How to love yourself: psychology of the soul

We are taught from childhood to love parents, sisters, brothers, other relatives, teachers, but no one says how to love ourselves. Meanwhile, absolutely all experts in the field of psychology are unanimous in the fact that most of the problems of a person - both in adulthood and in an earlier state - arise precisely from β€œdislike” to one’s being. Entire huge generations have grown (especially in the territory of the former Union), which are simply poisoned by this defect. Hence, such phenomena as disorder in life, inability, insecurity, passivity. These are all echoes of the roots of a problem that goes deep into the whole of human nature. Against this background, recently they began to talk a lot about the fact that a person can never be happy in life if he does not initially begin to love himself. For many people who have realized the cause of their hardships, it becomes interesting to know how to love themselves.

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Human psychology

It seems so complicated in this? Just take it and start loving yourself. However, this work is not just one day, but not even a month. How, for example, does a woman who has not loved herself for 40 years now do it in one day? Of course, this is not possible. How to make others love yourself if you yourself are unpleasant? After all, self-dislike is the same bad and disgusting habit as smoking, for example, or something like that. Accordingly, it is necessary to get rid of it gradually and systematically, only then will a long-term effect be ensured. How to love yourself? Psychology helps to learn this already at a conscious age, if self-love has not been vaccinated since childhood. So, there are a lot of trainings, books, practices, as well as consulting experts.

how to love yourself psychology

What to do and how to love yourself?

Human psychology is initially tuned to harmony with the outside world. But external factors are doing everything to destroy this "course." A man who loves himself is one who is in constant harmony with himself and the entire Universe. This is how psychologists determine that a person loves himself. And how does the reverse state manifest itself? A person always lives in tension, criticizes himself always and for everything, considers the rest better, more successful, more successful. All the time he compares himself with others, envies, pities himself, believes that he is not worthy, tries to please everyone, flatter, curry favor, etc. Such a person is even given out by physical manifestations: stooped gait, unstable, slurred speech, modesty, modesty , stiffness of movements. Such a person how to love yourself?

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Psychology of change

The process should begin by accepting the problem. If possible, it is better to visit a psychologist who professionally β€œpulls” out all the blockages and works them out so that a person can completely change. And how to love yourself? Psychology, books are all good, but not everyone has time to read and money, in the end, to pay for a specialist. Start small, but increase your work every day. Tell yourself that you are the best, most beautiful and beloved person in the world. Repeat this in the morning, in the evening before going to bed, looking in the mirror at your reflection. Stop scolding and criticizing yourself once and for all, on the contrary, praise for everything, even for oversights. Pamper yourself with expensive purchases, get yourself what you have long wanted, but thought you were unworthy of it. Most importantly, from now on, do not let anyone treat you with scorn, inattention, or insulting. This is important for others to appreciate you. But this will only happen after you truly love yourself. Indeed, recognition by others is a consequence, and the reason is in you, but not the other way around.

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