Who invented pizza? Why is pizza called Margarita? History of pizza

Fragrant, tasty, with a stretching cheese filling and crisp. This is exactly what we know today as pizza. Dozens of specialized establishments in every city bake it. At the same time, branded products in each of them will differ in taste. Are you interested in who invented pizza? The history of this is rooted in the depths of centuries, therefore it is rather difficult to follow the course of all events. But we will try to study all the data that reached us.

pizza spread in the world

Indelible image

Even if you have never been to Italy, tasting flavored pizza, you will certainly involuntarily imagine the pretty streets under the canopy of olive and tangerine trees and the sound of the Mediterranean surf. It never occurs to anyone to doubt who invented pizza. Definitely it was the Italians. And it is still believed that the best pizza can be tasted only in its homeland. True, in every city there are excellent Italian restaurants where the chefs will prepare for you a real masterpiece. But today we are interested in the history of creating a culinary masterpiece.

Erasing Social Inequality

Today, the stratification of society is becoming more visible. But it was so many centuries ago. An irresistible gulf existed between the Roman patricians and plebeians. But this did not stop both of them from having juicy and fragrant pizza on the table. It could differ in form or filling, but the essence remained the same. Speaking about who invented pizza, we can say with confidence that it was not an aristocrat. Rather, these stuffed cakes were the food of ordinary workers.

A simple tortilla with cheese is found quite often in the description of the events of that time. An option close to the modern dish was included in the rations of Roman legionnaires. But they did not come up with it first. They spied this idea among the Babylonians and Egyptians. Some information suggests that the inhabitants of ancient Egypt on special days prepared special cakes with herbs. And the Babylonians came up with a thin base, which was smeared with olive oil and decorated with olives. Therefore, it is difficult to say who came up with pizza.

Food for the nobility

This dish is gradually changing. Recipes became more and more complicated, and the ingredients more refined. Initially, a thin cake smeared with olive oil was a mandatory attribute. On a prepared basis, olives, chicken meat and sheep cheese, nuts were laid out. We should not forget about the climatic features of the region. The history of pizza began precisely in Italy because here all these ingredients are completely ordinary. Seasonings were mint and basil.

But gradually, the recipes began to complicate. Products began to decorate with intricate curls, add smoked meats and other delicacies. Pizza is called the "food of the gods." Roman chronicles provide a variety of recipes. One thing remains unchanged - thin cake, olive oil and cheese. Cakes were baked in a well-heated stone oven.

why pizza is called margarita

The first Italian restaurants

The history of pizza goes through the centuries. At all times, people loved to eat deliciously. The traditions of the late Roman times, when it became food for the rich, gradually became a thing of the past. But the dish was not forgotten. Enterprising Italians began to open small eateries in which everyone could eat a piece of hot pizza. The composition has changed, now this open pie began to acquire modern features. Italy is the homeland, but not all traditional components of the finished product were born in this sunny country.

  • Tomatoes They are so merged with the image of pizza that they are practically inseparable from it. But in Italy they were previously considered poisonous, and only in the 16th century they began to be imported from Peru and Mexico. So they got into Italian pizzerias.
  • Mozzarella cheese. Surprisingly, a product with this Italian name is not local in origin. Cheese made from buffalo milk was made by nomadic peoples long before that. But in the XVII century, Italian culinary specialists got acquainted with this product, calling it mozzarella.

Now the whole filling, with which pizza has reached our times, has begun to be actively used to make the most delicious dish.

prefabricated pizza

Pizza dough

But since the filling turned out to be a team from around the world, there is probably something that allows the Italians to call this dish national and traditional. This is definitely a dough. The appearance of the original pasta is associated with Italian culinary specialists. The base for the pizza was supposed to be thin and crispy enough. To achieve this effect then it was possible only by kneading the dough with your feet. It is clear why pizza has long been considered food for commoners.

The manual method of kneading the dough was gradually mastered. But this happened only in the XVIII century. Now it becomes clear which Italian city is considered the birthplace of pizza. It is called Naples, it was in honor of this city that the most famous Neapolitan pizza in the world was named. The first pizzeria in the modern sense of the word was opened in this city. Today she is waiting for her old and new customers.

American pizza

As trade ties grew stronger, more and more people began to get acquainted with this amazing cake or tortilla. You can call it in different ways, but enterprising Americans immediately realized that this could make a good business. But since Italians kept the test recipes secret, they had to improvise. The emergence of pizza in the United States led to the creation of a whole network of pizzerias across the country. They began to offer their customers a slightly modified version of traditional Italian tortillas. And to this day, we are offered pizza with a thin base, in Italian style and with a thick one, in American in different eateries.

which Italian city is considered the birthplace of pizza

The main differences:

  • As already mentioned, thicker cakes began to be used. Some like it, others don't. But pizza has become more satisfying and nutritious.
  • Olive oil in the recipe began to be replaced with vegetable oil. The spread of pizza in the world has made this rule widespread to reduce the cost of the finished product.
  • The filling volume doubled. It turned out more likely a pie.
  • As a filler, bacon, beef and chicken, gherkins, mushrooms and pineapples began to be used.

Today, a huge number of options have been invented. To verify this, just look at any pizzeria or go to the website of the Internet pizzeria. Each of them offers dozens of filling options and traditionally two types of dough. And the housewives cook it on dumplings, yeast, puff and custard dough. And of course, the taste is different every time. This dish is very convenient in that the semi-finished pizza can be frozen and baked at any convenient time.

Legendary pizza

Among the abundance of varieties, the first place is occupied by Margarita. The simplest and most affordable in its ingredients, it is loved by thousands of people. Let's talk about where this name came from and why it got it. A beautiful legend is associated with this, which they like to tell in Italian restaurants.

By the 18th century, pizza was no longer food for the poor. Now even the kings did not mind tasting this amazing dish. Queen Margarita of Savoy, wanting to show her location to the Italians, wanted to try a national dish. Until now, restaurant owners have explained to their foreign guests why pizza is called Margarita. To prepare her for the palace, a famous Italian chef was called, who showed his skill and pleased the crowned ladies. He had to come up with a completely new recipe, which he dedicated to the queen. So far, no one has come up with a better name.

pizza margarita composition

Exclusive composition

Pizza Margherita is simplicity and sophistication. It is so harmonious that there is nothing more to add to it. Queen's special pizza was baked with tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. These products matched the colors on the Italian flag: red, green and white. Very concise and at the same time very tasty. The composition of Margarita pizza has not changed until now. Some chefs add garlic to it, but this cannot be considered an exact reproduction of the original recipe.

Secrets of the classic "Magarita"

It can be prepared at home, but for this you need to know and keep a few secrets:

  • You should not buy pizza base in the store. It is much better to make yeast dough at home from two types of flour, coarse and finely ground. Add a little olive oil and substitute softer than dumplings.
  • The second secret is tomato sauce. You will need fresh tomatoes and basil.
  • Classic pizza is made without filling. Just after the sauce is cheese.
  • It must be baked in a very hot oven on a hot sheet.
famous pizza varieties

Other famous varieties

There are a lot of them, but today we will pay attention only to those that can be considered classics. Of course, in every diner, the chef can make a special dough, add favorite ingredients to the filling and get a completely new variety:

  1. Aglio e olio. Very simple, flavorful and delicious pizza. It consists of garlic and oregano. These ingredients are pre-fried in olive oil.
  2. "Alle Vongole." Great for seafood lovers. The composition includes parsley and olive oil, garlic and seafood. The highlight of the composition are mussels. But traditional tomatoes and cheese are not here.
  3. Neapolitano. Real pizza of this variety can only be tasted in Naples. She is very interesting for her taste. In addition to cheese and tomatoes, the composition includes oregano, anchovies, parmesan, olive oil and basil.
  4. "Capricciosa". Very savory pizza thanks to artichokes, black olives and mushrooms. Tomatoes and cheese complete the picture. Despite the fact that there is no meat in it, pizza is very nutritious and nutritious.
  5. "Diablo." This is the best option for spicy food lovers. It consists of mushrooms and hot pepper, salami and several types of cheese. It turns out tasty, but quite spicy.

These are only the most famous varieties of pizza.

who invented pizza

Instead of a conclusion

Today this surprisingly simple and at the same time refined dish is known all over the world. This is a great option in order to prepare a delicious snack for your family members, quick and tasty. Pizza is perfect for a party or business lunch. We can say that the Italian national dish - pizza - has now become international. But still it’s almost impossible to cook it the way the chefs of Italian restaurants do it. Therefore, if you want to taste the original pastries, then go to a good restaurant. At home, not everyone can repeat this masterpiece.

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