The beautiful, name Margarita, Margot, speaks for itself. Often the meaning of the name Margarita is associated with a queen or a beautiful flower daisy.
Origin of the name Margarita
Translated from the Latin language Margarita ("margaritis") means "pearl" or "mother of pearl", the name itself comes from "margaritos" or Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty.
The meaning of the name Margarita
Margarita is a pathos name, even harsh and impatient in some places. Its owner is characterized by straightforwardness and independence, she is never afraid to express her opinion, even if it is radically different from the opinions of others.
Childhood. Margarita-child is good at contact with peers, loves adventure. She always tries to be the first in her studies, likes to argue with teachers, which is often the cause of conflicts at school. The liberal arts prefers the exact.
Work. If we talk about professions in which Margarita can prove herself, then, most likely, the role of a teacher, engineer, and boss will suit her.
The work itself is not the main thing for her, only the material component is important, which would completely satisfy the needs, of which there are many.
Society Margarita has virtually no friends, this is due to her distrust of people. And who wants to communicate with a person who has his own ego in the first place, and the problems and concerns of others are of little interest.
If Margarita looks self-sufficient and calm in appearance, then deep down in her soul there is always a storm of desires and conflicting passions. It's hard to get interested in unattractive things that she will never pay attention to.
The owner of the name prefers the male company to women's society. Men, in turn, never leave her unattended. At the same time, Margarita likes to be sought out or โduelsโ arranged for her.
Relationship . In a pair and relationship, he prefers a dominant position. He is experiencing a break, can become isolated in himself. Sex Margarita loves bright, unrestrained, diverse. But only the strongest and most confident person can get into her bed. Anyone who had the misfortune of falling in love with Margot will never be able to forget her.
Family and marriage. It is difficult to call Margarita monogamous, so it is quite possible that she will marry repeatedly. But a marriage concluded in adulthood will be lasting and will last until the end of days.
On the one hand, Margarita does not like family shackles, but on the other, she is happy to do home, children.
Often, a husband has to be jealous of his Margarita - even when married, she does not mind flirting with other fans.
Compatibility . If we are talking about compatibility, then for the name Margarita, Michael, Gennady, Eduard, Sergey are most suitable. With these people, she can have quite a long-term relationship both in the family and in civil relations.
The marriage with Cyril, Ivan, Vitaly or Vladimir, most likely, will not last long.
The meaning of the name Margarita by the seasons
Margarita-winter is demanding, sometimes too oppressive.
Margarita-fall - business, practical, stingy.
Margarita-summer - may be slightly soft, has a bright spirituality.
Margarita-spring - has an extravagant beginning.
Characteristic Name Margarita
So, summing up all that has been said, the meaning of the name Margarita is reduced to the following character traits: straightforwardness; independence; intolerance; selfishness; practicality; purposefulness; leadership on the verge of despotism; sharpness; folly.