Issuing orders for core business. Sample: order for core business

Each of the managerial actions begins with an order. This is a specific administrative document issued with the aim of solving any tasks of the organization (unit) - administrative, personnel, etc. The order is among the standard documents and has a clearly regulated structure. The rules for its design are set out in GOST R 6.30-2003.

About Content

Orders can relate to anything - the procedure for working with documents, relationships in the work team, incentives or penalties, and other aspects of the enterprise. There is a conditional division of them into two large groups - relating to paperwork (they are called orders on core activities) and on personnel matters - relating to personnel. The responsibility for its execution, assigned to one or another person, also depends on the purpose of the order.

An order is drawn up on special forms having the established form. Such a form may contain the emblem of the Russian Federation (if the institution belongs to the federal level) or its own emblem or trademark. Among the mandatory details of the order is the mention of the legal form of the enterprise with its full name and the registration number of the document, that is, the order in which the order is registered in a special journal. In addition, his obligatory requisite is the number and year of publication or the date of signature by the head.

order of main activity example

How do they look?

According to the rules of business correspondence, the order form for the main activity (like any other) has margins (10 mm on the right, 20 mm on the top and bottom). In the case of a large volume of text, it is customary to number individual sheets, starting with the second of them. The number is put in the center of the top line. The name "ORDER" is entirely printed in capital letters. Below is the heading of the order without quotes - this is a short answer to the question about the contents of the document.

The following is the basis of the order. They begin with the preamble - the reason that caused the publication of the order or event that preceded it. The formal beginning of this paragraph usually sounds like "For the purpose ...", "In accordance ...", "In connection with ...", "In fulfillment ...". This paragraph may contain a link to the official document that served as the basis for the publication of the order. At the end of the preamble, the word "I order."

Below is the administrative part. It is formulated very specifically and contains descriptions of those actions that are prescribed by the document, and also indicates the performer who is entrusted with the control. If this part contains a number of actions, their numbering is possible, but not obligatory. An example of the execution of an order in this part does not exist - each specific case depends on the situation.

types of orders for core activities

Other details

The role of performers may be subdivisions of the organization or individuals. When it comes to specific deadlines, they should be indicated. In the case of a regular order, such terms are not discussed. The last paragraph may contain an indication of the person responsible for the execution of the order. The order ends with the signature of the head indicating the position and the transcript.

The wording “bring to the attention” is usually not included in the order. For this purpose, the document is accompanied by the so-called mailing list, where the essence is duplicated in arbitrary form with a list of persons who must be familiar with the document. Such a mailing list is intended for further work with an order in the office department. You can do without it if employees sign without additional formalities in familiarizing themselves with the contents of the document.

In the case of a large body of information accompanying the order, it is drawn up as an application. It may consist of staffing tables, schedules, diagrams, instructions or regulations. Each application must be numbered.

Originals of orders have a shelf life of five years. If it comes to hiring and firing, this time is 75 years. Upon liquidation of the organization, documents are transferred to the city archive.

An example of the execution of the order as such (regardless of its purpose) you will find below.

sample order for core activities

What is AML?

Let us consider in more detail what orders are, and dwell on those that are the subject of this article. As already mentioned, the nomenclature of such orders is divided into two parts - the organization’s orders for core activities and personnel. Today our task is to consider the first of the categories. Also, we will certainly offer the reader for familiarization a sample order for the main activity.

Such orders are among the normative documents of a local nature, which reflect management decisions affecting the planning of production and business activities, financing, accounting, lending, etc. Publish their structural unit directly involved in the relevant activities. A separate place among all the orders of the ML section (for core activities) can be assigned to orders of an administrative-organizational or economic nature. They are stored separately with others in connection with their own shelf life not exceeding 5 years.

How to figure it out?

Sometimes clerks have difficulty in assigning an order by ML or by personnel. These difficulties can be overcome based on the basic principle: if the document deals with labor relations with the organization of certain individuals (dismissal and reception, business trip, vacation, etc.), then it is among the orders for personnel. When it is a question of the organization as a whole, this order refers to orders for core activities, even in the case of issuing instructions to specific employees and designation of certain responsible persons.

order storage periods

An example of an order for core business is a document on the manager taking office, assigning him the duties of chief accountant, vesting him with the right to sign, etc. Each of the three varieties of orders belongs to one of the large documentary groups, which are executed inside the company. Below in our article we will give for the reader an example of an order for the main activity.

The gradation of all orders for AML (orders for core activities), PLC (orders for personnel) and PAD (orders for administrative and economic activities) are a generally accepted phenomenon in the field of office work. But for those who do not have a clear idea of ​​such a distinction, it is sometimes difficult to understand which area of ​​the company is in question and which group of orders should include this or that order. For example, the school’s orders for core activities often contain information related to the educational process and the schedule of teacher leave.

About different types of orders

To clarify this issue, we will try to briefly characterize each of the groups in order to isolate the corresponding sphere of activity of the company.

The PLC group (in terms of personnel), as already mentioned, is directly related to the personnel of the organization. In addition to “accepting” and “dismissing” orders, it includes all those related to vacations and incentive orders, as well as disciplinary sanctions, sending employees on business trips and other activities related to the activities of specific employees.

forms of orders for core activities

The PAD group (administrative and economic activities) includes the entire set of administrative orders and orders, one way or another relating to resolving issues related to the operation of economic property, security, internal communications and transport support.

If the order does not relate in any way to the subject of one of the two listed groups, it can be classified as AML (orders for core activities).

In detail about AML

Now let's move on to a more detailed decoding of this group, that is, let's see what orders for core activities exist in practice. It can be considered the most voluminous and unpredictable in the number and variety of issues addressed. There are several types of orders for the main activities of different subgroups - orders of a structural nature, regulatory nature, organizational, supervisory, reporting, financial, security, information.

Structural AML has been published since the establishment of the enterprise. Their content reflects the management's vision of the structure of the company and the measures taken for its formation. This group includes all orders relating to important transformations, mergers, extensions, etc.

Under regulatory AML are understood those orders of management that are aimed at streamlining production activities. By the order of this section, any internal local acts are approved (concerning the labor schedule, provisions on bonuses and business trips, issues of remuneration, the method of recording working hours, etc.) This also includes the whole variety of instructions, methodological developments, etc. For clarity, we place Below is a sample order for the main activities of this category.

order execution example

What else are they?

Organizational orders for core activities consist of orders approving the staffing table, governing the creation of structural units, appointing a commission to investigate industrial accidents and other similar acts.

The task of supervisory AML, as the name implies, is to provide supervisory functions in the company. As an example, take an inventory and obligations on the preparation of annual financial statements, the appointment of control measures related to labor protection, regulation of personnel certification issues, etc.

AML related to reporting occur most often in large holding companies. In such organizations, in addition to the standard financial statements, there are many other types of documentation of a financial, managerial, statistical, analytical nature. Such orders regulate the frequency of different types of reports, clarify the appointment of performers and responsible persons. Sometimes the orders from this group intersect in their content with the previous (supervisory) subgroup.

Other types of orders for core activities

AMLs of a financial nature relate to the material sphere of the organization. Their content relates to the company's strategy in this matter, management decisions on the main monetary issues, types and forms of investments, etc.

Security AML. With their help, the administration resolves issues related to the logistics of activities, organizes the supply and regulates other similar issues.

AMLs of an informational nature may affect the widest range of decisions and issues. It is here that orders, for example, about organizing the work of the archive or putting into effect a workflow schedule, as well as many similar ones, get into it.

what are the orders for the main activity

How do they draw up an order for core business?

What does a typical AML look like? In their general form, the forms of orders for core activities are fairly standard and consist of three components:

  1. The title part, containing, in addition to the company name, the name of the document itself with the date and number.
  2. A substantial section describing the situation and the relevant executive order.
  3. The final part, usually consisting of the signatures of management and other persons, of a fact-finding or conciliation nature.

Almost all orders for the main activity have a similar form. Their structure is similar to the above. The differences relate only to the title and content of the 2nd paragraph.

How are AMLs numbered?

The process of assigning a serial number to an order is not regulated by law. In general, separate AML numbering was adopted separately from other categories - PLC and PAD. The countdown begins with the advent of the new calendar year. Such a numbering system makes it possible not only to restore order in the journal of orders for the main activity, but also allows you to quickly find any desired order by its number among a huge number of management documents of the organization.

Holdings of a large-scale nature, the workflow of which is very significant and diverse, can develop their own document numbering system, the rules of which are set forth and fixed in a specially published local act containing a sample order for the main activities of the company. Thus, an enterprise may have its own system of numbering of administrative documents, uniform for all its divisions.

In such cases, a characteristic feature is the assignment of numbers having a complex composition, indices after a hyphen or dividing line. Those who are interested in deciphering the meaning of each index can familiarize themselves with the special separate instruction available on this subject or a local act.

Having an idea of ​​what the sample order for the main activity looks like, it will be easier for the reader to navigate in the endless sea of ​​business documentation, especially in a situation of protecting their own labor rights.

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