Every woman in the middle of the menstrual cycle, as a rule, observes the secretion of clear mucus from the vagina. This, according to experts, is the norm. This phenomenon means that the germ cell is already fully matured and will very soon emerge from the so-called βfollicleβ. In other words, this kind of process in medicine is called "ovulation." These days, the probability of fertilization of the egg itself increases significantly.
In what cases is the release of clear mucus a deviation from the norm?According to experts, if a woman has been haunted for a whole month by a secret from the vagina, like snot, it's time to sound the alarm. In addition, if it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, and burning, it is most likely that an unpleasant infection (staphylococcus, gonococcus, or even streptococcus) has entered the body. On the other hand, the secretion of transparent mucus in women often appears due to specific cervicitis that occurs due to the ingestion of various pathogens (for example, E. coli, gardnerella, enterococci and the like).
Primary signs of cervicitis
According to experts, in the case of an acute form of cervicitis, almost all women experience discomfort and even pain in the abdomen. Excessive secretion of clear mucus from the vagina, constant itching, the smell of rotten fish or milk - these are the first symptoms of this ailment.
The main methods of treatmentOf course, first of all, absolutely every woman should undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. Only after this a course of therapy is prescribed, which, as a rule, both sexual partners undergo. Often, the release of transparent mucus in women signals two diseases at the same time (for example, chlamydia and gonorrhea). In this kind of situation, treatment with different drugs aimed at getting rid of two ailments will be required.
Cervicitis treatment
As for the treatment of cervicitis, for the viral variant, special antiviral drugs are prescribed by specialists today, selected for each individual patient individually. The chronic stages of the disease are easily cured by the so-called "cryosurgery".
Isolation of clear mucus during pregnancy. This is dangerous?According to experts, the appearance of a colorless secret during the period of bearing a baby is not fraught with danger. Otherwise, if a woman observes blood or bloody discharge, it is most likely that there will be an ectopic pregnancy.
So, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that transparent discharge around the middle of the cycle is considered normal. If they continue for a whole month, sound the alarm and immediately go to the gynecologist, because this can serve as the first signal about the presence of infection in the body. Be healthy!