Amazing White whitening: reviews, effectiveness and description of the procedure

A beautiful snow-white smile is, perhaps, a dream of everyone, but not everyone is given this by nature. Modern technologies in dentistry do not stand still, and today the dream may be a little closer, thanks to teeth whitening using Amazing White technology.

Amazing white whitening reviews

What it is?

This procedure is oxygen bleaching. Amazing white dentist whitening system available. Doctors' reviews confirm that the technology in its minimal impact is comparable to those that can be used at home.

The main feature is the low concentration of hydrogen peroxide: for example, only 16% of peroxide is used for teeth whitening, which is by far the most optimal option that minimizes the harmful effects on dental tissue.

The procedure consists in exposing the gel to the cold light of an LED lamp. Under the influence of cold light, the hydrogen peroxide in the gel is broken down into water molecules and atomic oxygen, which, when combined with coloring pigments, gives the enamel a white color. The pores of the tooth tissue are then washed out by the water released from the gel, and the patient can immediately enjoy his beautiful smile.

Today, an increasing number of people prefer Amazing White - whitening, patient reviews of which are strongly recommended to choose this procedure.

Amazing White dentist whitening system reviews

How is the LED lamp arranged and is it safe?

A specialized LED lamp used in the tooth whitening industry is an LED lamp that comes with:

  • the basis;
  • stand;
  • Power Supply;
  • remote control;
  • protective glasses.

The power of such a lamp is not more than 30 watts, weight is about 15 kg, operating voltage consumption is from 100 to 240 V. To carry out the bleaching process, the lamp emits cold light with a wavelength of from 430 to 490 nm.

Amazing White Teeth Whitening Reviews

Are these LED sources safe? Of course, yes. Such installations are eco-friendly LED lamps, the same as we use in everyday life. Yes, their power is somewhat higher, which allows the Amazing White (whitening) procedure to be carried out, the developers' reviews, however, prove that they do absolutely no harm to the human body. The emitted cold light does not overheat the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, does not cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Amazing White Benefits

Today, dentists can offer many technologies for whitening tooth enamel. Which one to choose is up to you. Let's see what are the benefits of whitening with Amazing White. The reviews of the doctors and patients themselves will help us with this.

So, why you need to choose this particular whitening technology:

  • Clinically tested. Despite the fact that the method appeared in Russia relatively recently, the practice of using Amazing White is enormous: dentists from the USA have been bleaching with this method for 12 years, and dentists from Europe for 3 years.
  • Minimal negative effect on whitening gel enamel due to low concentration of hydrogen peroxide in 16%. Patients are increasingly choosing Amazing White for the lack of aggressive concentrated ingredients.
  • Pigment deposits are cleaned even from hard-to-reach areas of the teeth, which allows to achieve an ideal result.
  • The relatively small time spent on the procedure: to achieve the desired effect, it will be sufficient to visit the dentist 3 times, each session will take no more than 15 minutes.
  • If you want to brighten your teeth in a short time and immediately at 7-8 tones, teeth whitening with Amazing White technology will help you. Patient reviews confirm these results.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • Irritation of the oral mucosa is excluded due to the refusal to use special cap.
  • Patients who have undergone bleaching note that the result has been preserved from six months to 2 years (with proper regular care).
  • A smile after the procedure looks natural, without the effect of β€œtiled” teeth.

Why do more and more people prefer express whitening with Amazing White? Patient reviews primarily contain information on effectiveness, accessibility, safety and the rapid achievement of the desired result.

Amazing White Whitening Reviews

Disadvantages of Amazing White

Despite all the advantages, the disadvantages of this whitening technology are also there. These include:

  • Immediately after the procedure, the appearance of excessive tooth sensitivity, which usually disappears during the day, is possible.
  • The content of hydrogen peroxide in the contact gel does not exclude its effect on the hard tissue of the tooth.
  • Individual intolerance to gel components.

Whitening procedure

1. If the preliminary consultation with the dentist did not reveal any contraindications for the procedure (we will discuss them a bit later), then the first step will be to determine the desired shade. At this point, it is necessary to be guided by common sense, not desires. The doctor will advise which shade of enamel will not only suit you, but will look harmonious and natural on your teeth. Perhaps the dentist will offer to take photographs of the original smile, in order to later fully appreciate the result.

2. Professional oral hygiene.

Amazing White enamel whitening is not possible without prior professional oral hygiene. Such brushing not only prepares the teeth for the upcoming whitening, but also prevents the development of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and even the development of caries.

Professional cleaning is carried out by the dentist using ultrasound or a special brush with paste. Only such care, recommended to be passed to everyone at least once every six months, can completely remove plaque and even tartar, which is the cause of tooth decay. Therefore, professional hygiene is an excellent prevention of loosening and tooth loss.

Cleaning of hard tooth tissue in the dentist's chair consists of several stages:

  • Ultrasound removal of tartar.
  • Removal of soft plaque (the most commonly used device is Air Flow).
  • Cleaning the interdental spaces.
  • Polishing teeth.
  • Application of a gel with fluoride in the composition.

Amazing White Express Whitening System Reviews

3. Installation of a retractor - a dental instrument that ensures the absence of contact of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with teeth. Before installing the retractor, the dentist must moisturize his lips with oil or cream with vitamins A or E.

4. Although the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the whitening gel is low, doctors to further reduce the risk of burns isolate the gums with liquid rubber dam. This whitening step is optional.

5. The application of a whitening composition on the teeth, after which the gel is exposed to a professional LED-lamp. It is carried out in 3 cycles lasting 15 minutes each. At the end of each cycle, it is necessary to wash off the gel and rinse the oral cavity from its residues.

6. Coating teeth with fluoride-containing preparations.

Amazing White Whitening Reviews


When can Amazing White Express Whitening be recommended? Dentists' feedback on this procedure convinces that the use is possible with both acquired and congenital defects.

Indication for use Amazing White is, above all, the dark color of tooth enamel. Moreover, this type of whitening will be effective both in congenital and acquired (usually due to the frequent use of coffee, tea, red wine, or carrots and beets) darkening of the teeth. It is also possible to carry out the indicated type of whitening in case of caries and its complications (after endodontic treatment) and even with transparency of the tooth tissue.


In general, the Amazing White bleaching procedure is safe and harmless, but there are still some contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to gel components.
  • Children's age (up to 14 years), as well as the presence of milk teeth.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypersensitivity of teeth.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and gums, in particular periodontal disease.
  • The presence of open foci of caries, pulpitis and other diseases.
  • The presence of dental implants or crowns in the smile area (whitening cannot change their color).
  • The presence of exposed sections of tooth roots.
  • The presence of "tetracycline" teeth (their clarification is possible for 1-2 tones).
  • Not recommended for thyroid disease.
  • The presence of mental illness.
  • The presence of neoplasms.
  • Tetracycline antibiotic therapy, oral contraceptives, statins.
  • Hypersensitivity to light.
  • Chemotherapy course.

Amazing White Express Whitening System Reviews

Effect duration

No matter how high-quality the teeth whitening Amazing White would be, reviews confirm that over time, plaque will accumulate on the teeth, and the enamel will gradually darken. This process usually proceeds very slowly, but if you often eat coffee, tea, or other coloring drinks, fruits and vegetables, the effect of the procedure will last less time.

So, the following factors affect the duration of the enamel clarification result:

  • enamel penetration;
  • patient habits.

Teeth whitening amazing white reviews

Dental and oral care after enamel clarification

To prolong the whitening effect, dentists recommend following a so-called β€œwhite diet” after a session, which consists in abstaining from coloring drinks and food, as well as quitting smoking for several hours after the procedure.

48 hours after visiting the doctor, you can return to your usual way of life, however, women should be very careful in applying decorative cosmetics and further: you can not predict how lipstick pigments can affect the color of bleached tooth enamel.

Amazing white whitening reviews

Amazing White (whitening): reviews

Abroad, this type of enamel clarification is in demand for quite a long time. Therefore, today there are a huge number of patients who have undergone such a procedure as Amazing White (whitening). Reviews are full of diverse opinions, but in most cases all patients come to the same conclusion: the procedure has a relatively low cost, and with proper oral care, the effect lasts from six months to 2 years.

Teeth whitening amazing white reviews


So, to summarize: the Amazing White procedure is a fairly proven technology in tooth whitening, almost harmless. With the skillful actions of a dentist, enamel can be clarified by 7-8 tones in a relatively short time (session duration is not more than 1 hour). If you have no contraindications, but have a great desire to improve your smile - choose Amazing White!

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