White clay: from acne to beautiful skin

White clay for acne has been used for a long time. This is due to the fact that its wonderful composition has helped women fight various diseases for many centuries. Kaolin, also called white clay, is used both for skin care and hair care, as well as light lotions and even in the form of products used inside.

white clay for acne

White clay for acne: properties

The properties of this wonderful remedy allow us to say that clay is exactly that ingredient that has a complex effect on the skin. Kaolin includes substances such as silicon oxide and aluminum, as well as titanium and iron oxides . The rich composition allows us to conclude that acne (reviews about such a mask will be lower) white clay is better than all other "color mixtures". What is the healing effect? Firstly, such a tool draws out all excess greasy excess from the skin pores, thereby purifying them. Secondly, clay perfectly tones the skin. Thirdly, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against oily scalp. Fourth, if you make warm compresses, then clay can relieve pain and inflammation. All this suggests that this tool is multidisciplinary in its use.

acne reviews

White clay for acne: application

As noted above, the use of clay is quite large-scale. But let us dwell specifically on the anti-acne property. White clay will help to solve such a question quickly. This is due to the fact that it is suitable for any type of skin, therefore it does not injure the top layer and gently cares for it, gently cleansing and moisturizing. However, owners of dry skin will have to abandon the constant use of white clay. What clay is better for acne? Of course, white. In general, the color of the product used depends on the skin problem. For example, the narrowing of the pores is black, the achievement of an even complexion is yellow, the help in the fight against acne is white. Thus, before you purchase this product, you need to carefully study its properties and determine the task, the achievement of which will be promoted by a miracle remedy.

which clay is better for acne

White clay for acne: recipes and tips

As a rule, white clay is used in its pure form, as it is easily accessible to everyone. A small amount of clay is diluted with warm water and applied to cleansed skin, after which it is kept for twenty minutes and washed off. Essential oils are also actively added to such a solution. For example, the best remedy for acne is a tea tree. Four drops must be dripped into dry clay, and then prepare the mixture according to the above recipe. This product is mixed with body powder, however, this should be done very carefully, since the last ingredient causes long-term reddening of the skin. To achieve maximum effect, white clay can be diluted with infusion of calendula or chamomile. White clay is ideal for combating acne, because it gently cleanses the skin, eliminating unnecessary excesses and toxins. At the same time, clay does not injure the skin and saturates it with the necessary substances.

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