The work that you write at the end of your studies at the university is an indicator of how successfully you were able to realize the knowledge you gained. Therefore, everything should be perfect in your diploma so that the examination committee has nothing to complain about. Today we’ll talk about how to draw up a list of literature in a diploma. Below are clear recommendations with illustrative examples that will help you competently and without problems cope with this part of your work.
How to draw up a list of references: where to start
In the process of writing a term paper or diploma, you are surely faced with the fact that you need to study those processes, technologies and phenomena that you will outline in the practical part of the work. It will become much easier to work with scientific literature and other information sources if you immediately make references to certain sources in the text. Therefore, immediately get a piece of paper or create a separate file in the computer and title it (“List of used literature”, but by no means “used”). Here you will assign a unique number to each source of information , which will be indicated as a link in the text.
Well, now we offer you to familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to the compilation of a bibliographic list (according to GOST 7.1-84).
How to draw up a list of references: correctly draw up the output of monographs
If the source is a monograph with one author, then after the individual number in the list, you indicate the person’s surname and initials. Then, separated by a comma, is the name of his scientific work (remember that it is written without quotes). Then we execute in this order:
1. We put an end;
2. We put a dash;
3. We indicate the city where the monograph was published;
4. We put a colon;
5. We write the name of the publishing house;
6. We indicate the year when the monograph was published;
7. We put an end;
8. Set the dash;
9. We write the number of pages in the scientific work;
10. We put an end to it.
For example: Georgiev P.A. Fundamentals of Economics. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 550 p.
If the monograph was written by a team of no more than three authors, then first indicate the data of the first author, then the name of the monograph. After that, put the “/” icon and list the data of the rest of the team of authors.
If the author of the monograph is not indicated, or a large team of authors took part in the writing of the work, then the bibliographic description will look like this:
Fundamentals of Economics / Under the general. ed. P.A. Georgieva. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 550 p.
It is also allowed to indicate the data of the first author and put “et al.”.
How to draw up a list of references: correctly draw up output information from other sources
If your work has a link to the material from the conference, then write:
1. Data of the author of the report;
2. Title of the article / report;
3. The colon;
4. The name of the conference;
5. City;
6. Name of the publishing house;
7. Year;
8. The number of pages.
In the event that the material that you used in the work was published in a periodical, we draw up the link as shown in the example:
Ogorodnik B.V. Philosophy and Physics // Questions of Philosophy. - 1998. No. 4. - S. 5-15.
Please note that there are a number of city names that are used in the form of special abbreviations in bibliographic descriptions. These include Moscow ("M."), St. Petersburg ("St. Petersburg"), Kiev ("K."), Paris ("R."), Berlin ("V."), New York ("NY "), London (" L. "). All other cities in which literature was published should be indicated in full.
How to draw up a list of references: grouping and arrangement in a list of links
There are several options for how to group sources: alphabetical, systematic, chronological. The alphabetical principle implies that in the bibliography sources are indicated by the names of their authors and by the titles of their works in a strictly alphabetical order.
The chronological order is appropriate when the list of references contains, for example, a number of articles published in periodicals in different months or years. As a rule, this is quite rare in student theses .
The systematic principle of designing a list of references implies a grouping of sources on a number of problems that were raised in the text of the thesis. In this case, at the beginning of the bibliography should be present sources of a general nature, and then more private.
Regardless of which method of grouping sources you have chosen, remember that normative and legislative acts and documents should always be placed at the very beginning of the list. They are grouped from the most significant to the least significant (for example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is considered more significant, and various federal laws must go on the list after it). Documents of equal importance should be grouped according to the dates of their publication, that is, in chronological order.
Foreign sources of literature always follow Russian-speaking ones and are grouped in alphabetical order.
Now you know how to draw up a list of references in term papers and diplomas, since the rules discussed above are common to these types of works.