How to cook cottage cheese pancakes?

The most popular curd dish is cheesecakes, so named because in Russia the mass obtained from yogurt was called cheese. There was a lot of cottage cheese, so the housewives came up with a variety of ways to cook it. To obtain lush and rosy cheesecakes, it is necessary to observe the exact proportions of the preparation so that they do not spread in the pan and do not fall.

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes? They can be fried, boiled and baked in the oven. The recipes are varied, each of them is appetizing and is chosen according to taste preferences. So, in addition to flour, eggs, you can add any flavoring fillers from various berries, grated fruits and vegetables, vanillin, cinnamon to the cottage cheese. Many housewives argue that this is a dietary dish, which is perfectly acceptable if sugar is not added to the dough and the fat is cottage cheese.

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes with piquant raisins?

The most common way to prepare this dish is to fry it in oil until golden brown. To achieve this effect, sprinkle them with flour before putting the kruglyash into the pan.

We will need ingredients such as:

- 550 g of cottage cheese;

- a pair of fresh large eggs;

- 70 g of melted butter;

- 170 g sifted flour;

- 15 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of starch;

- raisins 100 g;

- a glass of sour cream;

- jam syrup.

We break the cottage cheese in a blender, gradually introducing eggs, flour, salt and sugar into it. We spread the resulting mass on a board sprinkled with flour, roll out a thick layer of dough and cut it into round molds in portions of no more than 6 cm in diameter.

We sorted and washed raisins with boiling water to give it a soft juiciness and put it in the cooked saucepan. Add jam syrup to raisins and cook over low heat until the syrup thickens.

We take the cottage cheese cake, sprinkle starch on top so that the filling does not spread, put a teaspoon of raisin syrup in the center and roll it into a ball, which we press lightly on top. We heat the pan, add oil, spread the tortillas and fry on both sides until golden crisp.

Pour sour cream into the syrup container, add sugar, bring to a boil. Put the finished cottage cheese pancakes on a plate, pour sour cream and put in the refrigerator. Here are such delicious cottage cheese pancakes, the recipe of which is not very complicated, you can cook for your family for breakfast, especially if you have small children.

Cottage cheese pancakes with banana

Most often, raisins, dried apricots or prunes are added to cheesecakes. Has anyone tried adding banana? No, then this recipe is for you. How to cook cottage cheese pancakes with banana? Take the following ingredients in 12 pieces (3-4 servings):

- 500 g of cottage cheese;

- one fresh large egg;

- 50 g of melted butter;

- 100 g of sifted premium flour;

- 15 g of salt, 100 g of sugar, baking powder;

- 2 bananas;

- a glass of sour cream for dressing.

And now we will begin the process of making cottage cheese pancakes with banana. To do this, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat it on a blender, pour in the egg, add sugar, sifted flour and baking powder, bring to a homogeneous mass. Finely chop the bananas, add to the resulting curd mass and mix by hand. We spread the resulting dough on a board sprinkled with flour, roll it into a sausage and divide it into 12 parts. From the pieces we roll the balls and, crushing them, we give the shape of a chubby cake. Add oil to a hot frying pan and fry cheesecakes sprinkled with flour for four minutes on each side. Serve on the table with sour cream.

Now you know how to cook cottage cheese pancakes. Cheesecakes are not only tasty, but also a healthy dish that is easily digested, quickly saturating the body and enriching it with calcium and phosphorus. The added fillings and the alternation of cooking methods will make breakfast of every family member, from children to the elderly, a real source of health and energy for the whole day. The content of proteins and milk fats will not only improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys, but also stabilize the nervous system and improve metabolism.

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