Wedding customs

The wedding is definitely an example of ritual action. No holiday is no longer associated with so many signs, traditions and various rites. Today, people are much easier to look at things. Wedding customs in the form in which they were observed earlier were preserved only in some remote villages and villages. Urban residents are now increasingly celebrating, based on their personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Despite the abundance of new, more modern interpretations of the wedding ceremony, wedding customs and traditions are still partially respected. To begin with, it is worth considering how this celebration was celebrated in Russia before.

There were pre-wedding customs, this group includes acquaintance, then brides and bridegroom fortune-telling. Currently, people continue to do all this, except, perhaps, the second point. Pre-judgmental customs - this is matchmaking, then there were bride-shows, conspiracy. Not without a bachelorette party and bridegroom gatherings. Is that familiar? Agree, many are now trying to adhere to this scheme. But wedding customs and rituals are the bride’s ransom, then the wedding train (why don’t you ride around the city on a limousine?), Then there was a wedding and a feast. But the second day and visits were related to post-wedding traditions. Thus, it is obvious that to this day many wedding customs are not left without attention.

Let's see how else Russian triumph differs from all the others occurring in the world. Only here it is customary for us to meet the newlyweds with bread and salt, usually this is done at the groom's house. But now the option of observing a similar tradition at the restaurant is widespread. And the parents of the groom meet the young ones.

Wedding customs are almost always followed so that the life of the newly made husband and wife is happy and long. Associated with this is the tradition of drinking a glass of champagne in front of the restaurant. Then they should be thrown back over your shoulder so that they break "for good". Although many argue that this cannot be done. Of these glasses, you need to drink champagne on your wedding anniversary, as well as on the birth of the firstborn.

The first dance of the young - no wedding today is complete without it. He is usually not happy with it right away; young people need to relax for walks and trips around the city. As a rule, they are pre-determined with the composition to which they will dance.

Wedding customs include throwing a bride’s bouquet, and cutting the cake by the newlyweds themselves, and kindling a family hearth, and much more. Some of them came to our country from the West, and some are the result of a long history and illustrate the centuries-old experience of the Russian people.

And what interesting and unusual wedding customs are there outside our homeland?

For example, in Germany, grooms always put a handful of grain in their pockets, which is designed to bring good luck and wealth. And in Nigeria, a girl is simply obliged to collect a few extra kilos before the wedding ceremony, otherwise she may even be returned back to her parents. And the tradition of drinking wine from beautiful glasses that are tied with a red ribbon came to us from China. Have you heard about this? And how can you forget American romantic comedies in which a newly-married couple's car goes to church, desperately rattling canned empty cans? Such noise, for your information, drives away evil spirits. And the tradition of kidnapping the bride in different centuries existed in many countries, for example, Albania, Ireland, England, Japan.

In any case, wedding traditions are just a tribute that people give the history of their country to their ancestors. If you want to celebrate the celebration somehow in a completely special way, do not listen to anyone, do as you please.

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