Bathroom waterproofing: material selection, types and types of insulation, necessary tools, work instructions and compliance with SNIP requirements

Waterproofing a bathroom is a necessary procedure in every house or apartment. It is important to create a reliable barrier so that the integrity of the protective layer is not violated. Today there are enough offers on the market, and from all this diversity it is worth choosing the right one. In addition, experts talk about different techniques that have their positive and negative sides.


The following options can be used for waterproofing the bathroom. This is a gluing system, penetrating, coating and painting. In addition, all the material can be divided into other subgroups that are related to their consistency and not only. As a result, in practice, all the proposed goods on the market are presented in such variations - pasty, liquid, powder and roll materials for waterproofing bathrooms. Further we will consider these types in more detail.

Application rolls

This is one way to create a protective barrier. It is the most affordable, but it does not show high results. There is a laying of plastic film under the screed. This is the waterproofing of the bathroom floor. To do this, the thickest material is taken, and the film should overlap and rise to the walls by 10 centimeters. This is not always enough, construction tape is also used to securely fasten joints.

bathroom waterproofing materials

You can create a seam using its soldering. An iron is used for this. This is an old method, but in practice it does a good job - ironing the seams through the paper. Better if there are two layers. In this case, the seams should not match. There are more modern materials on the market - technoelast, acoustics. They have the property of delaying unnecessary sounds. Their joints are fixed with bitumen tapes.

If you choose special materials, they are not very expensive, but the effect is better. Basically, they consist of a canvas, which is carefully impregnated with bitumen. Not so long ago, cardboard was taken as the basis, but today there are more reliable materials. For example, fiberglass is not prone to mold and rot, although its quality is very different.

bathrooms materials

According to experts, the best base is polyester. It accepts any stretch well, but this property is not always important for a bathroom or a bathroom, but the price is high. Therefore, the decision to make each independently, depending on the budget.

Bituminous roll waterproofing

Most often it is bitumen rolled waterproofing. The most common are SBS and AMS. To fix the waterproofing of the bathroom, you can use the weld-in method or self-adhesive. For the first you have to have a special burner. Found on sale and the polymer base. Most often these are films, but with a large thickness. One side of them has an adhesive on the surface. They do not contain any reinforcing substances. This gives them the opportunity to remain in place unchanged for many years.

How to use such components?

To use waterproofing materials in rolls, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface, although this applies to all types. It is important to measure everything by level. Deviation of more than two millimeters is not allowed. If the heated mass is poured, then the primer is applied first. She prepare the surface. Although the use of a burner in the bathroom is a rarity due to the small space. Sometimes it also happens that the mass remaining after other work is applied to a small area. This is convenient because nothing is thrown out idle. Any work has its own stages and it is worth doing them, otherwise it will not work to achieve the desired result.

What kinds are there?

The use of coating waterproofing will bring effect only with competent application. In the store you need to pay attention to the quality of the selected material, which means that the price should not be low. Coating brings a high-quality result, but they work with it at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees, such conditions are not always possible to implement. The basis is rubber or any polymers. They suit various bases and adhere to the surface with high quality.


There are foreign and domestic manufacturers on the market producing such products. The drying period is short, which allows you to speed up any repair. To increase the strength of the coating, special reinforcing compounds are used.

Bitumen-rubber mastic is considered the best waterproofing of the bathroom in the apartment. In order for it to appear on the surface and fulfill its basic functions, it is necessary to clean the top layer and process it. But if the work is carried out in the bathroom or the bathroom, then the floor should be lower than everyone else, or you will have to mount a threshold.

Types of soil

It is important that the adhesive properties increase. To do this, use any primer composition. Before choosing it is preferable to both formulations from the same manufacturer. The primer must dry completely. About two hours are enough for this. There are two main types:

  1. One component.
  2. Two-component.
waterproofing bathrooms

On sale there are such compounds that must be mixed before use. It is convenient to carry out work with a spatula. To avoid gaps, it is worth driving slightly onto the walls (at least 10 centimeters). It takes two hours to dry such a mastic. There are those who require a screed for the foundation, but sometimes it is easy to create a reliable layer even without it. The attached instructions are always taken as the basis.

Are there any dry formulations?

There are cement-polymer mastics on sale. They allow you to organize a device for waterproofing the bathroom. To create the desired mass, the mixture is diluted with water. It acts as a coating or penetrating waterproofing. But there are two options:

  • The increased level of rigidity.
  • Elastic composition.

Often after a new construction, the building can give movement, so the use of a rigid composition can lead to cracks. They pay attention to this. The elastic consistency is used in many buildings, as it does not crack and does not deteriorate over time.

Where should the waterproofing be?

If it's gender, then everything is simple. Waterproofing can be:

  1. Before screeding.
  2. On top of her.

Previously, it was not necessary to talk about the reliability of the waterproofing material, and therefore it was applied under the screed. Today, everything has changed, and they are trying to create a protective layer above it. And already the finish is on it. There is protection not only of the finishing layer, but also of the screed itself from getting wet, because in the bathroom it is relevant. Often they began to create warm floors in such rooms. In this situation, it is necessary to waterproof the bathroom.

make a bathroom

A lot of work goes into the process of creating the right conditions in the bathroom. Particular attention is paid to joints on the floor and walls. To avoid misunderstandings, they are reinforced or glued with special construction tape. Experts believe that it is necessary to strengthen the waterproofing layer in the corners and joints, because the building gives movement and surface cracking occurs. In these places, moisture collects and mold or rot forms.

Waterproofing is also often applied to walls, especially in places where there is direct contact with water. This does not always need to be done - a meter and a half is enough to the ceiling. A puddle cannot form on the wall, and it is necessary to protect it from splashing. A small layer of waterproofing composition is enough. Although sometimes you can simply create ventilation gaps by mounting the membrane. But this option is complex and not always without experience it will turn out to create reliable protection.

In order to avoid misunderstandings and problems, in the bathroom, special attention is paid to pipes that go out of the floor. These are plumbing and sewer. There are special constituent elements for this:

  • Waterproofing tape.
  • Hydraulic cord.
  • Sealants with fungicides.
waterproofing the bathroom

It is communications that pass under the floor that often bring a lot of problems. Such communications are given due attention. If it’s bad to β€œpack” them, then even the highest quality waterproofing will not bring any sense. There are even specially developed documents on which work is being carried out in this direction. Not everyone uses it, although this is fundamentally the wrong decision.

SNiP for bathrooms

As already noted, the use of waterproofing is considered necessary for the toilet and bathroom. Apply a wide variety of substances. They are applied mainly with a spatula, a person without experience will be able to cope with this procedure. Where there is contact with the floor and ceiling, additional protective tapes are often used. To such substances as bitumen, mastic, tar, there are requirements for waterproofing in bathrooms - SNiP 2.03.13-88.

bathroom waterproofing

These are several main points in which information for work and the characteristics of some materials are prescribed, one of which:

  • Waterproofing from wastewater and other liquids should be provided only with a large or medium intensity of their impact on the floor.

In apartment buildings, compliance with this kind of rules is mandatory. To achieve the desired result, do not shy away from recommendations. Everyone is trying to protect their housing from excess moisture, and rightly so. Because in such conditions, the development of microorganisms and destructive processes occur. Properly waterproofing the bathroom is not difficult, but subject to all recommendations.

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