M.I. Avilov “Duel on the Kulikovo field”: description of the painting

The painting was painted by the artist during the Great Patriotic War (in 1943). This year is tragic and crucial for our country. The duel between Chelubey and Peresvet was also important in the outcome of the Battle of Kulikovo. This battle strengthened the spirit of the Russian regiments. Both soldiers were killed in the battle, but our hero won the victory. Peresvet managed to ride on a surviving horse to the Russian army, who stood behind. And Chelubey, after a powerful blow with a spear, fell off his horse and remained left lying, bleeding.

avilov duel on the sandpit field picture description

The painting “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field” is in the State Russian Museum, which you can see in the photo above.

Artist Biography

M.I. Avilov - People's Artist of the RSFSR, has many awards, his paintings participated in exhibitions at the Academy of Arts of the Society. A.I. Kuindzhi. The most famous painting, which was written by the artist Avilov, is called “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field”. The painting brought great success to the painter, thanks to her he became the laureate of the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree.

avilov duel on the sandstone field picture

Avilov taught at the Institute. I.E. Repin (Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, at that time in Leningrad), created posters and illustrations for Russian classical literature.

Each picture of this artist is filled with a special atmosphere. Avilov worked in battle genres (battle is a scene of battles), mainly depicted on his canvases the significant historical events of Russia and the USSR (times of the civil war). The artist drew inspiration for his paintings from his time, and now, in our time, these paintings are used as illustrations for history books.

Artist Avilov, “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field”: description of the painting

In the picture, at first glance we recognize the legendary Russian hero Peresvet (the artist depicted him on the left). He is dressed in the equipment of a Russian warrior: a helmet gleaming in the sun, a Russian shirt, and chain-mail with metal plates, which were attached as additional protection, is put on top of it. But this will not save the hero. Peresvet will die along with his opponent Chelubey. We also see that the Russian warrior don’t wear bast shoes, but leather boots. This tells us that Peresvet is a rich or noble man.

What else did Avilov portray? The “duel on the Kulikovo field” (picture) also presents to our view the negative hero of the “story” - the Tatar hero Chelubey. The artist painted in detail all the evil (for us it is the Tatar-Mongol yoke) in one person a Tatar warrior. In the picture of this warrior we will see on the right. The red malachai on his shaved head already tells us that this is not a Russian warrior, but a Tatar, our enemy. Both figures (Relight and Chalubei) are captured in the very center of the canvas. They are dynamic, depicted in large sizes, and all this distinguishes them from the general plan. A talented artist - M. Avilov. “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (the description of the painting is presented in our article) is a historically significant work.

Description of Actions

In the center of the picture, Peresvet hits the spear point, from Chelubey there is a counter strike. The weapons of both warriors crashes into shields, but pierces them through and pierces into bodies, breaking through chain mail. Enraged horses reared up. Red malachi flies off Chelubey’s head. He himself was about to fall. Wounded Relight continues to be mounted.

avilov duel on the sandpit field picture description
A wonderful work was created by M. Avilov - “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field”. The picture, the description of which we conduct, is striking in its reality.


The colors with which the artist painted the heroes of the canvas are brighter and more saturated than the background. Description of the Tatars' troops looks like this: the shelves are located on the right side of Chelubei, and they express concern. Tatars already predict the outcome of the match. He will certainly not be in their favor. The warrior who is closer to us cannot stand still and calmly watch, he carefully monitors everything that happens in the duel. And now, seeing how a spear pierces Chelubey, he moves forward with concern.

The Russian army is less excited. Our warriors are confident in the forces of Relight, but they are no less worried about the outcome of the battle. To the smallest detail, Avilov depicted everything. “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field” is a picture (its description has not yet been completed), which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Ahead on a white horse sits Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Our warriors are depicted in the background with small figures, so it is impossible to consider the emotions on their faces.

So Avilov presented a duel on the Kulikovo field. The description of the event to which the picture is dedicated will allow you to learn more about the Battle of Kulikovo. The battle between Peresvet and Chelubey is known to most people largely thanks to the artist M.I. Avilov.

Article Notes

We should be proud that our artist created this canvas - M.I. Avilov. “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (the description of the picture sends us to distant events) is an amazing work.

The painter depicted on his canvas the legendary historical event of Russia. Making a detailed description, we unwittingly begin to delve into the story, trying to tell about the canvas that Avilov wrote - “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field”. The description of the picture can fill an entire chapter in a history textbook.


We examined the work that M.I. created Avilov - “The Duel on the Kulikovo Field”. Description of this picture expands knowledge about our country, about its heroes and their exploits. In all its grandeur, the spirit of the Russian people, which overthrows the yoke of the Tatar-Mongols, is represented here. One powerful spear strike decides the fate of all of Russia. Now there will be no more oppression, ordinary people will continue a peaceful life, not being afraid that Tatar warriors could descend at any time and destroy their families. The hero Peresvet dies in the battle with Chelubey, but leaves an eternal memory of himself.

avilov duel on the sandpit description

The photo above shows a monument dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo.

Thanks to the picture of the artist Avilov, many of us know about the feat that Peresvet performed and that the battle at Kulikovo Field once took place.

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