Custard cream: recipe with photo

Custard cream is quite popular due to its versatility. They can layered biscuit cakes, level the layers, as well as make beautiful decorations for muffins and other pastries. It has a pronounced creamy taste. Although some people may find it somewhat sour, but for others, on the contrary, custard on sour cream is a great alternative to modern cheesecakes and cream cheeses.

Custard cream


This cream does not require any exotic products. To prepare it, we need:

  • fat sour cream (from 20%) - 350 grams;
  • butter - 120 grams;
  • 1 egg
  • vanilla extract - 1.5 grams;
  • flour - 2 spoons with a slide;
  • sugar - 110 grams.

Sour cream custard recipe

As with other custards, some preliminary preparation is required here. Remove the oil from the refrigerator a couple of hours before starting cooking. We need it at average room temperature. In addition, the cream is prepared in a water bath, so find suitable pots in advance.

So, we prepare custard from sour cream:

  1. In a separate container, mix the egg, sugar, sour cream, flour and vanilla extract. If you decided to replace the last ingredient with more ordinary vanilla, then be careful. There is a risk of spoiling the cream with excessive bitterness. Therefore, buy the product that you are sure of. Or you can take vanilla sugar as a substitute. It does not bite and dissolves easily.
  2. We put a pot of water on the fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Set our container with the mixture on top and simmer. It is necessary to wait until the mass becomes thicker. Do not forget to stir throughout the process. As a rule, this takes no more than 10 minutes. Although, of course, it all depends on the size of your chosen dishes. Also, the fat content of sour cream affects the speed of the process. The higher the percentage, the faster the compaction of the mass. In 5 minutes, sour cream with a 25% fat content will come into the right condition. If the numbers are less, it may take up to a quarter of an hour.
  3. Remove the cream from the steam bath and let it cool.
  4. As soon as the cooling is complete, we begin to whip the butter. Gradually, literally one spoonful, add custard to it. It is important not to stop whipping throughout the process. We achieve a thick consistency, as well as the overall splendor of the mass. In the end, as they say, should "stand the spoon."
Whipping cream

The above amount of food should be enough for a layer of biscuit with a diameter of 18 centimeters. If you need a custard of sour cream for smoothing, then it will be enough for a cake of the same dimensions, provided that the height of the latter does not exceed 10 centimeters. For impregnation and for the top coat on top it is worth making a portion in double size.

How to check the readiness of the cream after cooking?

The density of the cream is checked very simply. Swipe by weight and look at the remaining cutlery footprint. It must be stable and not level back to a smooth surface. To achieve this result, it is important to choose the right sour cream. No need to save. Buy the fattest product in which there are no extraneous additives and impurities. In fact, sour cream is pure cream that is fermented to a thick state. There should be no thickeners or other dubious components on the label. Otherwise, it is no longer sour cream, but a sour cream product.

Cream check

How to cool the cream?

To prevent crusting on the surface during cooling, do not keep the cream in the same pan that was in the steam bath. Transfer it to a bowl and cover with cling film. Let cool at room temperature and, when it becomes less hot, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

How to use

The recipe for custard sour cream for the cake is good for its versatility. Thanks to the cooking technology, the resulting mass is suitable for both the interlayer and the final alignment. And if you arm yourself with a pastry syringe, you can create beautiful curls, patterns, herbal compositions, and more. In general, all that you have enough imagination for. In addition, it is perfectly painted with both dry and gel food coloring.

Sour cream decoration

Sour cream and milk custard

Due to the presence of milk, this cream becomes even more delicate in taste.

Grocery list:

  • homemade milk (goat or cow) - 700 ml;
  • vanillin - 1 gram;
  • 2 eggs;
  • butter - 150 grams;
  • flour (premium) - 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar or powder - a glass.
  • fat sour cream - a glass.
Cream with milk

How to cook:

  1. Mix half the specified amount of powdered sugar and flour. Add the eggs.
  2. We begin to whip the mixture, gently pouring chilled milk (1 cup). The result should be a homogeneous consistency without lumps. If instead of powder you take sugar, then achieve complete dissolution of the crystals.
  3. Mix the remaining parts of the icing sugar and milk. Sprinkle with vanilla. We put on a big fire and start stirring. When the first signs of boiling appear, pour the mixture from point 2. Reduce the heat, continue stirring so that the resulting custard cream cake is more easily boiled and not burnt.
  4. As soon as the mass thickens, remove it from the stove and leave to cool.
  5. Soften the butter and gently whisk it with a blender. In parts, we introduce this mixture into our cooled cream. After that, add sour cream and whip the mass again until smooth and fluffy.
  6. The custard milk cream is ready!

Features of the preparation of sour cream and milk cream

These recipes have their own tricks. And they consist in the fact that sour cream is always introduced at the very end, when the main cream mass is ready. At the same time, note that sour cream does not warm up. It is also necessary to focus on the quality of products. Ideally, both sour cream and milk should be homemade. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such products, take store options for the first freshness with the most natural composition. Also pay attention to the fat content: the more it is, the better for your cream.

"Chocolate" custard sour cream recipe with photo

This method of preparation involves the use of cocoa powder without sugar impurities. Get a well-known product. Look for one that has a distinct chocolate flavor. This is very important for the characteristics of the future cream (visual and aromatic).

A little tip: before adding cocoa powder to the general mixture, carefully pass it through a sieve. Lumps and crystals in the cream should not be.

Grocery list:

  • fat sour cream (more than 25%) - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 25 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 90 grams;
  • vanilla extract - 10 grams;
  • flour (premium) - 60 grams;
  • egg.

How to cook:

  1. We take a copper or glass deep container (if there is none, a simple enameled one will do). Mix sour cream and granulated sugar in it until smooth. We place in a steam bath.
  2. We break an egg with a spoon or a whisk, mix it with carefully sifted flour and send it all to our sour cream with sugar in a bath. Important: at the time of administration, the cream base should not boil yet! We warm the resulting mass, not forgetting to gently stir, so that it thickens faster and does not sink to the bottom, where it can burn.
  3. We catch the moment of boiling. As soon as the first bubbles appear, interfere with the cocoa powder and weaken the fire. Tip: You can sift cocoa by holding a sieve directly over the cream, which will save cooking time.
Cream with chocolate

4. Stir so that the mass is boiled to a thick state. After that, remove our custard from sour cream and chocolate from the heat and cool.

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