Blood stains are considered one of the most difficult to remove. The situation is aggravated when inappropriate means were originally used. Today we suggest talking about how to remove old blood stains at home. We will consider the most popular and effective methods to get rid of pollution on different tissues.
We remove stains from clothes
Suppose you did not immediately notice red drops on your favorite things. How to remove old blood stains from clothes in this case? First of all, it is necessary to soak things in cold water for 2-3 hours. After that, try to remove the contamination using one of the methods described below.
Dishwashing liquid
This may seem surprising, but most dishwashing gels not only save you from such problems as greasy stains, but also remove traces of blood from the tissue. To do this, apply the product to clothing, leave it for half an hour so that the gel can soak into the material, and then wipe it. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated again.
How to remove old blood stains from colored clothes so as not to damage and discolor it? One of the best options is to use regular soda, which must be added to cold water. Half a liter of water will require one tablespoon. A damaged wardrobe must be soaked in this water for at least 8 hours. After that, you should take any stain remover that is suitable for colored linen, apply it on a cotton swab and gently rub the fabric, after which the clothes need to be washed in a machine.
A great helper in the fight against blood stains is salt. If you are thinking about how to remove a stained blood stain from a sheet or light clothing, prepare a saline solution. For one liter of water (necessarily cold) you will need one and a half tablespoons of this product. It is necessary to immerse the fabric in the mixture and leave it overnight. After that it is necessary to wash a thing in the washing machine. It should be noted that using too much salt is not recommended. The fact is that the protein that makes up the blood dissolves exclusively in weakly concentrated solutions. Too strong a salt solution can harm clothing.
Soap, peroxide and ammonia
Need to remove old blood stains? What if the thing is white? One of the most reliable ways is to use ammonia, soap and peroxide. First of all, it is necessary to treat the fabric with ammonia. If the stain is very old, only part of the contamination will go away, light brown stains may remain on the material. Peroxide will help to remove them: you need to apply it on cotton and wipe the fabric thoroughly. The remains of an old spot can be removed using laundry soap. You can either simply treat the contaminated area, or soak a thing in soapy water for an hour or two. Immediately after this, you need to wash the clothes in the washing machine with the addition of a stain remover.
How to remove old blood stains from clothes made of thin materials, such as chiffon and silk? Try starch. Moisten the fabric a little (an atomizer is suitable for this), rub it well with starch on both sides. After the gruel dries a little, it will need to be shaken off, and then rinse things in cool water. By the way, when rinsing, you can add a teaspoon of vinegar.
Useful advice
To make sure that the fabric can bear the effects of one of the components, first experiment on inconspicuous parts of the thing, and as soon as you realize that there is no negative reaction, you can start cleaning.
Remove old stains from the sofa
Thinking about how to remove old blood stains from the upholstery of a sofa or chair? Laundry soap is perfect for this. You will need a small piece of clean cloth, you need to moisten it thoroughly in water and wipe the traces of blood by moving from the edge of the spot to its middle. After that, you need to soap the sponge, carefully rub the upholstery. You should have a thick foam. Use a clean sponge to rinse off this foam. A dishwashing detergent will also help in the fight against pollution. It is necessary to combine it with water in a ratio of one to two. After that, you will need to wet the sponge in the solution and rub the dirt, then leave it for half an hour. Next you will need a toothbrush. She will need to rub the pollution. In no case do not press the tools too hard, otherwise the stain will only blur and the blood will penetrate the tissue fibers even deeper. Remove detergent with a damp, clean cloth. Speaking about how to remove old blood stains from furniture upholstery, aspirin should be mentioned separately. Yes, this tool helps to cope not only with a headache, but also with pollution! You will need to take one glass of warm water and one tablet of aspirin. In this mixture, you will need to moisten the cotton wool or cloth, thoroughly wipe the pollution.
Another great way to remove dirt from the sofa is to use meat baking powder. First you need to prepare a solution: two tablespoons of water will need one spoonful of this product. Combine them better in a deep container. After that, you can do other things for an entire hour, it is during this time that the remedy "will reach the standard." After this, it is worth starting the work: take a spoon and apply this composition to the stain. Leave it on for 60-90 minutes. Remove any residue with a cloth dampened with plenty of water.
If you need to remove stains from furniture upholstered in leatherette, you will need ammonia, a glass of water, a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. All these ingredients need to be mixed well, to clean the stain with them. After that, using an old toothbrush, you need to wipe the dirt, then remove the remaining solution with a clean, damp cloth. If necessary, you can repeat this treatment again.
Remove blood stains from genuine leather
What to do if you notice old blood stains on clothes or genuine leather upholstery? Of course, the use of aggressive chemicals will lead to damage to the material. In order to avoid negative consequences, you should use a dishwashing liquid and ammonia, which can break down protein. You will need a spoonful of detergent and ammonia, 200 milliliters of water. This composition should be mixed so that you get a thick foam. Foam should be applied to a leather product, left for half an hour. After this time, dip a sponge in a solution of ammonia, water and dishwashing liquid and go over the stain again. Remove the product from the skin with a clean, dry cloth.
One of the most delicate tools for processing leather products is called the most common shaving cream. A small amount should be rubbed into the skin, and after half an hour, rinse off the residue with a damp, clean cloth. If the above methods did not help, try using a mixture of lemon juice and tartar in a ratio of 2: 1. These ingredients must be gently rubbed into the skin, after 10 minutes, remove residues with a cloth.
Suede stains
How to remove old blood stains from suede? You will need ammonia and water. To four parts of water you need to add one part of ammonia, moisten a piece of cotton wool in this solution and gently wipe the stains. Of course, cotton swabs should be changed as they become dirty. As soon as you finish processing the fabric, be sure to walk along it with a special brush designed for suede. This will straighten the pile.
How to remove blood stains from a mattress at home with folk remedies?
Unlike clothes or furniture covers, it is impossible to put the mattress in the washing machine and wash it well. Well, if you are the owner of a washing vacuum cleaner or device with the function of steam cleaning the upholstery. This will significantly facilitate the removal of old stains and detergents from the mattress. In order to remove blood, you will need salt, cold water, corn starch and hydrogen peroxide. Also, do not do without rags, a plastic spoon and a vacuum cleaner. How to remove old blood stains from a mattress? We have prepared step-by-step instructions for you:
- It is important to understand that liquids should not penetrate deep into the mattress, otherwise it will simply deteriorate. That is why it is important to prepare a special cleansing paste. The main ingredients are hydrogen peroxide and salt. It is these substances that destroy blood protein.
- You need to mix half a cup of corn starch, a quarter cup of peroxide and a tablespoon of salt. The consistency of the cleanser should resemble toothpaste. By the way, hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with cool water.
- Using a plastic spoon, paste should be applied to the entire surface of the stain, then allow it to dry completely.
- Once the product has dried, it must be removed and thoroughly vacuumed. After that, you can evaluate the results and repeat the procedure again if the stain has not disappeared.
If spots are not removed
How to remove old blood stains from a mattress at home if the method described above did not fit? You should take hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, salt, cold water, cotton swabs, a spoon and rags. First you need to moisten the place with a little water. After this, salt should be poured onto the blood, which must be left for at least two hours. After 120 minutes, it is recommended to remove the salt, soak the remaining stain with a swab moistened with plenty of hydrogen peroxide. Please note: peroxide can begin to foam, it is this reaction that helps to remove blood. As soon as foaming stops, wipe the stain with a clean, dry cloth. Apply peroxide again if necessary. In case the stain remains, try to combine a tablespoon of ammonia and a cup of water, apply the composition to the fabric in the same way as peroxide. As soon as the stain disappears or becomes less noticeable, you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the mattress from ammonia and peroxide and not allow them to spoil the inner layer.