Soundproofing VAZ-2110. Soundproofing Materials

Domestic cars do not differ in high-quality sound insulation. But extraneous sounds bother, the driver wants at least a little more comfort. Soundproofing VAZ-2110 is able to save the driver and passenger not only from extraneous noise and vibration, but also from heat leaks.

In winter, the car will be much warmer, the efficiency of the stove increases significantly. The sound of the speaker system is also significantly improved, the noise level from the engine compartment is reduced, the bottom of the car emits less vibration, and the number of creaks coming from the instrument panel is reduced.

Start of work

soundproofing vaz 2110

First of all, you need to choose the material with which you will conduct sound insulation of the VAZ-2110 with your own hands. The cheapest material will be foam rubber impregnated with mastic based on rubber-bitumen. But it will be much easier to buy finished materials, since there are a great many of them on the market. You will need:

  1. Vibroplast, which is a plastic material coated with a foil. Able to absorb almost all metal vibration. It must be glued to all free metal surfaces. You can use analogues of this material.
  2. As a heat insulator, you can use splenitis. It is capable of not only retaining heat, but also absorbing excessive noise. Splen must be glued to the vibroplast. It is advisable to stick it on the entire surface.
  3. Aluminum-based adhesive tape is required for gluing joints between materials.

Where to apply materials

It must be borne in mind that the VAZ-2110 soundproofing is done in several areas with your own hands. And for each of them has its own material. Try to use all materials according to the following recommendations:

  1. Vibroplast is required for gluing on the internal and external surfaces of doors. It also needs to be laid as the first layer on the surface of the roof, tailgate and hood. It is used for gluing the dashboard, the floor of the passenger compartment and the trunk, the dashboard of the engine compartment.
  2. Sealant based on sealant must be glued to the floor in the trunk and the passenger compartment, as well as to the engine compartment flap.
  3. Glue based splenium must be used on the roof and inside the door.
  4. Bitoplast must be applied on the inside of the instrument panel, as well as on the door trim.
  5. The anti-creak tape must be cut into strips and glued to the dashboard, door trim, plastic elements in places where friction is possible.
  6. Aluminum tape is necessary for fastening splen joints.

How much material is needed

For the soundproofing of the VAZ-2110 cabin, trunk and hood, the following amount of materials will be required:

  1. Vibroplast not less than 32 sheets.
  2. Split 4 mm thick based on glue of at least 7 sheets.
  3. 4 mm splenitis with a sealant base of at least 11 sheets.
  4. One roll of bitoplast.
  5. One roll of tape antiskrip.
  6. At least two skeins of aluminum tape.

do-it-yourself sound insulation vaz 2110

The maximum amount of vibroplast required for high-quality insulation of the car can be 39 sheets. Split on glue and sealant - 14 and 8 sheets, respectively. It is better to take materials for sound insulation with a margin so as not to interrupt the work.

Work Tools

It is imperative to clean all processed surfaces, wash them thoroughly. The standard sound insulation of the VAZ-2110 should be removed from everywhere. You must have the following tool:

  1. Sharp scissors.
  2. A comfortable and sharp knife.
  3. Construction hairdryer.
  4. Tape measure.
  5. Roller for rolling (preferably metal).
  6. A marker.
  7. Solvent, white spirit, or acetone.
  8. Clean rags.

All work will take no more than three days if carried out independently.

Preparation for work

Before you begin, you must completely disassemble the interior. All trim, front panel, seats must be removed. In the presence of a standard soundproofing VAZ-2110, it is necessary to completely remove it, get rid of residues using a sharp knife and acetone. When disassembling, do not try to lose the details that secure all the elements.

car floor insulation

Sign the nuts and bolts so that they are put in place during assembly. Small items must be folded into a bag and glued with adhesive tape to the part to which they relate. Only after thorough preparation can you start applying insulating materials. Be sure to vacuum all the metal elements, treat them with a solvent so that the insulating material sticks better.

Ceiling and doors

First of all, it is necessary to apply vibroplast on the metal surfaces of the door and ceiling. The entire surface must be cleaned and degreased. Work must be carried out very quickly while the material is hot. The vibroplast is heated using a technical hair dryer or electric heater. Only in this case it will be much better to pester the surface and take the form of a body element.

To apply vibroplast to the surface as efficiently as possible, use a metal roller. Try to prevent the formation of bubbles from the air. If even the slightest bubble appears, condensation will begin to accumulate in it, which will cause the body to rust. On the ceiling and doors it is necessary to stick the vibroplast crosswise, in which case it will last longer and stronger.

soundproofing materials

To make it convenient for you, it is necessary to roll the material for sound insulation, and as you stick it, unfold it. The second layer of insulating material is spliced. Stick it on the ceiling and doors. Please note that when disassembling the door trim, several caps will necessarily break. Therefore, such consumables must be acquired in advance.

On the door, apply a vibroplast, over it splenitis. Make sure that the insulating material does not interfere with the normal functioning of all mechanisms and locks. The inner side of the door trim must be glued with bitoplast.

Pasting the cabin and trunk

Now you need to make soundproofing the floor of the car. For this, vibroplast and splenitis are used. The first layer is placed vibroplast, it must be applied to the maximum area. Cover the material as best as possible so that it sticks to the metal surface. The second layer is applied splenitis. It must also be glued to the maximum floor area of ​​the passenger compartment.

insulation of the cabin vaz 2110

Recently, such a type of noise isolation as applying a rubber-bitumen mixture on the underside of a car is popular. This reduces the level of vibration emanating from the wheels and the road surface. But it will be much more effective if at the same time the internal surface of the bottom is treated. Inside the trunk, everything must be carefully glued with a vibroplast. It will be a little more complicated here, since there is a niche for a spare wheel, protrusions for struts of shock absorbers, sometimes the edges of self-tapping screws come out.


The very last need to paste over the trunk lid, hood, elements of the dashboard. Try to apply insulating material to all elements of the dashboard, which may be the source of squeaks and extraneous noise. After sizing is complete, you need to assemble the entire cabin, install the instrument panel, door trim, cover the carpet and install the seats.

standard sound insulation vaz 2110

The better the soundproofing of the car floor will be carried out, the less vibration will be transmitted to the interior. After all the work done, comfort will be much higher, creaks will disappear, even the engine will begin to run quieter (according to feelings).

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