What hides the column 'marital status'

Currently, various social networks have gained wide popularity. When you register or fill out a profile of your personal page, as a rule, you need to answer a few standard questions, and if filling out the fields “name” or “date of birth” is not in doubt, then the column “marital status” sometimes makes you think.

As a rule, girls like to come up with nicknames that are indicated next to their real name, for example: Anastasia "Konfetka" Ivanova, etc. They do not always indicate their real date of birth, even if we are talking about a very young lady who has nothing to hide her years, apparently this is in women “in the blood”.

At the same time, girls are happy to fill in the column marital status, indicating that they are “in a relationship”, “married”, “dating ...”, etc. Even if the young lady is single, she prefers to hide this fact by writing that she is “in love” or “has a friend”. Sometimes they are driven by a banal desire to be better than their peers or, at least, not be behind their friends.

The same cannot be said about the guys who often try not to indicate their status as a non-free man. Only an ardently in love representative of the stronger sex publicly declares that his heart belongs to one particular lady, boldly indicating his marital status.

In many respects, the fact is that men are polygamous in nature and always consider the possibility of meeting another, more interesting option, and they are very worried about their personal freedom, so they just don’t get a hand to write that they are connected with the girl.

However, it is necessary to fill in the column “marital status” in more responsible documents than in your personal profile on a page on the Internet. These include official forms for paperwork, loans, etc.

Filling out a form when applying for a job, absolutely everyone has to answer this question. I must say that some vacancies imply that the employee should be free from family relationships. This is largely due to the fact that the employer prefers to see his subordinate on business trips, and not just in the office. In addition, the person who the family is waiting for at home is unlikely to think about working moments after the end of the working day, because he still has a lot of worries and troubles.

For the employer, women who are married and have small children will often go on sick leave, and are also unlikely to be able to stay at work and go on business trips.

The same can be said of men, whose marital status is an equally important criterion for leadership after his professional qualities.

In some cases, employers give preference to family men because they consider them more responsible, compulsory and prudent. It can also be considered that these are more stable and reliable employees, therefore a vacancy that requires such qualities from a specialist will most often be given to a family person.

If a man indicates marital status in the column - is not married, then when hiring him, they may have hopes associated with frequent trips on business trips, and also expect that he will fully devote himself to the cause. Nevertheless, there are fears that the employer will consider such a guy frivolous and frivolous, who has yet another entertainment on his mind, which means that he can hardly be trusted with responsible work, where it is necessary to make informed decisions. However, marital status - single, is not an indicator of how promising and responsible a man in his post will be.

It is impossible to say unequivocally who exactly managers prefer when hiring specialists - family people or free people, in many respects everything depends not on status, but on the person’s professional skills and personal qualities , as well as on the characteristics of the proposed activity.

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