Designation of materials in the drawings. GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Reading blueprints for beginners

No construction in the world can do without preliminary long and careful planning. Hundreds and thousands of people are involved in the very process of working on future residential or domestic premises. For long hours they mount various designs and perform a large number of preparatory, construction, installation operations. At first, it may seem that it is their work that is the fundamental force in the construction, but the most important and most important in the process is the creation of a project for the future building, the implementation of a large number of special detailed drawings and the careful distribution of materials for the construction of the future building. Despite the apparent complexity and complexity of the construction documentation, it is quite simple in its structure, and everyone can learn to understand it correctly. Reading blueprints for novice architects is not a complicated process. On the contrary, it is enough to understand and understand the basic types of designations of building materials and the principles by which they are grouped, and any construction document will immediately become simple and understandable.

House plan

Construction plans and their tasks

Construction documentation, popularly referred to as โ€œdrawingsโ€ or โ€œplansโ€, is a series of documents that display a projection vision of a future object. Also, each drawing necessarily contains an explanatory note in which all the necessary information related to the project is detailed and thoroughly painted.

The main objectives of the drawing are:

  • The binding of the construction site to the terrain. The plan not only takes into account the location of the object relative to the surface of the earth, but also indicates where it is necessary to place a temporary settlement of builders, where you can put the equipment. This section also indicates where and how the material will be delivered, where and in which premises it will be stored.
  • The list of materials. The explanatory note to the drawing contains all the necessary detailed information about the types and types of building materials used in the construction of the object. Each is given a detailed description, including a description of its type, properties, as well as such basic qualities as strength, hardness, fire hazard, combustibility, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, insulation properties, etc.
  • Construction. The plan contains information on the deadlines for the completion of the facility, schedule and daily schedule of the workflow. Also indicated are daily work rates.
  • Test operational period. This section of the plan contains information on the short period during which construction and utilities check all building systems for performance. Electronic systems, plumbing components and gas supply at home are subjected to a thorough analysis and make a resolution regarding their performance and quality of work.

The whole process of creating a new room or facility is carefully documented, which greatly facilitates control over it.

Vacation home

A drawing differs from a sketch or a design sketch in that it reliably accurately conveys the shape, dimensions, volume of the object planned for construction. Also, the plan is distinguished from the above types of documents by its clarity to everyone, clarity and standard design.

All information contained in the construction plan is presented in an official and understandable way. All designations are generally accepted and correspond to GOST, being the same for any drawing, no matter to which project it refers. The designation of materials in the drawings is also a standardized process and is subject to special regulations. It includes designations approved by the relevant authorities for each type of building material.


Uniform documentation standards allow architects and designers to freely develop objects of any type, without fear of canceling a project or moving it to another place, because thanks to the uniform system of describing the workflow and the same designation of materials on the drawings, it is possible to fix and supplement the plan easily and without much effort.


There are several generally accepted classifications of construction documentation. Each of them usually submits to any one criterion. For example, depending on the purpose of the drawings are divided into construction and drawings of building products.

If classified according to the type of project being prepared, then the drawings can be typical, individual or experimental.

The design phase also greatly affects the place of the plan in the classification. Depending on the readiness, the drawing can be a techno-working project or just a working scheme.

A separate subspecies of the plans are construction drawings. Since there are currently a large number of different types of buildings, the classification of construction documents identifies four main types of plans: civil, industrial, agricultural buildings and engineering structures.

Of course, each more or less large drawing is divided into parts, each of which is responsible for some infrastructure of the house and has its own symbol, usually expressed by a letter and a number, for example, โ€œA3โ€ or โ€œC7โ€.

Designation of Symbols

Construction drawings appeared almost immediately after the construction process as such. The first options were rather primitive images of houses or sheets with approximate calculations necessary for the construction of the foundation and walls. Later, architects began not only to think over the position of the house relative to the land, but also to plan in advance the materials from which it will be built. Military needs significantly accelerated the development of the drawing business, adding to the plans also tough deadlines, as well as schemes for branch pipes, doors, secret passages. Time passed, the drawings became more complicated, the plans became more voluminous and more precise, which ultimately led to the formation of the modern generally accepted standard for the construction plan.

Outline content

The construction plan contains a huge amount of the most diverse information. Often this information is presented in a very compressed form, and is also equipped with many conventional signs on the drawings, material designations that allow you to decrypt and restore the necessary information. Such a method of storing information is incredibly convenient and allows knowledgeable people to immediately understand the situation, without going into details. An experienced architect only needs one look at the conventions in order to understand the whole concept of the project.

Common notation

Conventional signs, symbol signs are special images that show on the drawing what material this or that part of the house or project detail is made of. All such designations are strictly standardized and are generally accepted, passed the mandatory state certification and approved by the relevant authorities.

Compass and documents

Reading a document

Only a specially trained people - architects and designers can fully understand a complex construction plan. Not only do they learn to draw models of buildings for many years, but they also gain the skills to describe and read any drawing, which usually means that the reader will correctly understand all the nuances of the plan, all the signs, abbreviations and symbols contained in the work.


Reading drawings for beginners is a fairly simple task. You only need to know by heart all the conventions and other information contained in the plan, which is understandable only to a narrow circle of people who have been trained in the chosen construction specialty. In principle, everyone can learn to read construction documents easily and fluently. To do this, you only need to understand the system of conventions, learn to distinguish materials from each other, which will not confuse, say, sand with corrugated steel. Just need diligence and a little practice. And even the most absent-minded person can easily read the drawings.

Conventional signs

Common Signs

The construction drawing is a rather voluminous document containing a large number of important details. Due to the huge amount of information in it there is not always enough space even for a complete description of the materials. Therefore, a fairly simple solution was found. Directly on the sheet on which the project of the building under construction is depicted, all the materials from which it is being built are depicted with the help of symbols, each of them corresponds to one or more types of materials, depending on the context.

The symbol of the materials in the drawings is intended not only to show the location of a substance in the structure of the house, but also to give an idea of โ€‹โ€‹its properties, consistency, condition.

Solid materials

The designation of carbide in construction documentation is usually represented by a standard rectangle, inside of which there are diagonal hatching lines, made from top to bottom, from left to right. If you look closely at the cut of a thick piece of iron, you can confidently talk about the similarity of the designation with the internal contents of the materials.

Plastic and its derivatives are indicated in the drawing by a simple rectangle covered with a cross-shaped diagonal hatching, in shape resembling the porous component of the structure of any plastic compound.

The wood designation in the drawing is a rectangle filled with uneven wave-like lines similar in shape to the secular rings of a wood cut. Associations allow the builder to quickly find on the drawing parts of the house made of wood due to the similarity of the natural wood texture with the designation of the material.

Liquid materials

All liquids have one common symbol. The rectangle contains several elements consisting of parallel hatching lines. The image itself resembles a calm state of water.

Material Structures

Soft materials

The designation of materials on the drawings at one time required the creators of the conventional signs considerable patience and ingenuity. Many attempts were made by the classifiers of solids and solids, until a unified guide appeared. It was quite easy to come up with designations for such materials as, for example, corrugated steel, depicted by a small volumetric mesh, but what about soft and loose substances? The solution was found quite quickly - by analogy with other types of materials, soft substances were depicted, taking their structure as the basis. For example, gravel looks like a rectangle filled with small circles. The clay symbol is a square containing elements consisting of five short parallel lines.


Oblique repeating lines in rectangles denoting the structure of a building material did not appear by chance. The fact is that different density or brightness of the hatching indicates the consistency, hardness, ductility of the material. It is possible to understand exactly which property the lines represent, by following their frequency and the direction of the stroke.

The shading in the drawings according to GOST is described in a large number of documents, in which each of the options for painting a rectangle denoting a particular building material is interpreted.

Material designation


Everything that relates to the construction industry in one way or another is carefully checked by state bodies and undergoes mandatory certification. It is subject to, as building materials, tools, workers performing various operations, and directly all the technical and legal documentation of each of the projects. In addition to the standard GOST 2.306-68 "ESKD", the preparation of drawings is regulated in detail by the State standards of the unified system of design documentation, as well as the State standards of the design documentation system for construction. These important documents govern the unified rules for the creation, filling, design and presentation of construction and design documentation.

Thus, the graphic designations of materials are not just drawings similar to substances, but signs approved by GOST.

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