Wagon Wheels cookies are a delicious and interesting dessert. It is a delicious biscuit, consisting of two halves, between which the souffle and bright jam are snugly placed. Wagon Wheels cookies are also coated with a layer of chocolate glaze, the smell of which is felt immediately after opening the package.
And who produces?
Cookies produced under this name belong to a company famous since 1990. Then on television you could see many interesting and provocative videos, the main roles in which were assigned to cowboys or Indians. The company itself appeared in the UK in 1948, where it soon gained popularity thanks to its desserts that could be eaten on the way to an important event.
Despite the fact that the popularity of this cookie in Russia fell on 1993, soon due to the difficult political situation, exports from the UK were discontinued. However, now selling Wagon Wheels cookies in Samara is not surprising. The same applies to other large and not so cities. Their sale is carried out mainly in large chain stores and supermarkets, but sometimes it can also be found in kiosks.
And again to Russia!
Wagon Wheels biscuits, the manufacturer of which did not want to lose the market, again came to Russia around 2012. However, there was no longer any sense in launching an advertising campaign with cowboys or Indians, but still the times were different.
However, love for adventure and adventure was actively used in commercials. Wagon Wheels cookies position themselves as a quick snack for those who are looking for a lot of new things and just do not have time for a full dinner.
Package design
Of interest is the packaging design of cookies. Initially, dessert hit the shelves, which was packed in bright blue tutus. The name was on them, the capital letter of each word was especially distinguished. Later, the design was slightly changed, it was decided to change the color of the package to red.
This was probably done in order to attract the attention of consumers, as the bright color attracts many. Moreover, such a pack stands out among the rest of the variety of cookies. Also in one package are six cookies, with a total weight of 216 grams.
The taste of cookies
The Wagon Wheels cookies, whose composition is really interesting, are two rounded biscuits with a pronounced smell of chocolate. Glaze, which contains dark chocolate, also gives piquancy. Souffle is a delicate complement that connects the details of the dessert. Also, the biscuit is saturated with a thin layer of gentle berry jam, with pronounced sourness.
An interesting fact is that according to the results of one of the tastings produced by the manufacturer, the Wagon Wheels cookies win due to glaze. It was this element that was named first. Further in the ranking were jam, the cookie itself and, finally, the souffle. However, in the complex, this dessert is much tastier.
Harmony is achieved through a combination of different tastes. For example, a sufficiently hard and crunchy cookie is adjacent to a soft and delicate icing. The same can be said about the combination of jam with a light, but pleasant acidity and glaze, just melting in your mouth. The pronounced chocolate flavor especially pleases the sweet tooth and lovers of such desserts.
Composition and nutritional value
The calorie content of this dessert is 431 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, eating such cookies in batches is not worth it. However, it easily saturates, helping to fight hunger. Wagon Wheels cookies also have trace elements useful for the body, such as iron and magnesium. This has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. By the way, the dessert also contains elements rich in B vitamins. It also has a good effect on the heart system. But it is precisely the diseases associated with this organ, and severe stresses - this is a global problem for most people around the world.
In its composition, the dessert does not contain any artificial flavors or dyes. Manufacturers emphasize the naturalness of the product, which is evident from the composition. For example, wheat flour is in the first place, and cumin, the natural dye, is in the last place.
Cookies with the name Wagon Wheels are a long-time guest on store shelves. However, the second wave of popularity came to dessert after 2012. Then such cookies became an excellent option for a snack, which is important for people who spend a busy day actively, without interruption.