Potato broth: chemical composition, application, taste

Today, potatoes are one of the most popular and favorite products of many. It is stewed, fried, boiled, baked and added to other dishes. Almost all the useful properties of the tuber pass and its decoction. Such a drink has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, and scientific studies have proven the usefulness of such therapy. Of course, potato broth can also have a negative effect on the body, so its preparation and use should be carried out strictly according to certain rules, taking into account the characteristics of the tuber.

Chemical composition and benefits

Some chemical compounds of raw potatoes are destroyed by heat treatment, others take a new form, but most of the nutrients remain unchanged. At the same time, they are absorbed from potato broth more easily, and the effect is more pronounced.

The broth concentrates a large amount of starch, mineral salts and proteins passing from tubers, so the drink has a high nutritional value. If necessary, to relieve digestion during the disease, you can get all the beneficial substances for the body from a decoction of potatoes.

Pies with potatoes on a potato broth

In addition to a feeling of fullness, drinking helps to reduce the risk of seasonal diseases, vitamin deficiencies, scurvy and other ailments associated with a lack of vitamins. All this is due to the presence of elements such as ascorbic acid, retinol, nicotinic acid and B vitamins.

The use of potato broth is provided by the presence of minerals in the composition. In large quantities, the product contains potassium, as well as calcium, iron and phosphorus. Together and in the right concentration, minerals can quickly establish the work of many body systems.

To get the maximum benefit together with the broth, you can add sea salt to it to taste, but only a few minutes before the end of cooking, and not at the beginning. Prolonged heat treatment will destroy beneficial substances. Also, for a high-quality final product, the raw materials should be chosen correctly. The tubers for the preparation of the broth should be fresh and juicy, without signs of disease and decay.

Benefits in traditional medicine

The naturalness of such a drink and its unique composition helps not only to strengthen health in a stable state, but also to accelerate recovery with certain ailments. Most often, a potato broth is used to reduce and normalize blood pressure in hypertension.

Potato broth

To do this, you should drink a warm drink slowly and in small sips until the pressure returns to normal.

Also, the broth is taken orally for polyarthritis and arthritis. Drink it at the same time on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.

If there is a history of gastritis or other diseases of the stomach, then the drink should take an honorable main place in the diet. Its enveloping effect will reduce the manifestation of symptoms, close small wounds on the mucosa and contribute to their speedy healing.

It is recommended to regularly use potato broth for problems with sleep, as well as during depression. The drink strengthens the nervous system, improves the health of blood vessels and the heart, and also helps to remove stones from the gall bladder, and accumulated toxins from the liver.

You can use the decoction externally. To eliminate the symptoms of colds, you should breathe vapor of hot liquid, and if you wash and wash your hands with a warm composition, then after a short time you can notice an improvement in skin condition.

Cooking product

There are a lot of recipes for potato broth, and each of them is considered the best medicine for certain health problems. So, to protect against irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system and to help restore it, the next drink will be ideal. For its preparation, you should take 1 kg of fresh potato tubers, 1 medium-sized onion, 400-500 g of carrots and a bunch of parsley. The main product must be thoroughly washed under running water and cut into plates as thin as possible directly with the skin.

The benefits of potato broth

Other root crops should be peeled and cut into small cubes or strips. Greens should simply be torn in your hands. All prepared ingredients are placed in a bowl and filled with water at 1 cm. Cook the mixture should be 45-50 minutes on low heat, and then strain everything. The liquid cools and is stored in the refrigerator, and is slightly warmed up before use. Drink a decoction should be 20-30 ml daily, on an empty stomach, in the morning to remove excess load from the digestive system.

It should be remembered that such treatment does not cancel the drug therapy prescribed by the doctor, and is considered only additional help to the body.

Arthritis Prescription

If desired, to eliminate the symptoms of polyarthritis and arthritis, you can drink the decoction described above, but its dosage will need to be increased at least twice. The greatest therapeutic effect will be obtained by increasing the intensity of the drink and its preparation exclusively on potato tubers. To do this, take 1 kg of the main product and pour three liters of water. Of course, potatoes for this should be clean and chopped, preferably directly with the skin.

Yeast dough on potato broth

A decoction is prepared for 35-40 minutes, after which it is filtered twice and poured into storage containers. When filtering the potato cake, squeeze it slightly. A drink is taken in a whole glass three times a day for 2 weeks. After this, you should definitely take a break in 1-2 weeks and only then continue the therapy.

If side effects appear during treatment with broth, you should immediately stop its use and consult a doctor.

Raw material selection

In order to get only benefit from potatoes and at the same time not complain about the unpleasant taste of the resulting product, you should choose the tubers correctly, from which the broth will be prepared. Young potatoes should be preferred. In the season it is not difficult to find it, and the quality is checked as follows: it is necessary to slightly grip the surface of the tuber with a fingernail. If its skin peels, then the product has really recently been removed from the ground. It is important to pay attention to its freshness. The potato should be firm, without wrinkled patches and traces of rot. The absence of deep eyes and deformations will allow more thorough washing in the future, but this is not a prerequisite.

Yeast cakes with potato broth

If there are areas with green color on the tubers, then you can not use such a vegetable. A bright green color indicates a high concentration of solanine, poisonous to humans. In case of acute need, these areas should be cut from the tuber. If juice immediately stood out at the cut site, then pesticides were used during potato cultivation. Therefore, great benefit from such a decoction cannot be obtained.

Harm to drink

Any excess of the consumption norms of even useful substances can lead to undesirable consequences, so you should not use broth in high doses. Before starting such treatment, it is generally recommended to consult with a specialist and find out if there is a certain intolerance in the body of substances present in the decoction in order to avoid negative effects.

Also, with caution, the drink should be treated with increased acidity of the stomach.

Potato broth recipes

In such cases, therapy should be started with minimal doses, and then gradually increase the volume of drunk per day.


It is forbidden to drink a decoction of tubers for obesity, problems with the intestines, urolithiasis, sexually transmitted diseases and increased libido. In such cases, the liquid remaining from the preparation of potatoes should simply be poured out or the dough should be prepared on a potato broth. It turns out to be especially gentle and magnificent, but does not have a therapeutic effect.

Cooking dough

If there is no need to carry out treatment with folk remedies, then a decoction of potato tubers still should not be drained into the sink. From it you can prepare the most tender pastry dough. On the potato broth from the same dough you can make bread, rolls and much more. All products remain soft even the next day, but it is the pies that turn out to be especially tasty.

Dough for pies on a potato broth

So, you need to prepare:

  • 250 g of decoction;
  • 450 g of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 7 g of dry baker's yeast or 3 times more live.

To prepare the dough, you need to take half a warm broth, add sugar and yeast to it, stir and leave to approach in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, maybe less (depends on the freshness of the yeast and the room temperature). Do not put salt, because it already exists in the broth.

When a โ€œcapโ€ appears on the mixture and a characteristic smell spreads over the room, pour the remaining broth, vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream into the dough and add flour. The kneaded dough should stick a little to your hands, so it is very important not to increase the amount of flour. The yeast dough on the potato broth will be ready to work after it comes up in a warm place for another 1 hour.

Dough on potato broth

After that, you can begin to form pies for both frying and baking.

Another recipe

You can cook potato pies on a potato broth according to another recipe. To do this, you need the same ingredients, but in a different concentration:

  • yeast - 7 g dry or 21 g live;
  • decoction - 200 g;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - Art. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml.

The dough for the test should be done according to the above recommendations. When it is ready, add all remaining ingredients and knead the dough. You can do this in a bowl or on a work surface for about 15 minutes to give elasticity and achieve maximum uniformity, but it will still stick to your hands a little. Pies on a potato broth with yeast should be formed only after the kneaded dough is suitable for 1-1.5 hours.

The softness of the finished product will be guaranteed in both cases thanks to the starch, which is available in the broth. It is also important not to clog the dough with flour and strictly follow the instructions, and everything will work out.

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