Mother Teresa's Life, Ministry, and Quotes

For a long time the name mother Teresa became a household name. We associate with him love, mercy, kindness. Who was she and why is she revered all over the world?

Mother Teresa who is she?

Mother Teresa of Calcutta is a Catholic nun known throughout the world for her missionary service. She was born in the Ottoman Empire in the city of Uskub in 1910 on August 26. From birth she had the name Agnes Gongja Boyagiu.

At 18, she moved to Ireland, where she became a member of the monastic order “Irish Sisters of Loreto”, and in 1931 she tonsured and took the name Teresa, after which she was sent to Calcutta in the direction of the order. In 1948 she founded the community “Sisters of the Missionary Love”, which was engaged in the opening of shelters, schools, hospitals for seriously ill patients. For more than 50 years, Mother Teresa has served people around the world.

For her, the main thing was that people could look into the eyes, smile at each other, be able to accept each other and forgive. Equal human value are both the poor and the representatives of the powerful, said Mother Teresa. Photos with presidents and simple poor people are vivid evidence of this.

mother teresa photo
She had a lot of friends who could call her at any time and talk.

Mother Teresa's heart stopped beating on September 5, 1997. The whole world mourned his saint. For her merits, she was awarded many awards. The most prominent are the Nobel Peace Prize and the US Congress Gold Medal.

In 2003, the Catholic Church was beatified.

Famous quotes from Mother Teresa

She owns the phrase that if life was not lived for the sake of other people, it cannot be considered life. Many sayings have spread around the world as quotes from Mother Teresa. She said that if there is no way to feed a hundred people, feed one.

Mother Teresa quotes
When asked about what can be done to maintain world peace, her answer was simple: "Go home and love your family." In her remarks, she noted that not everyone can do great things, but everyone can do insignificant things with great love.

Sayings about life

Very wise words were said by Mother Teresa about life:

  • Life is an opportunity that must be seized.
  • Life is a beauty to be admired.
  • Life is bliss to be experienced.
  • Life is a dream that needs to be realized.
  • Life is a duty to be fulfilled.
  • Life is a game to play.
  • Life is health that must be protected.
  • Life is love and she needs to enjoy
  • Life is a secret that is important to know.
  • Life is wealth that should be treasured.
  • Life is a chance to be taken.
  • Life is a grief that must be overcome.
  • Life is a struggle that must be sustained.
  • Life is an adventure to be decided.
  • Life is a tragedy that is important to overcome.
  • Life is the happiness that needs to be created.

mother teresa about life

  • Life is a challenge that must be accepted.
  • Life is too wonderful, it should not be ruined.
  • Life is life, and you need to fight for it!

Relationship with God

God did not choose Mother Teresa to serve people, not because she possessed special qualities. Studying the quotes of Mother Teresa, it is clear that she could not imagine her life without God. She emphasized how much she needed God's help and grace. Mother Teresa often felt weak and unprotected, and could not cope on her own, this was what enabled God to use her. Realizing the insufficiency of her strength, she always turned to God for help, grace and believed that all people needed to have a connection with God through prayer. Quotes from Mother Teresa are relevant at all times, she believed that a person lives in order to love the world and share the light. Praying should not be for a new experience or experience, but in order to do ordinary business with an unusual impulse.

Mother Teresa said of her ministry that it was based on her faith in Jesus Christ. She believed that it is difficult for people to express their love for God without seeing him. They can always show their love for their neighbors and behave with them as they would with God if they could see him.

Mother Teresa constantly showed her love and care for the poor, sick, orphans, lepers, dying. Jesus was her teacher, who called to love one another, she knew that God would not demand the impossible.

About love

It is very difficult for a person if he feels rejected, lonely, sick, forgotten, unloved. Mother Teresa took care of such people and advised simple things. She believed that you need to remember that you are of great value in the eyes of God, He loves you, and it is necessary to show love for others. Mother Teresa constantly spoke about the love of God, as the Lord loved her dearly and regularly taught lessons in love.

In order to bring love, it is necessary not to notice the negative aspects in a person, but try to discern the good and the beautiful in the people around us and the world. So taught Mother Teresa. The photo where she serves people confirms her boundless love and faithfulness to service.

mother teresa of love

Other statements of Mother Teresa about love are also known:

  • It is easy to love someone in another part of the world, but it is very difficult to love someone who is nearby.
  • Love, to be true and all-consuming, does not have to be wonderful. She needs a constant desire to love. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort, sometimes time and prayers, but if this desire is in us, we get love.

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