Why does the knife fall? Popular beliefs and signs

Not every small event in everyday life is honored to be the subject of acceptance and belief. But there are objects whose attention to behavior has not been weakened for centuries. Moreover, knowledge is transferred from elders to youth with the order to share it with descendants. For example, do you know why a knife falls? A fork or spoon, accidentally on the floor, portends a guest. And what does the knife portend, what does it want to warn the awkward observer? Let's figure it out.

why does the knife fall

Why does the knife fall to the floor

People say that cutting objects just do not pop out of their hands. Yawning is useless. The knife falls under the table - wait for the visitor. Just see how exactly it lies, where the tip is directed. Of course, plans and sketches are not proposed, but note the position of the knife is necessary. If the pen is directed towards the person who has dropped it, there is nothing to worry about. A familiar person will come, I miss you, I guess. His intentions will be pure and innocent. Does the tip look in your direction? Expect trouble. The visitor will come with unkind thoughts. People believe that the knife warns that one should not show excessive naivety and meet a guest with an open soul. He will definitely spit on her. To disassemble what the knife falls to, it is also recommended based on its appearance and parameters. So, if he has a smooth blade, then the conversation with the visitor will be calm, perhaps sincere. A ribbed or curly edge portends a quarrel or conversation in elevated tones.

The knife stuck on the floor

Among the various signs about cutting and piercing objects, there are especially bad ones. They should be remembered if you want to understand exactly what the knife falls to. Dropping the tool with which you cut the bread is a loss. The family quarrels due to lack of funds. In the old days it was believed that this knife should be protected especially, not to pass it into awkward hands. The bread cutting tool was always separate. His mistress kept to herself and did not allow anyone to use it. And this was not done out of whim, but because the mother or grandmother told her of cheating, why the knife fell to the floor. An old sign says that if he sticks into the boards, then the terrible will happen - the dead person will be at home. People were afraid of this and tried not to allow a bad omen. By the way, even older women taught young people how to act in order to drive away trouble from the threshold. But more on that later.

why does the knife fall to the floor

The knife hit the handle

There are funny signs about cutting tools. It so happens that his handle outweighs the blade and first touches the boards or plates. The people believed that such an event portends a fun company. Wait for friends to visit, who suddenly come and fill the space with hubbub and vanity. By the way, they will bring refreshments, and amuse, and delight. In general, nothing bad will happen. Even more interesting, when a knife falls on the street and accidentally sticks a handle into the ground or snow. This is considered the forerunner of a great feast. If he fell out of awkward girlish hands, a wedding feast was coming. Only a sign does not speak about the role of a beauty on it. It is possible she will soon become a bride. The event promises a young man a revel with friends. Older people who have dropped a knife in nature will also have to go to the celebration. In general, the sign is good, it promises a pleasant pastime in the company of kind, sincere people. Such a belief is often forgotten, explaining to those interested what the knife is falling to. And now about how to prevent trouble.

why does the knife fall on the omen floor

Methods to neutralize bad omens

It happens that the cutting tool portends the guest, but you do not need it, there is no time to entertain the visitor. It is recommended that you quickly raise the knife, substitute it under a stream of running water and say: "Dam, sit, do not go to me." People believe that the visitorโ€™s plans will change, and he will bypass your threshold. If the fall of the instrument portends a disaster, then it should be sprinkled with holy water and left to dry. Interestingly, and your older relatives told you in childhood, why does the knife fall? Share the secrets of the genus in the comments. Indeed, bit by bit, we are all together and preserve the vast and diverse heritage of our ancestors. Do you agree?

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