Engine trouble light comes on, what should I do? Engine repair

The engine is the heart of the car, and the performance of the car depends on the condition it is in. The motor does not always work perfectly, for which there are many reasons, both operational and technical. But today, powerful diagnostic systems are provided that allow you to anticipate a breakdown and identify a weak link. Let's talk about what to do if the engine malfunction light comes on, and how to repair it.

engine trouble light comes on

General information

Not every motorist is faced with motor repair. If you operate the machine as required by the manufacturer, it is unlikely that there will be any problems. But in time, unchanged oil, not passed maintenance can lead to the most sad consequences. As a result, this will result in, at best, minor repairs, and in the worst, major repairs. In any case, if the engine malfunction light comes on, this is a clear signal that it is time to go to the "doctor", in our case, to the service.

So, the reasons why the motor needed repair, maybe a lot. But in most cases, the case is associated with increased wear of the piston group, which helps to reduce power and increase fuel consumption. But specifically about this moment we will talk a little later. The key point is that the repair of diesel engines and gasoline is different. This must be understood, because if you have experience with a diesel engine, this does not mean that gasoline is restored exactly like that. Although motors operate on the same principle, they have several design differences. All this to the fact that, before starting repairs, you need to understand the design a bit and understand how everything works. After this, it is advisable to search for a defect that led to a particular breakdown. All these points will be described in this article. But we will start with the most important and the simplest.

diesel engine repair


In most cases, it all starts with the fact that the driver does not fulfill the basic requirements. For the normal operation of any motor, it does not matter whether it is domestically produced or not, constant lubrication is necessary. To do this, we fill in a certain amount of oil, which periodically needs to be changed. During the operation of the internal combustion engine, it lubricates pistons and other rubbing parts, thereby reducing friction, increasing productivity and reducing wear. But over time, the oil becomes polluted and ceases to fulfill its main purpose. This leads to the fact that the friction surfaces are subject to increased wear. As a result, the engine can jam, and there is no way to do without overhaul. In any case, the condition of the oil must be monitored.

Most manufacturers recommend changing engine oil once a season or every 8-10 thousand kilometers. But another typical mistake is that the wrong quality oil is poured. It also does not lead to anything good. You’ll be lucky if you notice a knock on the motor in time and seek help. Drain the oil, wash the engine and fill in a new one. After which they will carry out adjustment work, and you can go again. However, it is not only oil that causes problems. For example, repair of diesel engines may be required due to increased wear of engine parts, burnout of pistons, etc. Here, the operating mode of the car plays an important role.

Mercedes engine

The main causes of malfunction of gasoline and diesel engines

As noted above, a huge number of factors affect the ICE resource. Among the main ones are dust and dirt, which, through the filter element, can directly enter the engine. For example, diesel engines are very sensitive to fuel quality. Impurities such as water and sulfur lead to corrosion of injectors and pumps, which ultimately affects the fuel supply. Of great importance is the driving mode, constant braking and acceleration, stops and overtaking. If the motor for a long time operates in one mode, then it will walk an order of magnitude longer. But the most important factor that reduces engine life is poor service at the service station. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to identify this, since immediately after the repair everything seems to be good, the first problems occur after several thousand kilometers.

If the engine malfunction light comes on, then you need to do something, and every driver understands this. But what to do in this case and where to look for damage? Perhaps we are dealing with overheating of the engine, or maybe something happened with the quality of the fuel-air mixture. In general, the problem can be sought for a long time. But there are a number of signs that can help us in this. In this article, we will look at the main ones and find out how to fix the most common problems with our own hands.

Not enough grease

The so-called "oil starvation" is the main cause of engine malfunction. Almost all cases are associated with the fact that the system is insufficient or absent. After a few seconds of the engine running without lubrication, the sliding bearings warm up, then the liners become melted. The most favorable outcome in this case is a motor stop, that is, its jamming. If the liners in the beds do not crank, then the connecting rods and crankshaft do not receive significant damage. If you try to crank the crankshaft with a lever or pusher, it will only get worse, you need to understand this. Even if the engine is successfully restored, “oil starvation” will affect somewhat later.

Volkswagen engine

Often, at sub-zero temperatures, drivers have difficulty starting the engine. This happens to a large extent due to an increase in the viscosity of the oil. This is especially true for mineral compounds. Synthetics is better at both low and high temperatures. As for the diagnosis of such a malfunction ("oil starvation"), for this it is necessary to check its level with a dipstick. This is done on the "cold", that is, the car should not start for a while. In addition, the Mercedes engine, VAZ and any other engine has a corresponding sensor, which, with insufficient pressure, lights up on the dashboard.

Overheating of the engine and everything connected with it

A motor may fail due to overheating for several reasons. Often the problem lies in the malfunction of the cooling system, which ceases to fulfill its task at full strength. But, in addition to this, depressurization of the block head also leads to such a negative effect as overheating. As for the cooling system, cracks in the hoses and a gap in the radiator lead to leakage of antifreeze. Often, such cases do not occur immediately, but after prolonged use of the car. Rubber is prone to aging, and metal is prone to corrosion. So it turns out that if you do not periodically check the cooling system, then trouble can happen. It doesn’t matter if you have a Volkswagen or Porsche engine, it will not work without good cooling, and if it does, it will not last long.

It is interesting that a clear sign of a malfunction of the cooling system is the lack of heat in the cabin in the winter season. True, here the pipes may be clogged or the radiator stove may be broken. As for the leakage of the system, this leads to a significant decrease in the temperature at which the coolant boils. In the end, the lack of cooling leads to overheating. There are two options: either automation will work, which simply will not allow the motor to work further, or serious repairs will be required. For example, the Volkswagen engine operates at relatively low temperatures, while the Mercedes engines operate at higher temperatures. Therefore, the maximum permissible temperature for them is also different.

Nissan engines

Incorrect fuel selection

We have already figured out a bit why the engine trouble light is on. As it turns out, the driver is often to blame, but this is not 100% of the time. In some situations, the fault lies on the shoulders of the service station employees. But it also happens that identifying the culprit is quite difficult. A striking example is the lack of fuel quality. Why it has a low octane rating is another story. In engines with spark ignition, this leads to detonation, which is not good, and this is a fact.

If VAZ engines allow you to manually adjust the lead angle and, therefore, use fuel with a low octane rating, then modern ICEs, in particular foreign production, do not have this possibility. A vivid example of this is the Nissan, Volvo, etc. engines. Another interesting point is that many drivers use flammable liquids to start the engine in severe frost. This is particularly true for diesel engines. This can not be done, as it is easy to spoil the piston group.

Mercedes engine repair

Main engine malfunctions: water hammer in the cylinder

A key cause of water hammer is the ingress of various liquids into the cylinders. For example, water entering the suction pipe of the air filter. Fluid can easily reach cylinders. For this simple reason, it makes sense to say that some car models are more prone to water hammer, while others are less prone, since the body structure and location of the suction pipe are different for everyone. So, to determine such a malfunction is quite simple. Firstly, it is an abrupt stop of the engine. This happens for the following reason. Water enters the cylinder, namely the combustion chamber. There, a piston abuts against it, and since the substance is not combustible, the pressure increases sharply, the connecting rod deforms and the motor stops completely.

In general, the causes of water hammer mass. But it is always the ingress of any liquid into the cylinders. It may be oil as a result of the destruction of the turbocharger or something like that. Oddly enough, but the repair of the Mercedes engine, Audi, and any other in this case is very problematic. In some cases, the piston group is completely destroyed.

Engine trouble lamp on: diagnosing a problem by appearance

It is unlikely that a beginner, having looked into the engine compartment, will understand that it was the engine that failed, even if there would be obvious signs to it. But an experienced specialist can easily determine the problem by visual inspection. The main signs of an internal combustion engine malfunction: extraneous sounds, color and composition of exhaust gases, oil consumption, etc. But there are a number of problems. The fact is that special algorithms are used to determine the malfunction. They are used by experienced professionals. But here you need to be careful, because not all motors have a classic design. For example, Nissan and VAZ engines are very different from each other, and with equal signs of failure, the malfunction can be hidden in different places.

In most cases, it is necessary to look not for the result of the breakdown, but for its cause. At the same time, visual diagnosis does not give such an opportunity. For example, the master came to the conclusion that the repair of the Mercedes engine is necessary due to the knock of the connecting rod bearings. Most likely, a decision will be made to change them due to poor condition. But it can be not only in bearings, but also in a broken oil pump. In general, the method is good and simple, but not always reliable.

VAZ engine malfunctions

Troubleshooting the mechanical part of the engine

We can safely say that at present, troubleshooting is carried out in a huge number of ways. There is a mechanical part of the motor and electronic systems. So, in the first case, an experienced specialist is required who is well versed in ICEs, and in the second case, diagnostic equipment.

As for the mechanical part, the malfunctions of the VAZ engine are often determined by the master by ear. True, this is not an exact method, but in most cases it is very effective. Any modern diagnostic method cannot provide complete information about the state of the motor, just like the visual inspection method.

Many do not understand that the sensors of the VAZ, and of any other car, are needed for a reason. They show pressure, temperature and provide other useful information. If the oil lamp lights up, then this indicates its insufficient quantity or lack of pressure in the system. There are various engine sensors, and all of them are needed. Nevertheless, sometimes you still need to disassemble the motor and look for the malfunction yourself. The easiest and cheapest method is checking cylinder compression. There is nothing complicated in these works. Take a manometer with a special connector and screw it in place of the spark plug or glow plug. An excellent method, but often such important factors as mileage, the presence of marks on the cylinders are missed. All this can mislead an inexperienced repairman. The methods for measuring compression in cylinders on diesel and gasoline engines are different. The first have a minimum mark. If the pressure drops below a certain level, then we can judge the apparent malfunction of the cylinders.


As you can see, the cause of the light bulb on the engine malfunction is not always quickly and easily determined. Often, the attention of an experienced specialist and the availability of equipment for diagnosis is required. But even so, it’s difficult at times to get a complete picture of events. As a rule, any serious breakdown requires complete or partial disassembly of the motor. As a result, the repairman is in the hands of a failed part or an entire assembly. But often even visible defects do not allow to determine the malfunction with 100% accuracy.

A very important and responsible node is the engine management system. This, as you may have guessed, is about fuel injection and ignition. To diagnose these systems on modern cars, you need to use powerful stands and additional equipment. If we are talking about an old “six” or “penny,” then the diagnosis looks a bit different. All work is carried out without any electronic equipment. Sometimes in the hands of the most common voltmeter. Nevertheless, the simplicity of the design and the extensive experience of the craftsmen make it possible to find faults with great accuracy, eliminate them and adjust the ignition and fuel injection.

The engine "Mercedes", Nissan "," Audi "and others have a very complex design. That is why their repair is often very expensive. If you do it yourself, then use only those oils that are recommended by the manufacturer, original parts and follow the rules of operation. Any motor is very strong and reliable even under the most extreme operating conditions, but over time the parts wear out and the operation becomes unstable, which is why timely diagnostics and repairs are so important. Now you know that do if the engine malfunction lamp lights up.

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