Airfield Tractor: Overview, Design Features, Specifications

Many people probably wondered: how do multi-ton aircraft move along landing strips and hangars after landing? After all, this technique can weigh hundreds of tons, it is not intended for ground movement on its own, since jet jets of engines can damage communications and buildings. An airfield tractor serves for these purposes. Special aircraft towing machines are made by various companies. Below we consider the features and characteristics of the most powerful modern representative of the BelAZ brand and the MAZ prototype, which was developed in the 60-70s of the last century.

Airfield tractor BelAZ


All trucks and special equipment of this direction differ from each other in overall and technical parameters. The most powerful aircraft towing vehicle in the world is BelAZ. For comparison: one of the most powerful analogues - “Douglas Kalmar TBL-600” - is capable of transporting up to 48 tons, and for Belarusian-made equipment this figure is 260 tons.

It should be noted that the BelAZ airdrome tractor, with all its incredible strength, has a relatively modest size. Options:

  • length / width / height - 7500/3300/2300 mm;
  • engine type - diesel engine of project 8424.10-04 of Russian manufacture;
  • rated power - 4250 l. from;
  • speed - 2100 rpm;
  • gearbox - hydromechanical type;
  • frame - welded configuration of high strength low alloy steel.

Design features

The BelAZ-74212 airfield tractor is equipped with three cabins. One of them is located in the rear. The right compartment on the right is designed to accommodate two service personnel, the other two for drivers. The left front cabin is equipped with hydraulic devices that allow it to rise to a height of up to 450 millimeters. Several working compartments enable the vehicle to approach the aircraft without the need for a turn.

Airfield Tractor Cabin

In addition to these aircraft towing aircraft, they are capable of transporting large-tonnage cargoes. The main work of the towing vehicle is carried out by attaching special clamps to the carrier - a device available in front and behind the car.


Belarusian-made airdrome tractors are in demand in different countries of the near and far abroad (Germany, Russia, Korea, India and others). At the same time, manufacturers do not stop there. Representatives of the Belarusian automobile plant announced the design and development of a new towing vehicle under the index 74270. This equipment will be able to move aircraft weighing up to 600 tons. As the designers assure, the creation of a new modification goes to the final stage.

Photo of the BelAZ airfield tractor

Airfield tractor MAZ

The MAZ-541 experimental wheeled tug was focused on the movement of transport and passenger aircraft along runways. The technology began to be developed in the 50s of the last century, a total of three copies were collected. The units were operated until the beginning of the 70s, after which they were decommissioned. There are currently no surviving specimens.

The creation of the machine began in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport. The task facing the Minsk designers was to create an airfield tractor capable of transporting aircraft weighing up to 85 tons. The appearance of the MAZ-541 had no analogues in the world.


The towing truck was equipped with a unique all-metal body. The enclosed cabin had three sections of a windshield with a cleaner on each part. The back wall is decorated in a similar way. Entrance to the workplace was carried out through the side doors of the swing type. In the middle were two pairs of seats, with backs in relation to each other.

On the sides, the engineers provided additional shutters, duplicating the configuration of the door and the cabin without glazing. Behind the hinged parts were blocks for maintenance of the towing vehicle. In front of the four light elements of the head light were placed. The working area was illuminated by three rotary searchlights from the stern of the equipment. A pair of hatches were installed on the roof, improving visibility and ventilation.

Model of the airfield tractor MAZ-541


In the cabin of the MAZ-541 diesel airfield tractor, two control posts are provided, equipped with a full range of instruments and devices, together with steering wheels. Control points were located diagonally, which allowed the operator to move from one place to another quickly and freely. Structural features made it possible to increase the accuracy of positioning of equipment in relation to the rear tow hitch. When moving the liner, the driver was at the front control post.

All towers created by Belarusian designers were painted in red-orange colors. The roof, hood and top of the wings were covered with white paint. Subsequently, the wings were completely repainted in the main background of the car. The front bumper was covered with a white layer with red-orange stripes.

Airfield tractor MAZ

Technical specifications

All elements of the MAZ-541 towing machine are mounted on a steel riveted frame, some of the parts are borrowed from serial trucks. Bridges were mounted on semi-elliptical springs. To guarantee the increase in mass, a ballast is provided, which made it possible to bring the operational weight to an index of 28.23 tons.

Other characteristics of the airfield towing in question:

  • power unit - a 12-cylinder diesel engine D-12A with a V-shaped configuration;
  • working volume - 38800 cc;
  • maximum power - 300 l. from;
  • speed - 1600 rpm;
  • fuel consumption - 120-130 l / 100 km;
  • location of tanks - inside the body;
  • length / width / base - 7.97 / 3.4 / 3.4 m.
  • rear / front tires - 17.00-32 / 15.0-20.

For transporting aircraft, two drawbars were used simultaneously. The first element was fixed on the axis of the front strut of the aircraft, the second device clung to the shock absorber. A couple of towbars are provided at the stern, and the frontal analog was located in front of the bumper.

Foreign counterpart

For comparison, we study the performance characteristics of an airfield tractor of German production of the Schopf brand. The assortment of this company includes several tugboats weighing from 5 to 70 tons, capable of performing various tasks. For several decades, the company has been producing equipment competing with world leading analogues.

The most powerful airfield tractor

Cars are focused on operation in various climatic regions. One of the best-selling modifications is the Schopf F-110. The equipment is equipped with an automatic gearbox, four-wheel drive and a swivel mechanism on all wheels. A traction force of 110 kN allows you to tow small and medium-sized liners, the take-off weight of which does not exceed 160 tons. The 60 kW electric variation operates with a weight of up to 150 tons and does not produce harmful emissions. The battery capacity is enough for 30 shipments.

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