Anti hijack - what is it? How to disable the mode?

Anti Hijack (Tomahawk, in particular, contains it) is a very useful feature that can save an already stolen car. But there are also frequent cases when such a valuable option turns against the owner of the car, introducing the latter into a "dead" state. All the nuances and features of the mode, the features of its inclusion / deactivation will be discussed later in the article.

Tomahawk: functional

"Tomahawk" (Anti Hijack - only a small component of it) - a multifunctional anti-theft system. The key to it is a two-way programmable keychain with LED indicators and a convenient LCD screen.

anti hijack what is it

The system contains a lot of useful options, for example:

  1. Protected engine start / stop at a distance.
  2. Remote shutdown of the shock sensor.
  3. Self-diagnosis.
  4. Protective function against false alarm.
  5. Auto engine warming according to programmable temperature indicators.
  6. Disarming and opening of the central lock in two steps.
  7. Protection of the hood, doors, luggage compartment.
  8. Daily engine startup.
  9. Ability to control the temperature in the cabin.
  10. The mode "Call driver" and "Search for cars."
  11. Security without siren activation.
  12. Engine blocking.
  13. Turbo timer.
  14. Bypass the faulty zone with the inclusion of an audio and visual signal.
  15. Panic modes, Valet, Anti Hijack.

We will analyze the latter in this article.

Anti hijack - what is it?

Anti-hijack (Hijack - English "steal, steal"), as well as anti-robbery function, anti-robbery mode, anti-theft option - a function that fights against the robber without the owner. Depending on the model of the anti-theft device, the Anti Hijack button can have either one or three modes that interact with each other.

anti hijack how to disable

An alternative to this option is the "Panic" mode - when it is activated, the car starts to "vote" and blink with all its lights. It is activated to attract the attention of passers-by and passing to what is happening with the car and inside it.

Active Mode

The car owner, giving the keychain to the robbers, does not panic and, in the process, presses the "secret" button. Therefore, it is much safer to keep the keys and the keychain separately - in this case, you can activate AntiHiJack unnoticed in your pocket. However, it will only make sense if the attackers along with the machine did not retire to a distance exceeding 20-30 meters.

Anti Hijack mode - what is it in this case? The robbers will be able to enjoy the trip for about a minute after its activation, after which the car will blink “emergency gangs” and stall safely in the middle of the road. The owner should not watch the further actions of the hijackers - they can quickly figure out what’s the matter and return for the key fob.

tomahawk anti hijack

If the car has a satellite search system, then the action of such Anti Hijack ends in the same way, only the button in this case is a smartphone, and the operator takes over the anti-robbery mode.

Cocked Mode

Anti Hijack - what is it with this mode? The car owner, before starting the engine and starting the movement, started the protection against capture by pressing the same "secret" button. This takes place when he is forced out of the car.

After the door slams, the anti-theft system will “ask” to press the button again to confirm that it was the owner who closed the car. Without such an answer, after a while the engine "dies."

In this mode, you should not worry about the speed of your reaction or the power of exposure to the hijackers. But in this system there is also a significant minus - the owners themselves are in its captivity, having forgotten to identify themselves by pressing the button again.

anti hijack tomahawk

Passive Mode

In order for the anti-theft mechanism to work with it, the owner does not need to do anything at all - you just need to remember to take the RFID tag with you in the car. After the ignition is turned on, the system begins to check for the presence of this beacon in the cabin. Finding it, it does not interfere with the further movement of the vehicle.

Re-check starts when stopping, opening / closing doors and pressing the gas pedal. Not finding what you are looking for, the system turns off the engine and turns on the alarm.

Passive mode for today is the most effective and safe, not failing even the most forgetful driver. An unacceptable error would be wearing a label in conjunction with keys.

Anti hijack - how to disable

As already mentioned, in the cocked mode, due to an accident or a malfunction of the key fob (for example, a button is stuck), the owner himself may be a prisoner of the AntiHaiJack system. If the car stalled, stood in the middle of the carriageway, "screaming" - what should I do?

Hang up can be set in one of the ways:

  1. After locking the engine, turning on the alarm and turn signals, turn off, and then immediately turn on the ignition again. Within ten seconds, hold down the Valet key and release it. If a secret system shutdown code is set, enter it. However, be careful - if the cipher is entered three times incorrectly, the next attempt to enter it will be available only after some time.
  2. Find the "secret" OverRide button. Then turn on the ignition. Make the number of clicks on the button equal to the first digit of the pin code. Then turn the ignition off and on again. Now the number of clicks should be equal to the second digit of the cipher. After these actions, the anti-theft mode should be turned off. If you did not change the secret code yourself, then the standard Tomahawk system is 11.
    anti hijack mode what is it

Valet - Features and Functionality

With a question about Anti Hijack - what it is, how to disable it, we figured it out. The next feature, Valet, closely related to it, also deserves attention.

This option is needed in order to temporarily disable all security functions of the system. She does not obey only the Panic option. As already mentioned, "Jack" deactivates "AntiHayJack". If she does not cope with this task, you can get the batteries out of the key fob for a few minutes, and then install them again.

Do not inform a large number of friends about the location of the Valet secret activation button, which in a matter of minutes makes the car completely defenseless. Also, do not turn on this mode in the presence of strangers.

anti hijack button

You can activate the mode according to this algorithm:

  1. Turn the ignition switch on and off.
  2. In the cabin itself, find and hold down the mode button switch, counting down ten seconds after the ignition is turned off.
  3. The alarm informs you with characteristic sounds about activating the mode.
  4. Subsequently, when operating the machine in this mode while using the ignition switch, the system will notify you of it with sound signals.

Many models of trinkets allow you to perform this procedure remotely.

Disabling "Jack" is simple:

  1. Turn the ignition key on / off.
  2. After counting 10 minutes after turning off, press the button switch.
  3. The system will mark the return to normal mode with a visual and light signal.

Remote shutdown is done according to the same scheme, only instead of the mentioned button, the keys with the lock and speaker on the key fob are clamped.

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