Why can’t you look cat in the eye? Speculation and superstition?

Among pets, a cat has a special place. On the one hand, rarely does anyone love the comfort and warmth of the hearth, soft bedding and delicious sour cream, like these four-legged spoiled by our attention and care. And on the other hand, few people can compare with a cat in terms of independence, independence, and love of freedom. And if a dog is a synonym of devotion and obedience to a man, then our cute fluffy graceful beauties with magnificent mustache and expressive eyes are always always “on their own”, even if they are currently basking on your pillow in the bedroom.

why can’t you look cat’s eyes

The cat is also a beast!

It has long been believed that it is impossible to look into the eyes of animals. They do not like it when a person tries to look directly into the pupils, moving his face close to their faces. Animals themselves examine each other when they feel some kind of threat. They have well developed not only direct, but also lateral vision, and therefore they perfectly notice everything, even looking, as it would seem, to the side. But if the vis-à-vis really has bad intentions, then you need to keep an eye on it, so as not to fall under the distribution. Those. a direct look, and even a close look, for them means a danger signal. Here is one of the reasons, for example, why you can’t look a cat in the eye. No matter how well your pet is located towards you, human importunity will initially cause irritation in the purr, then bitterness, and there it can reach the claws. Walking with a scratched face is an unpleasant thing. And the likelihood that your own eyes will suffer is also great.

Kote and mysticism

look in the eyes
So, the first reason why you can’t look a cat in the eye is for it a signal of aggression, a challenge, an alleged battle, during which you should hit an opponent, crush, destroy. But this, so to speak, is a realistic explanation. But cats are mystical animals. No wonder their cults existed in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, among the Celts, Scandinavians and even Slavs. And the cute creatures themselves became the heroes of different signs and superstitions. So, the ancient Slavs believed that cats can communicate with brownies, and they even take their appearance. Now you understand why you can’t look a cat in the eye? Suddenly, this is not your favorite purring peacefully in your lap, but the brownie is naughty! You can’t make him angry, just like quarreling - he’ll do misfortunes, both you and your family will survive from home.

What a brownie! In the Middle Ages, it was believed that witches and sorceresses turn into cats, run through the streets of villages, sneak into houses and can strangle their inhabitants or bite to drink blood. And in this form, they penetrate the barn, shed, spoil the bird, take milk from the cows and, in general, commit atrocities with complete impunity. And if a person, and especially a young girl, encounters such a “cat” - she will select health, vitality, youth, beauty. Creepy, of course, the interpretation of why you can not look the cat in the eye. But our ancestors believed in this sincerely.

cat eyes

Remember the story of Gogol about May night and the drowned woman. There, too, the witch's stepmother turns into a creepy black cat with iron claws and tries to tear the poor little panel. And in general, if you try to hypnotize the cat with a look, you can find in the life of a blood enemy (also a sign).

However, if someone paid attention to the cat’s eyes, he could not help but notice that at the beast itself they were very expressive, directly speaking. It seems that she herself is mesmerizing you or meditating, looking, for example, at the fire in the furnace or the guard for hours in the cherished place the appearance of a mouse.

Yes, damn mysterious animal, these our ordinary cats!

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