Our past has made us who we are today. We consist of meetings with people, books read, rash acts and accidents that came into our life past our will. There were mistakes that left scars and negative memories, there were tragedies that could have been avoided, but at that moment there was not enough wisdom to make the right decision. And now, how to fix the mistakes of the past, because the time does not turn back?
Awareness is the first step to healing
People do not want to recall the events that hurt them. On the contrary, they try to abstract from them, hide in the most hidden corners of the soul. The first step to healing will be to understand that this past has become part of your present, it affects you.
Situations affect the emotions of the human soul at different depths. Regret about the past can be different. Someone regrets about the lost opportunities that cannot be returned, about those resources that were wasted. Others are tormented by thoughts on how to return the past and correct mistakes that have radically influenced the future life, for which reason everything went wrong.
First of all, you need to appeal to your memory and get out what is disturbing from there. To realize that this situation causes unpleasant emotions and does not allow you to be happy in today. One must honestly admit that the past cannot be returned. Forgive yourself for what you did or did not do when you needed it. Forgive yourself for the fact that you missed a good chance, made the wrong choice, made a mistake that now haunts you for many years. It is impossible to go back and do things differently, you need to think about how to live with it and how to fix what can be fixed.
Unbelief in yourself is the path to error
Misses can be different, but most often people remember precisely the mistakes of youth, when their experience was not enough, and the advice of the elders did not want to hear.
A young person can be morally unstable, the smallest setbacks knock out the ground, relatives with their remarks undermine self-confidence, and further movement in life becomes incredibly difficult, and achieving even small goals becomes unrealistically difficult.
If you do nothing with low self-esteem, then in life it will be difficult to achieve high results and satisfaction from what you are doing. Now there is a large amount of literature on personal growth, on self-development. By following the recommendations, good results can be achieved.
Do not underestimate the influence of complexes, they have a very destructive effect on the personality. Often originated in childhood, but their influence can continue into conscious age.
To understand how to correct the mistakes of the past, it is necessary to consider each situation separately.
Desire to be right
Such behavior is imposed from early childhood. Praise for obedience and censure for misconduct develop a persistent addiction. Even adult individuals do not know how to refuse, because they are afraid of losing the disposition of completely strangers.
Admit to yourself that you do not like living by someone else's rules, and do not let others indicate what you should do. You do not have to like everyone. If someone is not satisfied with something, these are his problems, not yours.
Little time for family
As people regret that they spent little time with loved ones. When there are no relatives nearby, incredible bitterness comes from the fact that a lot of time is lost, a lot is unsaid or too much is said. Unfortunately, such mistakes of past years cannot be returned. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions and stay as close as possible to those we love.
This does not mean that you need to spend all your time together or to live with your parents until old age. It's not about that at all. The main thing is not to forget to congratulate you on the holiday, to call to find out how you are doing, to come to visit each other more often, to be in good relations.
Career took first place in life
In youth, ambition and far-reaching plans can have such power that against their background everything else is overshadowed. There is no time to build a family, to give birth to children early, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time on them and nothing will remain for work. There is no time to rest, and if you relax, then others will take a good place. And new projects, building global plans take energy, and with it youth and health.
Career is an important component of life, it provides opportunities for self-realization, but it should not be given first place. In order not to think about how to correct the mistakes of the past in retirement, learn now to relax, have fun and have fun.
Early age
There is heredity, and it's hard to argue with that. Someone looks young for quite some time, others are much older than their age. But now the question is not about external old age. You can hear from people the phrase: "I am an old sick man." Moreover, these people are not yet old and also do not look sick. This is an internal state that even young people turn into old people. Get away from such phrases! Youth passes so quickly that you just need to have time to enjoy it. When real old age comes, understanding of missed opportunities and joys will come with it, but then it will really be too late.
Neglect of health
Older people know where the organ is located. And not because they studied well at school, but because he already made himself felt in the form of painful sensations.
In youth itβs even hard to imagine what it means - it hurts. This is just a deceptive feeling, which tunes into carelessness and an irresponsible attitude to health. The body is ruined by bad habits, sleepless nights, stupid fights, and then people, clutching at sore spots, say that these were mistakes of youth.
What was, was ...
Life is unpredictable, and anything can happen in it, but you can not focus on failures. Everyone is disappointed and missed; the main task is to learn how to move forward. Who knows, if the failures of the past were canceled, would not others, larger-scale and traumatic, come for them? This is not given to know.
But How to fix the mistakes of the past? Start living your own interests, give yourself little joys. To work out negative programs and attitudes that prevent them from living fully. Positive thinking and attitude have a beneficial effect on each person and give vitality.