Bran for constipation: the recipe for cooking, the types of bran, the rules for admission, contraindications, benefits and harm

Occasionally, constipation occurs in every person. After all, the work of the intestine depends on the characteristics of nutrition and the presence of substances that stimulate its peristalsis. If the diet lacks fiber and dietary fiber, the intestines will work worse. In this case, it is recommended to use bran, which is a source of dietary fiber, for constipation. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and therefore can be used to normalize its work.

What is bran

For a long time bran was considered a waste of flour milling. After all, this is the shell of the grain and what remains of it after grinding into flour. Bran was thrown out, although even in antiquity, many scientists talked about their beneficial properties. But only in the last century they were no longer used for food, as a result of which dietary fiber began to be in short supply. Studies by scientists have proven that bran has beneficial properties. Therefore, recently they have been recommended for some pathologies of the digestive tract.

Scientists have discovered that bran helps with constipation and normalizes digestion due to its rich composition. They contain a shell of grain, which is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Bran contains a large amount of vitamin A, B, zinc, potassium, selenium, chromium, copper, magnesium. They also have protein and dietary fiber.

wheat bran

What effect do bran have

Most often, bran is used for constipation, as well as for weight loss. But this product has many useful properties that allow it to be used for a variety of pathologies, as well as for general recovery. With proper use, bran has the following effect:

  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • remove metabolic products, accelerate the breakdown of fats;
  • contribute to lowering cholesterol;
  • normalize blood glucose levels;
  • improve intestinal microflora;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve overall health.
    what effect do

Types of bran

On sale now you can find various bran packaged in bags. There are also granular or compressed into balls. Sometimes they are made with various flavors and flavors. For the treatment of constipation, it is best to use loose bran. They can be finely ground or large.

Any doctor, when answering the question, which bran is better for constipation, will answer that wheat or oat. They have the mildest action, do not irritate the mucous membrane. They can be used even for various gastrointestinal pathologies during remission. In the absence of diseases, if constipation is caused by errors in nutrition or a sedentary lifestyle, you can eat rye bran. They are coarser, so they cleanse the intestines well. You can also try buckwheat, rice or corn, but they are more difficult to find on sale.

The benefits of bran for constipation

This is a food product that is almost not digested. Bran is a source of dietary fiber. They absorb water, swelling and filling the intestines. At the same time, they freely pass along the entire digestive tract, irritate its walls, stimulating peristalsis. Along the way, they bind and remove all toxins and toxins. The increase in the size of bran contributes to the fact that they for a long time allow you to maintain a feeling of satiety, which is useful when dieting for weight loss.

Bran can establish timely bowel movement without additional use of drugs. They improve digestion, remove toxins, stimulate peristalsis and prevent stagnation of stool. The inclusion of this product in the diet will help restore normal bowel movements with malnutrition, lazy intestines, and the presence of excess weight.

what are bran

Contraindications to their use

Not always with constipation, you can help yourself with the help of bran. If the intestines are disturbed due to diseases of the digestive tract, medications must be taken. In this case, bran can be used for treatment only after consulting a doctor. Indeed, with many pathologies, coarse fiber can not be used, since it can worsen the condition and increase inflammation. Contraindications for the use of bran include the following cases:

  • gastritis, gastroduodenitis or peptic ulcer in the acute stage;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • adhesions in the digestive tract;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • individual intolerance to cereal products;
  • early childhood;
  • with caution you need to use them during pregnancy.
    oat bran

Which bran is more beneficial for constipation

To normalize the intestines, you can use any kind of bran. But the most useful and therefore common are wheat, oat and rye.

  • Wheat bran for constipation is most often used. This is the most common and affordable product. These bran cleanse the intestines, stimulating its work. They absorb water well, so at least 2 liters of liquid should be drunk during treatment.
  • Oat bran is also a very popular source of fiber. Constipation is fast when used properly. They use oat bran with water, kefir, yogurt. You can use them twice a day.
  • Rye bran contains a lot of coarse dietary fiber. They also have antioxidants. Rye bran is used for constipation, which is not associated with an exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies, most often when they are caused by malnutrition or a sedentary lifestyle. They are added to food, soaked in water or mixed with kefir. You can take rye bran no more than 30 g per day.
    how to use bran

Other types of bran

Many are interested in what bran is used for constipation? In principle, you can use any: buckwheat, rice, corn and others. All of them contain dietary fiber, so they work well for the intestines. You can also use different types of bran 20-30 grams per day. They are soaked with water, milk or dairy products.

Any bran can be consumed if a person has only problems with bowel movement. If there are other pathologies, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, for example, rye bran should not be used for gastritis or pancreatitis, and oat bran helps to fight excess weight.

Application rules

Despite the fact that even doctors recommend constipation for constipation, they must be consumed correctly. There are certain recommendations, following which you can establish your digestion, without leading to the appearance of undesirable reactions.

  • You can take bran for constipation only if there are no serious pathologies of the digestive tract or other contraindications.
  • You can use them in limited quantities, be sure to comply with the recommended dosage.
  • Take bran not in dry form, but after soaking. A glass of water is required for each serving of bran. In the absence of fluid, they can disrupt the intestines even more.
  • In case of chronic constipation, as well as in the presence of other symptoms of digestive disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor, you may need to take certain medications.
  • You can use bran no longer than 2 months. Then you need to take a break for a month and the course of treatment can be repeated.
    rules of use

How to use bran

Now in shops and pharmacies you can find many options for bran products. It can be balls or granules with different tastes, which can be eaten just like that. But for medicinal purposes, it is best to use unprocessed bran. They are large or small flakes, sometimes sold in the form of wholemeal flour. Typically, proponents of a healthy diet add them to cereals, salads, and pastries.

But you need to know how to use bran with constipation correctly. In dry form, they will not bring benefits, since they have cleansing properties only when bound to water. Usually it is recommended to pour boiling water over the right amount of bran and let stand for about half an hour. Then drain the water, and use a thick, porridge-like mass for treatment. You can also pour bran with kefir, milk, mix with yogurt, add to cereal. But in any case, with bran treatment, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

the use of bran

Cooking recipes

People suffering from chronic constipation sometimes have to take bran for a long time. To avoid monotony, you can use different recipes for the preparation of such a medicine:

  • 2 tablespoons of wheat bran pour a glass of hot milk and wrap well. After 40 minutes, the medicine is ready. You need to use it for a tablespoon in the morning before breakfast.
  • A healing drink with lemon juice is made from wheat bran. You need 1 cup to boil in a liter of water for an hour. Then strain and add to the liquid lemon juice to taste.
  • Honey bran water is used when coarse fiber is contraindicated for the patient. To prepare it, you need to pour bran with boiling water overnight. Shake in the morning, strain and dissolve a spoonful of honey in a drink. Drink on an empty stomach one hour before a meal.
  • In the evening, pour 20-30 g of bran into a glass of kefir and refrigerate. In the morning, eat instead of breakfast. You can add dried fruits or berries to the dish. Be sure to drink a glass of water. After an hour, you can have breakfast if you have an appetite.
  • For constipation, a cleansing salad is good. Pour water with 20 g of bran, let them swell. Grate boiled beets, add greens and strained bran. Season with linseed or olive oil.
  • In the morning, with a tendency to constipation, you can cook healthy porridge. You need to boil 2-3 tablespoons of bran in a glass of water or milk for several minutes. Add chopped prunes. Bring to a boil, cover and turn off. After cooling, add a little honey. Half an hour before eating porridge, as well as an hour after it, you need to drink a glass of water.

Bran from constipation: application reviews

Now many people prefer traditional methods of treatment. It is believed that they act more gently and do not have side effects. In fact, with proper use and observing the dosage of bran, it is an effective and safe medicine for cleansing the intestines. Many people note that they are saved with their help from constipation, and they do not use any medications. But there are those who do not like the taste of this product and its appearance. They prefer to be treated with special drugs.

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