Larisa Kurdyumova: biography, personal life

Larisa Kurdyumova - Honored Artist of Russia. The folk singer, professor and just a stunning woman went through an interesting life and career. She found her vocation, formed as a person and became the ideal of the original performing style. Larisa’s magnificent talent was expressed not only in the opera and on the stage, but also in the cinema. The greatest success for the singer was the performance of romances. It is not for nothing that the opera singer Larisa Kurdyumova, whose biography, whose personal life will be considered in the article, received the second name “Queen of Russian Romance”.

"Severe" early age

The biography of the singer Larisa Kurdyumova began on August 19, 1950. The girl’s childhood passed without maternal love and care. The orphanage in the village of Dedenevo in the Moscow Region is the house where the future Queen was raised. Like all children, she dreamed of a career as an actress or singer.

A huge desire for fame made the 13-year-old girl escape from the orphanage to Moscow. Without funds in the winter, Larisa walked on the railroad ties. The young and brave runaway reached the capital only late in the evening. After asking the townspeople in which direction Gorky's film studio is located, she immediately went there. However, at a later time, employees were not there. On this trip to the dream ended. Police officers saw a little homeless girl and took her back to the orphanage.

Larisa Kurdyumova biography

The first creative breakthroughs

Time passed, but the passion for the stage and popularity did not pass. Having a good voice and hearing, Larisa began to sing in the yard, entertaining locals and passers-by. In school years, the girl fell into the choir, where she tried her best to be noticed.

When the future artist graduated from high school, she had to get a job as a cook in order to somehow feed herself. Analyzing vocal data, Larisa's elder brother finds a music tutor Ksenia Sakhnovskaya, after hard work with which the girl went to school, and then to the Moscow Conservatory for vocals.

A promising student was immediately noticed and sent to increase knowledge to Galina Vishnevskaya. However, after the departure of the famous artist, the young singer initially engaged with Valentina Pershina, and three years later in the classroom with Elena Obraztsova, becoming the best student.

In 1978, after graduating from the Moscow Conservatory, Larisa got a job as an intern, and then as a soloist with the Opera Company of the Academic Theater. The actress played a leading role in the large performances of V.A. Mozart, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Georges Bizet and others. Supporting her ideal graduate, Elena Obraztsova said: "Larisa, you are very strong in lyrical works."

The composer Tikhon Khrennikov also admired the talents of the national artist: “Larisa is the most brilliant representative in her theater!” Even in solo concerts, the singer turned her performance into a global developmental action with hints of drama. The shortest play, song or other work turned into a full story from real life. She could convey to the audience all the feelings of the composition, penetrating the meaning of the work and bringing it to each listener.

Larisa Kurdyumova personal life children

Amazing abilities

The artistic potential of the singer was so huge that she lacked a narrow stage space. She was looking for new ideas and images of her performances. Such zeal was due to the fact that in the first half of her life she was sorely lacking in theater.

The creative range of the Honored Artist is very wide. Masterfully she performs both folk works and compositions by I. S. Bach. But with special love and trepidation, Larisa refers to Russian songs, especially romances. It was she who became the Russian discoverer of romance with solo programs. The singer writes off such a step on female intuition, reviving the fashion for romances.

Youth romances

Another great feature of the actress is her good nature, simplicity and the desire for meticulous creative work with young talents and musicians. Thanks to the vast experience, working with young colleagues is always gaining success. Numerous concerts, full halls of spectators and solemn meetings have always been, are and will be.

Larisa Kurdyumova can often be found in the jury of vocal competitions of the Russian romance. The attachment to this genre is so great that the singer will not leave the audition without a new work.

The singer’s tours are popular both in Russia and abroad. There is no city that would not have met her with a stormy enthusiastic welcome. Fans love live music, great vocal skills and actress skill. A lot of attention in the reviews about the actress is paid to her unique style and intonation, the word and manner of performing works. Larisa very clearly captures changes in music, doing everything at a highly professional level.

Larisa Kurdyumova biography personal life

The Queen of Television

Popular artist Larisa Kurdyumova, a biography whose personal life has become the subject of our review, can be found not only at a concert, she also starred in feature films. Larisa perfectly fits into any plot or production, even in the role of the president’s wife in the film “The Game” in 1992.

Children's dreams come true with great speed. Active cooperation with leading television programs and her participation in show programs - nothing can be done without an artist. In addition, city concerts, corporate events, international receptions - and again Larisa Kurdyumova in the lead! The bewitching voice of the singer sounded everywhere.

Larisa Kurdyumova biography family

Musical creations

Thanks to the colossal work, Honored Artist Larisa Kurdyumova has released more than a dozen albums of various genres with works. Rare romances, opera arias, folk songs, compositions of the war years - the performer’s archive is quite wide and varied.

Separately, we can say about the disc with video clips. Creative work was carried out in many corners with magnificent apartments.

Labor Rewards

For outstanding creativity, Larisa was awarded the award “The Best Dmitrovite of the Twentieth Century”.

2007 was a memorable Golden Bird Award. The artist received the title as the best representative of culture.

The works of the actress have been noticed at the international level. The discoverer of the romance receives prizes from Interconcert, an invitation to participate in the filming in Hollywood itself.

Larisa Kurdyumova husband

Still a singer or actress?

“A singing actress” is the name of the people Larisa Kurdyumova (biography, the family of this woman is interesting to all her fans). It is not enough to have only a strong voice. When entering the stage, each singer must carry beauty, grace and strength. Sincerity and liveliness - these are the true qualities of the artist. At the concert there must be a stream of inexhaustible energy, which is charged by the audience. However, the public is very diverse in nature. Therefore, it is important to become open and close to each person. Any tricks are acceptable: dances, facial expressions, they especially help to establish a close relationship. The artist must feel the mood of the viewer and his desires, and not just show his creative or vocal abilities.

Larisa Kurdyumova children

Larisa Kurdyumova's biography: personal life

In addition to success on a creative path, Larisa Kurdyumova managed to find family happiness. The first marriage was unsuccessful. However, with the husband-priest, the whole separation was pretty peaceful. Do Larisa Kurdyumova have children from her first marriage? Yes, the woman had a son, Yegor, who from an early age showed interest in musical art. The boy was fond of the piano with enthusiasm, attended all the concerts of the famous mother. But it was not possible to become a great artist, and the desire was gone. Egor is now a general practitioner.

For ten years, the actress raised the boy alone. In an instant, the realization came that family and life were completely inferior. Moreover, the personal life, the children of Larisa Kurdyumova were under the constant close attention of fans. Then she asked God for female happiness. The Lord did not keep her waiting long. Soon, the singer met her “half”. Spouses live in harmony and harmony for a long time. It’s so good that Larisa Kurdyumova’s personal life has improved. Children in this marriage did not appear. But the husband and son of the honored artist maintain warm friendly relations. They became a real family.

singer Larisa Kurdyumova biography

Family creative activities

The current husband of Larisa Kurdyumova is a military man, a son, as you know, a doctor, and there is also a beloved grandson. To the extent possible, our heroine draws her family to concerts, which makes them very close. The grandson, having settled on the stage, is already reading poetry with pleasure and brings joy to the audience. In addition, family success and peace are largely dependent on the woman. She directs her man to creative actions, gives him faith and strength, ideas for creative work.

With children, the behavior is a little different. In the upbringing of a child, strictness and justice must be present. Of course, we must not forget about love, attention, and, most importantly, about rewards for great results. So there is a desire to rise one step higher. Similar principles, according to the artist, have true parental love.

Big words about values

Larisa Kurdyumova devoted almost her entire life to the theater. Tempting offers in the cinema and on the stage did not “seduce” the actress. Why is it still a theater? The singer felt that without the beautiful and the highest, her life would pass without emotions and moral satisfaction. The opera house is the place where everything happens.

In modern times, a woman feels a lack of spirituality, especially among young people. Now young people are ruled by fashion, advanced technologies, modern standards. And here the main thing is not to forget to remain human. The values ​​of a real person are completely different. There is no significance to a piece of bread, convenience in the house. Moral formation with every decade leaves, hides in the depths. It is important to treat your work with awe and soul. It is important not just to do their work, but to make “people”, to educate civic feelings. It is only necessary to find a creative path. He is in every job, even a mechanic ...

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