Sorokoost for peace - forty days of prayer support for a wandering soul

Recently, church parishioners learn and learn a lot for themselves, while getting rid of prejudice and superstition. Such concepts as liturgy, matins, mass, funeral services, and other Orthodox terms are gradually becoming clear, their use is filled with meaning. For various occasions, various services are ordered. The story in this article will be about what the magpie is.

magpie for peace

Magic number 40

“Forty forty magpies.” Translated into the arithmetic language, this is one thousand six hundred, if in years, then a lot - sixteen centuries. The old man Zosima was called two magic numbers: forty and seven, which were the personification of the cyclic development of the human annals. The Son of God Jesus was with the apostles after his resurrection forty days, then ascended.

The week is also a significant number, it is often mentioned in sacred texts (“vengeance of all measure,” “seven years of hunger,” “seven-week fast”).

The custom to mourn the departed during this period was introduced by the apostles. On the fortieth day, the destiny of the soul of the newly appointed servant of God is decided , after which she goes to heaven for eternal bliss or to the underworld for torment. Sorokoost for peace or health is one of the most frequent demands in Orthodox churches.

Forty day ordeals

For forty days a person’s name is mentioned in a special prayer, after which a piece of prosphora is impregnated with wine, symbolizing the blood of the Lord. Thus, his invisible presence in the service is realized, whether he is alive or dead. The priest asks God to wash with honest blood the sins of those remembered. It is especially important to begin to serve the magpie for the repose immediately after death, when the soul wanders between the halls of hell and paradise, three times ascending to worship God, being in turmoil and especially in need of prayer support.

how to order a magpie for peace

In the temple

In the church, every person should renounce prideful feelings, especially one should not be ashamed of their ignorance. You can ask how to order the magpie for the repose in the church shop by the candlestick, which, as a rule, draws up the needs of the parishioners. She will explain how to write a note (called remembrance), and pass it on to the altar. This must be done before the service before the start of the liturgy, so you should arrive early, without having breakfast.

After this, the name of the deceased will be remembered for forty days during the liturgies. It is perfectly acceptable to pray for him yourself.

By setting a candle before the crucifixion, it is necessary to ask the Lord for the repose of the soul of the deceased slave, adding the name of the deceased. It should be lit from already burning, standing on a candlestick. If there are no empty seats, you just need to put it on the edge, good people will light it later.

You can also pray to the saints and the Virgin. When they light a candle, they should accompany this action, albeit with a brief, but prayer, on the model: "Rev. (name of the saint), pray to God for the servant of God (name of the deceased)."

About some prejudices

By regrettable ignorance, other people who do not know church life and have not learned the holiest meaning of Orthodoxy believe that with the help of some special prayers or their specific applications, one can "damage" or harm someone. An example is the opinion that if you order a magpie for the repose of a still living person, then his death will come nearer. It should be remembered that for God everyone is equally alive: those who live on our sinful earth and who have left this mortal world. Thus, if, by malice (certainly sinful) or by mistake, a candle placed for health appears in a rectangular candlestick (such ones are intended to be remembered for peace), then nothing terrible will happen.

what is magpie for peace

Other misconceptions regarding the Magpie

As for prayers for enemies, they have nothing to do with the goal of harming them; on the contrary, ordering a magpie for them, a true believing Christian asks for their admonition, tenderness of their souls and the world. Such behavior is correct, Christian, it demonstrates the desire for forgiveness and the establishment of harmony.

There is also a misconception that the magpie is ordered for repose only for those who died recently, that is, for the newly reposed. Church canons do not stipulate any restrictions on this issue, such services are appropriate at any time. True, it should be borne in mind that during Lent, liturgies are served only on Saturdays and Sundays, so at this time it is better to simply write separate notes that will be read in the altar.

what is magpie

Why you need to order magpies

Having learned what a magpie is behind the repose, it’s easier for mourners to endure grief.

The close people who have left us forever are much more in need of our prayerful intercession than of lavish ceremonies, plentiful memorial dinners and large-scale monuments, which serve more to affirm earthly vanity than to true memory and eternal life.

In addition to the memorial shrikes, there are other types of commemoration. These include eternal, annual, semi-annual and ordinary memorial notes.

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