Hieromonk Makarii Markish served in the Orthodox Church. He was the author of many books. Many of these books give people hope, and some provide true enlightenment, which is so lacking in the modern world. Basically, all of his books are designed to convey a sacred meaning to everyone who reads them.
Hieromonk's life
He was born in 1954 in the city of Moscow. His father's name was Simon (Shimon) Peretsovich Markish. He was born in 1931 and died in 2003. He was a well-known translator, philologist and professor at the University of Geneva at that time. He worked in it from 1974 to 1996. Mother Macarius was called Inna Maksimovna Bernstein. She was born in 1929 and died in 2012. In Soviet times, she was a famous Russian translator.
Hieromonk Makarii Markish graduated in 1971 from the second physics and mathematics school in Moscow. He graduated from Moscow University, Department of Automated Control Systems for Automotive Engineers. He left for America in the mid-80s with his family. He has children: a daughter and a son. He began to work as a programmer since 1985.
Before the great Epiphany Day in 1985, he was baptized in the Holy Epiphany Church in Boston. And in 1999 he graduated from the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville.
He visited his homeland around 1994 and 1998. He decided to return to the Russian Federation in 1999, when there was a bombing in Serbia. His dream came true only in 2000.
After he returned to his hometown, after some time and after the blessing of Bishop Ambrose Ivanovsky, he decided to leave for Ivanovo. There he also became a great novice in the Holy Vvedensky monastery. In it, he passed the ceremony of tonsure, for conversion to monasticism, and in 2003 he was ordained a priest. In 2002, he began to teach divine services and general church disciplines at the Ascension Theological Seminary in the city of Ivanovo. A priest lives in the same monastery and serves the spiritual world.
Hieromonk Makarii Markish is the author of many publications and various books. He is one of the developers of the Fundamentals of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Teaching on Freedom of Choice, Dignity and Human Rights. They were adopted in 2008 by the ROC Council of Bishops. He was also the rector of the church of the Ivanovo-Ascension Saints in 2012-2013 in the city of Ivanovo. At the moment, the temple is called the Assumption Cathedral.
Hieromonk Macarius Markish published books in large quantities.
“Let's destroy hell”
One can involuntarily recall the saying "Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels." Reading this story, you can relax your soul. It was written with all love and soul. It describes the beauty of the soul, nature, love for one’s life and people, destinies and events, the Russian spirit, the simplicity of a Russian person. In the modern world, it allows you to warm the soul of a person. At the same time, you can be touched and think about how you live and what needs to be fixed.
"Man and woman"
The book describes many true truths. It is suitable for people who take the first steps on the path of Orthodoxy. After a person reads the book, he immediately begins to interest the hieromonk, the biography of Makarios Markish. Some are surprised that he has a divorce. Few understand why a divorced monk thinks about family life. Most people have the impression that by writing a book, Macarius tries to heal all his mental pain after a divorce.
The book describes many interesting and useful thoughts, despite the author’s marital status. Also, it does not contain stinging words, despite the fact that it responds to many users.
Macarius Jerome, “Pseudo-Orthodoxy”
In a series of books by Hieromonk Makarii Markis, questions and answers are confined to issues of pseudo-Orthodoxy. Many people like these stories. They help to overcome their insecurity, fear.
“Getting Ready for Eternal Life”
Many people, after facing the death of their loved ones, become confused and have some kind of fear before leaving for another world. They try to muffle him by starting to do everything right. But can the observance of all customs and rituals help their loved ones?
This book is modern. In it, a person will not be able to find similar items with other benefits. It tells in detail about all superstitions and traditions, and about what the consequences may be if all rituals are observed. It helps a person prepare for an ethereal life.
"How to live a life?" Conversations before going through the wedding ceremony and a little after "
This brochure belongs to the series of books of Hieromonk Makarios Markish. The questions that are raised here, not only apply to all the rules of the wedding, but also answer many related questions. For example, such:
- "Why does love begin and end quickly?"
- "How can you keep a lot of love?"
- “Why can't couples sometimes converge in characters?”
- “Is there a soulmate?”
- “How are the foundations of married life built?”
The brochure allows you to remove the mask from prejudice and various misconceptions, give everyone advice, before which people begin to think and look for answers.
It becomes an excellent tool for people who want to connect their lives in marriage, for people who have problems in their personal lives, and for their relatives.
“The sacrament of baptism. Conversations with parents and godparents "
The book describes confidential communication, which reveals the whole meaning and content of baptism. The book is necessary for people who have decided to receive holy baptism or to christen their babies. It is also recommended that godparents read it. A distinctive feature of this book is its summary and deep meaning. But the main feature is that it is created for people living in the modern world.
Book of worship
The book “Divine services” by Makarii Markish (hieromonk) is not so difficult to find, in almost every church, it can be purchased in a candle shop.
She talks about how you can understand all the subtleties and complexities of Orthodox worship. Many people, even those who constantly attend church, do not understand the whole essence of the service (in this case it’s not worth talking about newcomers). The modern book of Macarius is written in an understandable and lively language. It includes the whole essence of various multi-volume collections.
All the principles of the Charter are written simply and accessible to the average person. It can clarify the essence of the festive and Sunday services. It also allows you to follow the service.
The book “Service” by Hieromonk Makarii Markish is recommended to be read by those people who often visit temples.
“Steps towards. Conversations on Holy Baptism with Godparents and Parents ”
This book is similar to The Sacrament of Baptism. It describes the whole meaning of the baptism of people. It also briefly describes the whole essence of this sacrament.
“On the threshold of the church”
Hieromonk Makarii Markish is known to many as a priest from the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in the city of Ivanovo. He answers many questions of coming people in understandable and sincere words. In this book, he answered clearly to such questions:
- "How to keep fast and not go to the grave?"
- “How can I start working on myself?”
- "How is a person recommended to relate to rock music?"
- “How often do you go to temples?”
- “Is political correctness a virus that kills free words or thoughts?”
These questions are just a few of the answers to which can be found in the book.
Makarios Markis has many resources on which he publishes articles and answers questions from people. Some of them:
- "The crush that arose among the priests" (published on April 13, 2015).
- “Appendix to the Helper of Confession” (April 2, 2015).
- “How can I get a firebird that brings happiness?” (Published December 31, 2014).
- “Pride is the devil’s main apartment in the soul” (January 15, 2015).
- “If a person is jealous of you, then he should make a compliment” (October 27, 2014).
- "Love for the coffins of the Soviet Union" (June 7, 2014).
Hieromonk Makarii Markish describes the whole psychology of a poor person. Gives advice on how to avoid suicide and find your place in this world.
After reading the books of Makarii, you can take a lot for yourself and start working on your soul and thoughts, get acquainted with the essence of sacred baptism, understand why a person needs it and why to attend sacred temples in festive services.