What do the colors of the flowers symbolize? Write your flower letter!

Probably many people know about the existence of the so-called language of flowers. Thinking over a gift or, on the contrary, having received it, many want to know what the colors of flowers symbolize . In general, flowers are an extremely delicate topic, and the meaning of a particular bouquet may vary depending on the cultural characteristics of a particular country. For example, a Chinese man who presents his beloved with a yellow rose says with this gesture that his love for her will live forever. But if this happens in our area, the unlucky gentleman risks becoming a persona non grata - in Europe yellow and its shades have long been considered the color of infidelity and inconstancy. Nevertheless, some general recommendations on this subject still exist. The younger the person for whom the bouquet is being compiled, the more flowers should be present in it in gentle, light shades. But if we are talking about a present for an elderly man or woman, it is better to opt for a composition of rich deep shades.

what symbolize the colors of flowers
What do the colors of the flowers symbolize yet?

White is the color of innocence, youth, indicating the purity of thoughts. This explains the old tradition of making bridal bouquets of white lilies, because the girl on this fateful day looks like a fragile flower in the hands of a man who took responsibility for her happy and carefree life in the future. However, white flowers are used not only at weddings: such a composition would be an ideal gift for almost any young person, including the stronger sex.

But as for the other popular color - pink - these floristic compositions, as a rule, are not given to men. This is due to the fact that they symbolize the colors of flowers and shades of pink in particular. From ancient times they are a kind of compliment, talking about the tenderness and femininity of the recipient. Such a gift is not a declaration of love, however, it speaks of sincere admiration on the part of the donor and his hope for reciprocal sympathy. As a rule, feelings in this case are purely platonic in nature, and therefore you can safely present pink flowers to a girl friend or lady whose heart has yet to be conquered.

which symbolizes the yellow color of flowers
Yellow color, as already mentioned, is not the best option as a presentation for a beloved or beloved. The exception is those situations when you need to gently hint to a person that relations are in a crisis stage. However, yellow flowers can be a great gift for a colleague, a good friend or relative. What does the yellow color of the flowers symbolize in this case? This is the sunniest and most fun color, which can mean a wish for joy, inexhaustible positive and spring in the soul. Often yellow flowers bring sick friends - they really cheer you up and tune in to the best, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

If you study what the colors of flowers symbolize, in order to tell about your passionate feelings, it is worth choosing red tones. Such a floristic recognition will carry a hint of aggressive sexuality. At the same time, flowers of dark red and burgundy color are considered a classic choice for an official gift, which means admiration for those to whom the bouquet is presented, appreciation and deep respect.

Despite its proximity to red, orange is much closer to yellow in value, but there is still slightly more expression in it. If you compare them, you can say that yellow flowers are just a wish for joy, and orange flowers are a wish for such great joy that it does not fit into any suitcase and has to be shared with others and relatives. As a gift for a beloved or beloved, orange flowers are more likely neutral, they do not speak of separation or betrayal. They are much closer to the bold promise to make a person the happiest person in the world or their readiness to experience many bright moments and adventures with him.

blue color symbolizes
The blue color symbolizes a dedicated patient love that does not fear even the most serious obstacles. That is why flowers of this color will be a great gift from a girl for a guy leaving the army.

But blue is the best choice for an official gift. The gender and age of the recipient do not matter. Blue is the embodiment of unshakable traditions, stability, constancy, and such flowers will be told to the recipient that you value his mind and professionalism in his work.

Purple flowers can mean a lot: a wish for success in all endeavors or a desire to apologize. It all depends on what other shades and colors they are combined in the bouquet.

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