What is the morphology of microorganisms?

The morphology of microorganisms is a science that studies their shape, structure, methods of reproduction and movement.

Basics and discovery

This science is quite extensive and is engaged in the study of many issues. Despite the fact that all microorganisms are invisible to the human eye, they still exist and are both β€œgood” for the body and bad.

Microbes can be found in all areas of the manifestation of life: in water, soil, air, as well as in other organisms.

microorganism morphology

For the first time, the famous scientist Levenguk, who was engaged in the manufacture of the first lenses, allowing to increase objects up to two hundred times, learned about bacteria. And what he saw completely struck him. The scientist learned that microbes are everywhere, and they are all different from each other. Thus, Levenguk became the discoverer of microorganisms.

Louis Pasteur began to deal with such a question as the morphology of microorganisms, and found that they not only have a different structure and shape, but also differ in the methods of movement and reproduction. He found that some microorganisms are harmful to the human body, and some, on the contrary, are useful. He also discovered that microbes such as yeast can lead to fermentation processes.

The morphology of organisms has enabled many scientists to invent various vaccines to help cope with deadly human diseases.


Microorganisms are considered the smallest representatives living on planet Earth. Most often they are unicellular, and they can only be examined with a very powerful microscope.

The size of this life form is measured in micrometers and nanometers. In nature, there are a huge number of them, so they have significant differences in structure, modes of existence and movement.

microorganism morphology microbiology

According to the established classification, microbes are divided into non-cellular, unicellular and multicellular. At the same time, they are divided into the following categories: fungi, yeast, phages, bacteria and viruses.

A bit about bacteria

When studying a topic such as the morphology of microorganisms, great attention should be paid to bacteria. Most often, they are unicellular organisms (although there are exceptions) and have fairly diverse sizes. Some of them reach 500 microns.

There are several types of bacteria that differ in their shape. These include rod-shaped, spherical and convoluted organisms. Let's consider each view in more detail.

Spherical bacteria in medicine are called "cocci". Most often they are round, although sometimes oval and bean-shaped microorganisms are also found. They can be located not only one by one, but also in pairs, in the form of chains or vines.

Many of them have a negative effect on the human body. For example, streptococci cause allergies, and staphylococci cause the formation of purulent and inflammatory processes.

Rod-shaped bacteria are considered the most common. These include microorganisms leading to tuberculosis, typhoid fever, dysentery.

Some types of sticks form spores under poor environmental conditions. Such bacteria are called bacilli.

morphology and physiology of microorganisms

Spore formation is a very interesting and complex process, since the cell itself of this type is very different from the usual bacillus. Each spore has a dense and strong shell, while possessing a negligible amount of water. Such a cell does not need nutrients at all, it stops moving and multiplying. At the same time, disputes can be in terrible conditions for life, such as too high or low temperatures. But as soon as an environment favorable for them arrives, they immediately begin their life activity.

Curled bacteria are most often found in the form of a comma or curls. Typically, these microorganisms cause diseases such as syphilis and cholera.

Many bacteria are able to move around, and they do this with the help of flagella of various shapes and lengths.

Bacteria multiply by division. This process is very fast (every fifteen to twenty minutes). The fastest propagation can be seen on food products and in another environment with high nutritional value.


Viruses can be attributed to a special group of microorganisms, which does not have a cellular structure. Such life forms are extremely small, so you can only see them under an electron microscope. Some types of viruses can only consist of proteins and nucleic acids.

morphology of microorganisms bacteria

Each person at least once in his life has encountered diseases caused by these microorganisms. These include flu, hepatitis, measles and many other diseases.


This group of microorganisms is also special. Mushrooms do not have chlorophyll in their composition, and also do not produce synthesis of organic substances. They need ready-made foodstuffs. That is why mushrooms can most often be found on fertile soils or on food products.

Mushrooms are characterized by different methods of reproduction. This may include not only asexual and sexual method, but also vegetative.


Yeast is a unicellular motionless organism that has the most diverse form. There are both round and oval species, and rod-shaped and sickle-shaped.

This type of microorganism is quite widespread. They can be found on plants, in the soil, as well as in foods that deteriorate. Some of them are able to turn sugars into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. This process is called fermentation. It is very popular in the food industry.

Microorganism morphology: bacteria

It is worth considering that bacteria are the first life form of life that appeared on our planet. Their main feature is the structure of the cell. Unlike eukaryotes (cells containing the nucleus), prokaryotes (bacteria) do not contain nuclei.

study of the morphology of microorganisms

Such microorganisms live in all areas of life and directly affect human life as well.

Scientists also classify bacteria according to the principle of utility. There are beneficial and harmful species. Useful ones participate in the process of photosynthesis, have a positive effect on the human digestive system, and are also very often used in industry.

Studying the morphology of microorganisms gives a general idea of ​​their existence, and also makes it possible to know their benefits and harms in certain situations.

A standard bacterial cell consists of the following components:

  • Plasma membrane. This cell element is no different from the eukaryotic membrane.

  • Mesosome - a special component with which it is possible to attach hereditary material to the cell.

  • Nucleotide. It is an incompletely formed core. It contains all the chromosomes.

  • Ribosomes are special organoids that occupy about forty percent of the cell space.

In addition to the elements listed above, prokaryotic cells also include: capsule, cell wall and mucous membrane. Many bacteria can move independently and cling to surfaces. They do this with the help of special flagella and villi.

Morphology of microorganisms: microbiology of viruses, fungi and yeast

A virus is a special organism that does not have a cellular structure. Each of its particles consists of a shell, as well as information located in the center of the core.

But the structure of fungal cells is more complicated than that of other microorganisms. The composition of their cells also includes nuclei and vacuoles. In structure, they are very similar to plant, but have a different shape. They look like long and branching threads called hyphae. Typically, such hyphae form a mycelium.

morphology and systematics of microorganisms

Yeast cells contain all the elements of eukaryotes, however, in addition to this, other components are inherent in them. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they possess the qualities of both animals and plants.

Metabolic processes

The morphology and physiology of microorganisms make it possible to understand the main stages of their life. Bacteria, just like more complex life forms, carry out the synthesis of lipids, fats and carbohydrates. But at the same time, the processes taking place in their cells are different.

Scientists distinguish two types of eukaryotes: autotrophs and heterotrophs.

The first type is able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds, but the second one produces processes of transformation of organic components.

Heterotrophs most often include parasitic microorganisms. They eat only due to the beneficial substances entering the body of their host.

There are also saprophytes. They feed on synthesized substances by dead organisms.

The morphology of the structure of microorganisms is a rather important component of studying the life of bacteria. However, in addition to the structure of the cell, it is also worth considering the types of metabolism. The constructive type was considered above. There is also energy metabolism.

morphology of the structure of microorganisms

Scientists distinguish the following types of energy:

  • Photosynthesis. This procedure can be carried out both in the presence of oxygen, and without it.

  • Fermentation. This energy reaction occurs due to the detachment of molecules that transfer phosphoric acid to ADP.

  • Breath. Microorganisms can breathe not only through oxygen, but also through organic and mineral compounds.

Transfer of hereditary information

There are several ways to transmit hereditary information to prokaryotes (the morphology and systematics of microorganisms are also described in this article). Consider in detail each of them:

  • conjugation - a method of transmitting hereditary information from one microorganism to another only by the method of their direct contact;

  • transformation - a type of transmission during which donors share information with recipients;

  • transduction - a method of direct transmission of hereditary material using phages.

Methods for the study of the morphology of microorganisms

For the most accurate study of the structure of prokaryotes, methods such as microscopy and staining are used.

Microscopic methods for studying the morphology of microorganisms are produced by electronic and light microscopes. Experts have developed several methods for the most accurate results.

The morphological method of research allows using a microscope to examine the structure of the cell, as well as its mobility and ability to reproduce.

The physiological method allows us to consider the response of microorganisms to various stimuli, as well as the ability to adapt to various conditions.

Using the cultural method, it is possible to study the microorganism in a nutrient medium. This technique allows you to identify the ability to grow and reproduce.

The morphology of microorganisms (microbiology) is a very important science that studies bacteria and other unicellular organisms. Do not think that bacteria only cause harm to nature and the human body. This is far from the case. Without them, life on planet Earth would have been impossible.

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