fotinia svetlana


The gospel story of the meeting of the Savior and Photinia was repeatedly reflected in the visual arts. Examples are the fresco in the church house of Dura Europos, made around the 3rd century (only the Samaritan woman has survived to this day), and a mosaic in the Ravenna church of Sant'Apollinar Nuovo (about the 6th century).

The memory of St. Svetlana lives in icon painting. The most ancient icons depicting a martyr date back to the 19th century. It is believed that her images help people strengthen their spirit, overcome the temptations of sin, and gain the firmness of faith that Photinius once brought to the Samaritans. Her icon protects not only women named Svetlana, but also all those who suffer.

Saint Svetlana protects mental and physical health. Her image in the house is the key to a strong family, well-being and understanding between generations, protection from evil intentions and deeds.

Christian tradition claims that when meeting with the Savior Photinius, the saint received power over the water element. Therefore, she managed to survive when Roman pagans threw her into the well, and heal people with fever. Saint Svetlana helps people with a similar ailment.

saint fotini's day


Photinia had two sons - Josius (Joseph) and Victor. The former assisted the mother in preaching the gospel; the latter was the Roman military commander. They also had in their lives the hardships and temptations of faith. However, the mother's wise instruction and prayer helped them overcome all this. Today, turning with sincere faith to the image of the Great Martyr, many mothers find solace and resolution of problems with children. Saint Photinia (prayer to her inspires believers, gives confidence in their own abilities) teaches not to be afraid of difficulties. Therefore, you can turn to her with prayer not only in the days of remembrance, but also every day:

"The prayers of God for me, holy saint of God, the great martyr Photinius, as if I am assiduously resorting to you, an ambulance and a prayer house for my soul.

Miracles of healing

Cases are known when accessing the image of Photinia helped to heal from serious diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, and to defeat fever. Today, her image reminds believers that one must do good and believe with all oneโ€™s soul, contrary to all trials.

When the Roman executioners tortured the martyr, she, thanks to the power of prayer, remained unharmed, her wounds healed quickly and without a trace. With her life Photinia the saint proved that miracles are possible when you believe in them and by the power of faith you do them yourself.

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Holy places

The biblical story of the meeting of Christ and the Samaritan Photini has real geographical confirmation. In Israel, one of the most beautiful and picturesque places that attract thousands of pilgrims is the Well of Jacob (Jacob). Next to it is an ancient temple, which was three times destroyed and rebuilt again. The well itself reaches 40 meters in depth. Water from it is considered healing.

The relics of Photinia Samaryanka are stored on the island of Crete, in the village of Fodele, in the convent of the Great Martyr. Flows of pilgrims flow here every year to strengthen their faith and ask for help in resolving spiritual problems.

On the territory of the CIS there are many churches of St. Photinius, where her Christian feat is revered and miraculous images are found. One of these is the Church of the Great Martyr in Dnepropetrovsk.

Photinia Palestine

In Christian sources, there is a story about another ascetic of faith named Photinius (angel's day - February 26, according to a new style). She was from Caesarea, and therefore received the Palestinian prefix. During the storm, the ship on which she sailed with other passengers was wrecked. Clinging to the board, Photinia alone escaped and sailed to the island, where blessed Martinian was in prayer and fasting. He converted the woman to the Christian faith, and he left the island. Three times a year a ship stayed on the island and brought food. Photinia Palestinian remained living on a rock and continued the asceticism of Martinian. For six years she was in fasting and prayer, and after she died and was buried in her native Caesarea.

Saint Photinia (her life belongs to the 5th century) helps people to gain faith, improve mental and physical health, and also patronizes sailors.

Photinia Cyprus

There is another legend about Photinius of Cyprus. Her life dates back to about the 15th century. She was born in Karpasia (eastern Cyprus) into a pious family. In her youth, she decided to become the bride of Christ and left her father's house. Photinia settled in a cave, indulging in fasting and prayers. Soon the virgin was filled with the grace of God and began to work miracles of healing. News of this spread throughout the island and beyond. Many Christians turned to her for advice and to maintain spiritual strength.

Today the cave in which the holy Photinius once labored is a place of pilgrimage. There is a throne and a deep source in it, a liturgy is read. Each new moon in the source rises water with a thin film of sand. It is believed that water gives healing from many diseases, and the eyes of the blind are smeared with sand for insight. The cave is located near the Cypriot village of Agios Andronicos. And the relics of the ascetic herself are placed in the church of St. Andrew. Saint Memorial Day falls on August 2 (according to the new style).

holy photographia prayer

Thus, there are three days in a year when all Svetlana celebrate name day. But this is not an ordinary holiday, but a day of remembrance of the patron saint, deep in the spiritual sense. Here, the matter is not limited to a feast and gifts. According to Christian tradition, on the day of St. Photinia-Svetlana go to church, confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries. They also turn with a prayer of thanks to the Lord and patroness.

Saint Photinia (Samaryan) is also remembered in the fifth week of Easter. At this time, the liturgy is being read, thanks and prayers for the martyrdom in the name of the Christian faith are given.

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