Jade is the stone of the Chinese emperors, or Rulers of Heaven. It symbolizes immortality, perfection, cosmic energy, power and strength. Harmony, devotion, purity of soul, sincerity, benevolence and justice in China represent jade eggs. This simulator is known since ancient times. It was used to train the vaginal muscles.
How is jade related to the human body?
Vibrations of the heart chakra and jade coincide. This stone has the elements that are required for the metabolism of cells in the body. Aging is due to metabolic disorders. And jade helps restore it and prolongs youth.
Therefore, jade eggs - simulators for female practices, not only have a good effect on the muscles of the vagina, but are also favorable for overall health. Jade is considered a stone of female power.
Jade eggs
Jade vaginal eggs are an intimate simulator for strengthening the vaginal muscles. Products are made of natural stone. It is smoothly polished and acquires an egg-shaped shape. Exercise machines can be with drilled holes for ropes. They are made without holes at all.
With holes, eggs are more expensive, because it’s very difficult to drill them. Jade is a fairly strong natural stone. For the manufacture of holes requires special equipment.
The rope can be pulled through holes and a loose end can be attached to the clothes with a pin. In this case, when the egg falls out of the vagina, it does not fall, but simply hangs.
The effect of jade eggs on the female body
Jade egg has the ability to level the female energy of Yin. Each product from the kits in which they are often sold has its own properties. During training with such eggs of the intimate muscles in a woman, vital energy is amplified, sexuality and sensuality develop. Jade eggs can be bought individually.
After training with them, childbirth is mild. The integrity of the birth canal is also preserved, and the body is quickly restored. In ancient times, jade eggs were often used to treat female diseases. Putting them into practice in the modern world can help get rid of the following diseases:
- prolapse of the vagina and uterus;
- cyst;
- painful periods;
- chronic inflammation;
- erosion;
- infertility.
The vaginal microflora is normalized if jade eggs are used for training intimate muscles. Reviews of them contain information that they have an antibacterial effect and reduce the likelihood of diseases "feminine". In addition, they stimulate the immune system.
Exercises with jade eggs contribute to the release of pheromones, attracting the opposite sex. Due to the effect on the nerve endings while carrying eggs in the vagina, women have increased sexual sensitivity. So frigidity is cured.
Why are intimate jade simulators sold in egg shape?
The shape of intimate simulators in the form of an egg was not chosen by chance. It is considered magical, consistent with the human and earthly aura. The egg symbolizes the life and mystery of the universe. In addition, this form of intimate simulator is the most effective and convenient for the development and strengthening of the muscles of the vagina.
How to distinguish a fake?
A real jade egg will never be cheap. Its price depends on the color of the jade, the size, quality of the stone and its processing, as well as on the presence of holes in the egg. The cheapest jade - bath, higher in price - ornamental. And the most expensive is jewelry.
Real jade eggs for women cannot be cheap. And especially with holes, because drilling them is a rather difficult task. If the cost of eggs is low, then most often these are fakes from Chinese pressed jade or jadeite. Such simulators can look beautiful and natural. There is indeed jade in fakes, but only as shavings and dust mixed with plastic remaining from the production of other goods.
In no case should vaginal eggs containing jadeite be placed in the vagina. This material can cause inflammation and irritation. Jadeitis is not compatible with the vaginal environment. Jade fake eggs do not have certificates of quality and confirmation in Russian of gemological examination.
Finding a fake is easy. If you bring the egg to the flame (lighters, candles) for 15 seconds, then it will leave an indelible black spot and the smell of burnt plastic will appear. When heated for a long time, the intimate simulator begins to melt. If the egg is made of real jade, then the fire is not afraid of him, and the plaque is easily removed with a damp cloth.
How many eggs do you need for training?
For training the muscles of the pelvic floor are excellent jade eggs-simulators for female practices. The reviews of those who used them indicate that it is best to buy not one, but a set of three pieces. Why such a quantity?
Jade eggs can be compared to dumbbells. In the set, the largest of the three eggs is the heaviest. It will provide a large load of vaginal muscles. Therefore, even if a woman easily pulls in a small egg, then periodically it is necessary to use a large one. Do this to keep your muscles in good shape.
Better to start with a large jade egg. It should feel good inside the vagina. If this does not happen, do not be scared. This means that the sensitivity inside the vagina is lower than when entering it. Gradually, it will increase.
Then, during training, use the middle egg. And then you can gradually move on to the smallest. A set of three eggs is necessary for the most effective workout. Although, if you wish, you can do one.
Cleansing jade eggs before training
Before the first workout, you need to thoroughly clean the jade eggs. The instruction has a clear sequence. To begin with, intimate simulators are immersed in saline in proportions - 1 tbsp. spoon in 1 cup of water. They are left in it for a day. This will help to “clear” the simulators of the information absorbed into them during delivery to the owner. In no case should you boil jade eggs. This destroys their healing properties.
Having got eggs the next day, they should be washed under cold running water. Then they need to be treated with solutions of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, or another disinfectant. It must be remembered that, besides their owner, nobody should touch the eggs (including her husband) so that other people's energy is not absorbed into the stones. Otherwise, it will be necessary to repeat the entire cleaning procedure, starting with saline.
Rules for Using Jade Eggs
In order to properly use jade egg simulators, reviews of which are only the most positive, you need to know a number of rules.
- If the muscles of the perineum have never before experienced a load, then they need to be prepared for exercises. This is done within a few days before the start of training. During preparation, you need to do exercises to develop the elasticity and strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Otherwise, at the beginning of training, they will begin to hurt from habit. In addition, with weak muscles, the egg can simply fall out of the vaginal opening.
- To ensure the normal movement of the jade simulator through the vaginal canal, you need to learn how to divide the muscles into three zones: anal, vaginal and urethral sphincters. Without this skill, excessive straining and overstrain of organs that are not involved in the movement of the egg can be created. As a result, a headache may occur, pressure may rise.
- In order to draw in a jade egg, you need to be able to work with a diaphragm. Without this skill, training will be less effective.
- To push the egg out of the vaginal opening, you must be able to create internal pressure in the abdominal region. In this case, the muscles of the pelvic floor should remain inverted. This is necessary so as not to earn a prolapse of the uterus.
- Pregnant women can also use jade eggs to train. Application is true must be very careful and within strict limits so as not to damage the fetus. For pregnant women there is a special set of exercises.
Work with jade eggs
Before working with jade eggs, they need to heat in hands. During this, you should try to warm up the muscles of the perineum, reducing them. You need to do this about 30 times.
Stage 1. Classes are best started with a large egg. These are sizes L, XL. The first time an egg is inserted into the vagina for an hour or two. In order for the body to get used to it, during this time you just need to walk with it. At the same time you can do your own thing. Until the muscles become so strong that they can hold the egg without difficulty, you need to do only at home.
But even if the simulator is weak, you can still start training. Muscles get stronger over time. Exercise with jade eggs is best to start lying down. One egg from the set is taken and inserted inside. For some time, the pelvic floor muscles contract and unclench. This is the initial workout. The first time you can not work with muscles for a long time. They must get used to the stress.
As soon as the muscles are tired, it’s better to relax. Otherwise, their further training will be ineffective. Then you can continue classes. When the egg is held inside without difficulty, you should proceed to standing exercises. Muscles need to move the egg along the vaginal canal: learn to push it out, move it, throw it out and pull it in again. In this case, you need to work not only with the muscles of the pelvic floor, but also with the diaphragm. Abdominal pressure can not push an egg, so as not to harm the body.
2 stage. When the muscles become narrower and more elastic, they begin training with a medium-sized egg. This is the size of M. The middle egg forces you to increase the compression force of the muscles to feel the jade simulator inside and control it.
It can be inside during any physical activity - fitness, jogging, etc. The egg can be carried in the vagina even at work. But the main thing is not to forget that it is inside, and constantly compress and unclench the muscles. An egg is removed a few hours after the start of the exercise. Then the muscles should rest.
3 stage. Jade eggs-simulators for female practices can be left inside for the whole night, but only with relaxed muscles and using the smallest egg for this . Sizes, XS fit. During sleep, the muscles almost do not work, so you don’t need to overstrain them with large eggs. Leave the simulator at night also in order to reduce the volume of the vagina. Using a large egg is not recommended, as it can squeeze the walls and as a result, blood circulation is disturbed.
Jade egg - how to use? Exercise complex
Pulling the egg in a prone position. An egg is inserted into the vagina on only one phalanx of the finger. The other hand adheres to the lace. If entry into the vagina is difficult, any intimate lubricant is used. Then contractions of the perineum begin, the anus stretches inward. The egg then begins to make a slight movement. It also feels good by pulling the cord.
After some time, the egg needs to be slightly restrained and the pelvic muscles relax. At this time, the lace stretches. The egg returns to its original position. Pull it out as close as possible to the entrance to the vagina, but so that it does not completely slip out.
Pulling an egg in a standing position. Get up straight. Knees should be relaxed. You can lean on them with your hands. As described above, an egg is introduced. Then the contractions of the muscles of the perineum begin. Anus reaches in. A respiratory diaphragm and small attempts at the lower abdomen are added. The egg is drawn into the vagina.
Then you need to relax all the muscles. The egg will drop to the entrance to the vagina. The crotch must be completely relaxed and the muscles relaxed. In this case, the egg will fall as low as possible. In the early days, movement may not be felt at all. This is normal, since sensitivity is precisely developed through exercise.
Egg laying throughout the day
Jade eggs, photos of which are in this article, can be worn for a whole day even at work, and they do not slip out of the vagina. But you can start such training only when the muscles of the perineum become stronger. This is another exercise step. But you can’t forget about the egg. Otherwise, simple wearing will not have any effect. It must be periodically pulled into the vagina.
You can train muscles everywhere - on the road (in the subway, bus, taxi, train, etc.), even just when walking. Compression must be alternated - first long and deep, then short, but frequent. Then “flashing” should follow, gradually increase the duration of the squeezes. They stop the exercise at a time when muscle fatigue is felt.
Before you carry an egg all day, you need to see at home if it falls out during urination. Otherwise, you can lose it in the toilet at work. Jade eggs can be worn for up to eight hours daily.
But if the simulator does not hold well in the vagina, then it is better to train and do exercises only at home. Need to make more frequent contractions of the muscles of the perineum, holding the egg for as long as possible. You can try wearing jade simulators of different sizes at the same time.
Shoulder stand
First you need to lie on your back and do a shoulderstand. Feet at the same time lie on the wall. The egg is not fully inserted into the vagina, but only half. The task is to draw him in using the muscles and labia. After that, you can completely relax, relax. Then again, you should try to draw the egg inside. It is necessary to alternate muscle tension and relaxation, as the body periodically needs rest. And working with overstressed muscles will not be effective.
What to do if the egg does not go down?
If the intimate simulator does not move down with relaxed muscles, you should not worry. You can use any intimate lubricant by treating jade eggs with it. Reviews that the simulators do not move along the vaginal canal can usually be heard from women who have not yet given birth. But it happens that the egg and grease do not help the movement. What to do in this case?
First you need to concentrate, completely relax all the muscles, lower the buttocks and abdomen. They can be tense, although it is invisible to a woman. The egg will go down. Then you need to pull it up a bit and hold it inside for several seconds. Then again you need to completely relax.
If after the above, the egg still lowers poorly, you can attach a small load to it. But not more than 200 grams.
What if the egg falls out of the vagina?
It happens that a jade egg will fall out of the vagina. If the simulator was previously lubricated, you can try not to use it anymore. But it happens that this situation occurs due to a short pubic bone, a direct position of the vagina or a weak muscle tone of the perineum.
In this case, you can try to enter the egg on one phalanx of the finger and hold the simulator inside. Even with weakened muscles, it will not fall out in this case. Then you need to tighten the muscles, holding the egg for just a few seconds in this position, and completely relax. The egg rests on the finger again.
These exercises are not only beneficial for women's health, but will also make sex life more vibrant. After muscle training, a woman will be able to enjoy making love with a partner who has even a small penis.