Old Slavonic name Ratibor. The meaning of the name, its origin and characteristics of personal qualities

Since ancient times, mankind has attached great importance to the name. It was believed that it endowed with special qualities and character. Modern society has not lost interest in this. Any name causes certain associations for each of us and is not just a collection of sounds. It carries a whole set of qualities.

Recently, fashion has returned to ancient Slavic names such as Izheslav, Yaropolk and Ratibor. The meaning of the name is almost always reflected in our fate, therefore, choosing it for your child, you should carefully check the origin and secret.

Characteristics of Ratibor

In Old Slavonic, this name means “fearless warrior”, “conqueror”. Ratibor (in a diminutive form just Rat or Borya) has a set of positive qualities. This rather rare name is often found in historical novels and is the embodiment of courage, strength, courage and determination. Such a man is purposeful and hardworking, achieves his tasks and is always ready to help his loved ones.

Ratibor. Meaning of the name

Any problems are quickly and easily solved by Ratibor. The meaning of the name means militancy and leadership. A sober mind, activity and a strong spirit are inherent in him. He is very active, cannot sit idle. She loves to work and strives for a better result. Fate favors him, all the things that have been started are always successfully completed. To others, including women, he is particularly demanding. In companions, she selects a submissive girl who can get along with the leader and follow him.

Analysis and interpretation

Truly belligerent is the name Ratibor. Its origin is associated with the great military leader of the militia (thousand) under the prince of Kiev, Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1078). This is a real warrior devoted to his people. For him, the concept of homeland is a family, centuries-old traditions and a superpower. He is ready to the last effort to protect family and friends. Ratibor is an integral personality endowed with indefatigable energy. He is strong, responsible and inventive.

name Ratibor. Origin

Ratibor: name for baby

Little Rat is calm and poised. Not prone to whims and tantrums. This is an obedient, well-mannered and friendly baby. He quickly grasps information, does not put pressure on pity and does not dispute parental opinion. Consciousness and a sense of mutual assistance in his blood, from a young age the child seeks to be independent and takes the initiative. Differs in high working capacity, diligence and patience. He is attracted to physical activity, sports.

In society

Ratibor is overly active in the company of his peers. The meaning of the name is masculine. He likes to be in the center of events, often becomes a leader and authority for friends. Quickly finds a common language with the team. He is respected for his unbending will, sympathy and kindness. In the educational field, he shows patience and integrity. Particularly successful in applied craftsmanship, mechanics and physics.


The positive aspects include: sequence of actions, deliberation, perseverance, perseverance and integrity. Able to lead and dominate in the good sense of the word. Very eloquent, witty and observant.

Negative traits: ambitious, ready to achieve the goals by any means. It can destroy everyone who stands in his way.

ratibor name

Professional activity

Most often it becomes an excellent and competent leader Ratibor. The meaning of the name for a man means that he will make a competent sports trainer, military commander and great organizer. It works for wear and tear, it requires the same from subordinates. For the sake of the desired result may violate laws and regulations. Despite pragmatism, he is not greedy and ready to help the poor.

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