One-time allowance for the birth of a child: features, size and calculation

Today we will be interested in a lump sum allowance for the birth of a child. What kind of compensation is this? Who is she put to? How to get it? In what amounts will the money be paid? To answer all this and not only we will surely try further. In fact, with proper preparation, requesting appropriate funds will not pose any real problems. And even people who do not understand anything in paperwork will be able to cope with the task. Especially if you follow the instructions and guidance below.

Preparation of documents for children's payments


A lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child is a payment from the state for which all modern parents can apply. She relies only once.

Money is allocated as a "reward" for increasing demographics in the region. Compensation is federal in nature. So, everywhere it will be the same. And the principles for the appointment of appropriate funds will also be the same.

Who is eligible

It is worth paying attention to the fact that modern parents will receive a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child under any circumstances. But who can claim the appropriate money?

Usually this payment is issued to mothers who have given birth to a baby. But if a man goes on maternity leave, he is also able to issue the compensation mentioned earlier. This is a normal occurrence.

Adoptive funds are also allocated to adoptive parents, but only when a newborn is taken into the family. This is not so common.

At present, the following compensation can be received:

  • employed citizens;
  • idle parents.

That is, when mom and dad do not work, they can still qualify for cash. There are no restrictions in this area.

Documents for the manual

If the child died

Unfortunately, childbirth is a process in which anything can happen. Obtaining a lump-sum benefit at birth is not always possible.

If the baby was born dead or died immediately after childbirth, money will not be issued to legal representatives. This should be remembered by all potential parents.

Accordingly, money is allocated from the state budget only for living babies. This is a legal requirement that should not be forgotten.

The birth of several children

Will the lump-sum allowance at the birth of a second child somehow change or not? And if two or more babies were born at once in the family?

The fact is that the payment mentioned earlier does not have any ways to increase. It is assigned to each born child in equal sizes.

So, at the birth of the second child, a fixed amount of funds will be paid to the citizen. In the same volumes as for the first-born.

If several children are born at once in the family, the allowance is allocated for each minor. Its size will be one.

Registration term

The terms of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child, allotted for registration of compensation, are dictated by modern Russian legislation. Parents have to hurry. After all, the time during which you can demand money from the state as state support is very limited.

At present, the legal representatives of a minor have only six months to request compensation for childbirth. The countdown starts from the moment the baby is registered.

Child and state support

What happens if parents do not meet the allotted time? The right to compensation is lost. It can be restored in exceptional cases. For example, if you prove that missing the deadline was forced. Say, all family members were treated for 6 months and did not have a real opportunity to file an application.

Payout Sizes

Many are interested in the amount of a lump sum at birth. The fact is that this compensation will be the same in all regions. As already mentioned, in this case, citizens are faced with federal payments.

In Russia, the studied compensation is indexed from time to time. Since February 2018, a person can demand from the state 16,759 rubles 9 kopecks. That is how much relies on childbirth at the moment.

Will the payout increase? Yes, but only in the future. Working citizens receive it regardless of their earnings. After all, we are studying federal state support.

From the foregoing, it follows that citizens in whose families several children are born will receive 16,759 rubles for each child.

Disability and Compensation

Some are wondering if the lump-sum benefit at birth determines the health of the baby. Does disability help increase government support? Or does she always rely on the same amount?

Unfortunately, disability is not a reason to increase compensation. The studied payout will be allocated in any circumstances in the previously established amounts. The lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child, as was emphasized earlier, is always allocated in the same amount. It is not paid only if the child was born dead.

Where is paid

At the moment, a lot of questions are caused by paperwork when requesting any state assistance. Therefore, we will further consider the key points in the implementation of ideas.

Passport for a one-time child allowance

Where do I ask for compensation for childbirth? As we have already said, a person can demand money from the state in the presence of his work, and in the absence of any employment.

Accordingly, cash will be paid:

  • at the place of employment of the applicant;
  • social protection fund.

If a person worked before childbirth, they can transfer money to a bank card (salary). Otherwise, funds are allocated and issued either by money transfer, or to bank plastic, or to a savings book.

Where to request

What one-time allowance at birth is paid, we have already found out. How to get it? It is not so difficult to do if a citizen adheres to a certain procedure.

Where to apply in the established form? There is no single answer to this question. Applicants can decide for themselves where to apply with a request of a standard form.

Today, requests are accepted at the following organizations:

  • FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • Single Window Services
  • multifunctional centers;
  • organizations like My Documents.

In addition, citizens can seek compensation from their employer. But this option only takes place when it comes to a working applicant.

Government Services and Request for Benefit

The lump-sum allowance at the birth of the second child will be paid in the same amounts as when the first-born is born. You can request such state support in the previously listed places. Next, find out exactly how to do this.

Can I file applications online? Yes, but this is not the most common scenario. In order to request a one-time compensation via the Internet, a person will have to create a profile on the State Services. It must be activated and verified. Otherwise, registration of compensation via the Internet will not take place.

Birth certificate and money

Quick guide on request

Obtaining a lump sum at birth is not so difficult. Especially if you prepare for the operation in advance. Immediately after childbirth, it will not be possible to request the studied compensation. And this is normal.

The step-by-step process of requesting state support will look as follows:

  1. Collect the package of documents necessary to bring ideas to life. We will get acquainted with him a little later.
  2. Fill out a one-time birth benefit application. A sample of this paper is provided below.
  3. Contact the prepared certificates to one of the registration authorities.
  4. Apply for state support.
  5. Wait for the transfer of money to the account indicated in advance.

Fast, easy and very convenient. In reality, everything is extremely easy. Especially with the timely preparation of references. Without them, the right to state support will be lost.

Package of papers

A certificate of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child, as a rule, is not issued. Parents just get their money. And the corresponding data are entered into the FSS database.

What papers are useful for processing state support? Among them are usually distinguished:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate of all minors for whom funds will be allocated;
  • passports of parents of babies;
  • certificates indicating the registration of the child;
  • statement;
  • SNILS;
  • employment records of parents or certificates of employment;
  • details of the account to which you want to receive funds.

In addition, modern parents will have to attach an additional certificate from the registry office of the established form. It is valid for exactly 6 months. It is issued upon registration of a newborn. It is because of this that parents will have to hurry with the design of benefits and payments.

Children and lump sum

Important: a certificate from the registry office is attached to the application in the original. It is required in this form. But in the form of certified copies of the certificate from the registry office, you can also apply. Although in real life, almost no one makes copies.

Another important paper is a statement about the composition of the family. When requesting benefits, you will have to prove that the minor lives in the same territory with the applicant. Otherwise, state support may be denied.

How much money to wait

We examined the documents for a one-time allowance at the birth of a child. How fast will the funds be allocated?

There is no single answer to this question. The thing is that the decision regarding family support is taken in order of priority. The greater the load on the FSS, the longer it will take.

According to the law, applications for established samples must be considered within 10 days from the date of their submission. If the request is refused, it is necessary to give a written response and motivate the appropriate decision.

Money for a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child (an application is presented to our attention) comes to the account indicated by the applicant within 1-1.5 months. Most often, funds come with the rest of the benefits. In any case, you won’t have to wait long. But there is no instant payment of money in the form of a lump sum payment for childbirth in Russia either. It is still necessary to wait. This is a legitimate requirement.

How to write a statement

Next, we consider a sample application for a lump sum at birth. This document can be issued even by a student. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of conducting business correspondence.

Benefit Application

The application is issued just like any other request. In the upper right corner is written "cap", in the center of the sheet - the main part.

Mandatory in the application indicate:

  • Applicant's full name;
  • F. I. O. child;
  • date of birth of the baby;
  • payment assignment request;
  • list of documents attached to the request;
  • data on the account to which funds will have to be transferred;
  • date of request for help.

In addition, the paper is signed by the applicant. Typically, the form for filling out is issued by the registration authorities at the time of filing the relevant documents for the implementation of the task.

Divorce and money

But what about the parents who decided to divorce immediately after childbirth? This does not affect the right to receive state support. After all, money is paid for the birth of a minor.

When the marriage is divorced, parents will have to attach a certificate indicating such an event. And the money will be allocated to the parent with whom the baby lives. Most often this is the mother of the child.

Otherwise, there should not be any problems in obtaining state support. The package of papers is no different from the previously proposed list.


We found out how in Russia it is possible to request a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child. So far, this is one of the few payments allocated to all without exception. Parents do not need to have a job or to confirm the fact of their need.

Typically, appropriate compensation is requested with the remaining child benefits. For example, with a newborn care allowance. So paperwork when requesting state support is minimized. And this technique greatly simplifies life.

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