Feminine happiness - would be nice next: a prayer of the Protection of the Holy Virgin for marriage

The Feast of the Protection of the Virgin, popularly referred to as the Intercession, began to be celebrated in Russia for a long time, since the 12th century. It happened on October 1, in a new style - October 14. The Orthodox Church called it the throne, i.e., one of the most important Christian celebrations. In the Catholic environment, the date is not considered solemn.

Female defender

prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for marriage
The Mother of God is considered the patroness of the whole human race. But the military treat her with special love and reverence. After all, the very wonderful vision and the sacrament of the holy veil, with which the Mother of God covered the inhabitants of Constantinople and kept the “barbarians” from destruction by the army (remember the famous Pushkin prophet Oleg: it was he who besieged Constantinople, then Constantinople hung his shield on its main gate), happened at the time of the abusive. And a large number of battles were won by the Russian army, blessed in this way. However, with even greater hope and hope, women turn to the Holy Virgin. It is in her that they see their main protector before the Almighty. And in her address the October prayer of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for marriage sounds to her. It is believed that on this holiday she is especially strong and effective. Therefore, for a long time in Russia, girls and women who dream of starting a family conduct special rituals in order to find their soul mate over the next year.

Intercession traditions

Intercession of the Virgin Mary prayer
Intercession - a girl's holiday. Priests do not dispute this, remembering how many wedding ceremonies and traditions are associated with it. Yes, and the Mother of God herself - a symbol of motherhood, mercy and forgiveness, patronizes weddings. Indeed, a new, “honest” family is also the birth of children! Therefore, the prayer of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for marriage is so strong during the holidays. True, for it to give the desired results, you need to learn some rules:

  • Firstly, it’s not worth sleeping until late on a festive morning. You need to get up early, before the rest of the house. Light the wax candle purchased at the church and tell the Prechisty about her desire before the image. The prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for marriage should not be pronounced hastily, but with a soul. After all, you are asking for the most cherished, hidden. And ask not only for a quick wedding, but also about what kind of person your chosen one should be.
  • Secondly, it will be even better if your prayer to the icon of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos for marriage sounds in the temple of God itself. To do this, come to the church in the early morning, put a candle in front of the image and, after praying, say how our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to say: “Cover, Father Pokrov, with snow covered with straw, and with my bridegroom.”
  • Thirdly, why should the prayer of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for marriage be pronounced at sunrise? Because there is a sign: the sooner you say the coveted word, the sooner you will marry!

Rites of the Intercession

prayer to the icon of the Protection of the Holy Virgin
What ceremonies did our ancestors practice at the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos? Prayer was also supported by special wedding plots. To do this, the girl needed to get a body shirt (and now a T-shirt, T-shirt) of a guy she likes in advance. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, you should get clean water and pronounce spoken words over it. In the morning she needs to wash herself, and wipe herself with the same shirt! Then there are prayers, etc. If snow fell on the Veil, then it is possible to conduct a ceremony to quickly attract grooms and matchmakers to the house.

Here is such a wonderful feast of the Intercession!

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