Joseph Jackson: biography, personal life, children. Jackson family

In addition to the famous son of Michael, Joseph Jackson had eight other children in marriage with Katherine Scrues. And they all became more or less famous musicians. In fact, ten offspring were born. But one of Brandon's twins died at birth. This tragedy, however, did not lead the rest of the Jackson from star trek.

Joseph Jackson: The Beginning of the Path to the Stars

July 26, 1929 in the American town of Arkansas , a boy was born who was destined to become the father of a large family of famous musicians. The kid was named Joseph Walter Jackson. As soon as the guy turned 12 years old, he had a chance to survive the first drama in his life. After a long marriage, parents decided to break off their relationship. The teenager, along with his father Samuel Jackson, was forced to move to Auckland.

After graduation, Joe moved to California, where he realized his boxing skills. However, the sudden illness of the mother forces the guy to interrupt his career. From now on, Western Chicago is waiting for him, where for some time he takes care of the suffering parent.

Joe and Katherine Jackson

This continued until 1949. On November 5, Joseph Jackson, together with his young wife Katherine Skruz, were based in the city of Gary (Indiana). A two-room house worth $ 800 was the first haven of a happy family.

Meeting with fate

Katherine Jackson (nee Skrue) was born in the family of Prince Albert Skroez and Matty Upshaw on May 4, 1930. At a tender age, the girl was ill with polio. The ailment left its unpleasant trace: Kate limped slightly throughout her life. But this did not stop her from meeting her fate in the face of her only love - Joe Jackson.

They met at a young age. Joe has just moved to his future wife's homeland in Indiana. Extremely active and musical, the guy quickly became a local star thanks to his original antics. No wonder that little Katie immediately fell in love with a favorite of the public and began to build his eyes in every possible way. This, however, did not protect her from a little trouble: her subject of adoration suddenly married a local beauty. Fortunately, the dissolution of a childless marriage was also not long in coming.

A year later, Joe was free again, and Katherine tripled her efforts to win his heart. Now, not a day passed that the girl did not catch the eye of her beloved and tried her best to charm him. Not much time passed, and Joseph was struck. The result of all the efforts of Miss Scrues was a wedding in the town of Crown Point (Indiana). Throughout their life together, Kate remained a faithful companion to the life of her beloved spouse, despite his love for flirting with outsiders. Mrs. Jackson gave birth to her husband ten lovely children, nine of whom were lucky enough to survive in this difficult world.

Father of many children

Having married in 1949, the Jackson family did not have enough time to enjoy each other's company. Already in 1950, on May 29, their first princess was born - the daughter of Rebbie, who was called Maurin Reilit at baptism. The girl did not have to be an only child for long.

Jackson family

One after another, literally every year, her many brothers began to be born:

  • Sigmund Esco (nickname Jackie) was born on May 4, 1951.
  • Toriano Ederill (Tito) - 10/15/1953
  • Germain La John - 12/11/1954
  • La Toya Ivona's sister was born on May 29, 1956.
  • The twins Marlon David and Brandon appeared on March 12, 1957, unfortunately, the youngest of the twins, Brandon, lived only a few days.
  • Michael Joseph - August 29, 1958
  • Stephen Randall (Randy) - 10/31/1961
  • The youngest sister of Damita Janet Jackson appeared on May 16, 1966.

All the legitimate heirs of Joseph had to make a huge contribution to the musical art of the world.

Jackson Fife

The huge family of Joseph Jackson required considerable financial investments. The head of the family had to keep numerous relatives. Catherine skillfully handled the farm, zealously saving every penny.

Despite Joe's overwork at the local steel mill, money was often not enough even for the most necessary. In addition to constant need, Jackson Sr. was oppressed by a viscous routine. The musical soul of a young father wanted space. It was the desire to declare himself to the world that prompted Joe to create the band The Falcons, which performed rhythm-and-blues music. The team, however, did not last long.

Ensemble "Jackson 5"

During the creative torment of the father, sons grew up. Once Joseph drew attention to the singing of his boys, who were fooling around in his nursery. Possessing remarkable organizational abilities, Big Dad decides to found a new musical ensemble consisting exclusively of Jackson boys. Thus was born the group The Jacksons, which was later renamed The Jacksons 5. The youngest, but nevertheless the most plastic and vociferous in the team was the seventh child of the spouses Michael. It was he who invented many dance steps that the brothers obediently performed to the beat of singing.

The Jacksons 5 performed successfully between 1964 and 1989. Having traveled almost all of America, winning all kinds of music competitions, the guys have long been idols of different generations and races. The older listeners were moved, looking at the virtuoso efforts of charming boys. The younger generation looked like jumping and vociferous peers, dreaming one day to conquer the stage just like The Jacksons 5. Needless to say, the band was the first black music group? Truly, the ensemble is a real breakthrough in the world of music in many ways.

Father of the king of pop

Although all the children of the couple had extraordinary musical abilities, nevertheless Michael Jackson most glorified his father's surname. Having drummed in the family team for 14 years, the seventh son, Joe and Kate, began a solo career. The first result was in 1978 the musical film "Visa". When creating the musical, the future star became acquainted with the popular producer Quincy Jones, who soon became the entrepreneur of many of Michael's albums.

November 1982 was marked by the release of the sixth vinyl, which became the best-selling in the history of the music market. In all the successes of his son, Joe Jackson took an active part, closely following all the successes of the stellar child.

Joe Jackson with son Michael

In addition to music, Michael, brought up in the best traditions of Jehovah's Witnesses, zealously engaged in charity and helping those in need. Twice with the blessing of all the same parents, the pop idol married. The first wedding took place with the daughter of rock and roll king Elvis Presley Lisa Maria, the second with a carer Debbie Rowe, who later became the mother of two of three children.

Famous daughters

In addition to the stellar son, Joe Jackson was also glorified by the famous princesses - La Toya and Janet. The eldest of two sisters since childhood dreamed of becoming a professional lawyer. However, the father’s demands were not adamant about not changing the family business - music, and the girl was forced to join her brothers. Subsequently, the artistic talent of La Toya was fully revealed. In 1980, the singer released her first solo album, which, thanks to the famous name, was a good success.

In addition to talent, the fifth child of the Jackson family is also distinguished by a love of scandals. Over time, the image of a chaste Christian began to change before our eyes. Now the woman tried her best to demonstrate her attractiveness and sexuality. The desire to shock the audience and relatives inspired La Toya in 1989 to pose nude for Playboy magazine. This was the reason for the singer’s many years of conflict with his family, which, fortunately, ended in 2007.

La Toya and Janet Jackson

The last offspring of the couple was Janet Jackson, who also devoted herself to music. Excessive despotism of the father forced the girl to run away from home and independently pursue her creative career. Janet considers his first victory the release of the Rhythm Nation album in 1984. From that moment on, the singer’s popularity began to grow, and interest in her has not faded to this day.

Another personal life of Joseph Jackson

The biography of the father of famous offspring is not limited to one family. In fact, Joseph has an illegitimate daughter. It was the connection with Cheryl Terrell and the birth of the girl Joe Vaughn that caused Katherine to reconsider her relationship with her husband. And although officially the marriage is not dissolved, the former spouses began to live separately.

Life after Michael's death

Today, after almost 10 years after the death of the pop idol, Joe Jackson and his wife Katherine are raising three children of a stellar son. Although Kate’s grandmother is appointed the official guardian of the heirs, grandfather also takes an active part in the fate of his grandchildren. The paparazzi have repeatedly captured the release of three offspring of Michael with Ketty and Joe into the light.

Michael Jackson's Children

And although Prince, Paris and Blanket are still young, in one they can be calm: they are brought up on the principles of morality and humanity.

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