Singer Loya: biography and creativity

Sometimes it is the closest people who help a person succeed and become what he wants to become. This happened with an attractive lady who bears the original name of Loya (singer). The biography of the performer from the first pages is the result of a harmonious union of the girl and her parents. It was thanks to her relatives, mom and dad, that the singer became who she is at the moment.

loya biography

Musical childhood

Before the New Year (December 30) in 1988 in the city of Kremenchug, which is located in Ukraine, Loy was born. The girlโ€™s biography in no way is silent about her real name - Olga Zasulskaya. The pseudonym appeared after - during the conquest of the Moscow show business.

Parents of the girl are people of creative professions. Mom masterfully owns a bow and a violin. Plus she sings great. Father is a gifted composer and plays the piano great.

Since childhood, Loya studied musical creativity and vocals. Very early, the baby began to sing. In her hometown, she attended a music school. The mastery of the piano - he was perfectly mastered by the talented Loya. The biography of the girl also contains information about her two-year training in the violin class. In addition to music and regular school, the young lady also attended a model studio. She learned the intricacies of etiquette, fashion shows, etc. While still a very young person, Loya wrote her first song. Then she was only 11 years old. And, of course, she "from the cradle" dreamed of becoming a singer.

loya singer biography

Shy steps on Moscow pavements

For many, the year 2002 passed for many. Loya also fell under their favorable influence. The biography of the girl would probably have turned out differently if her parents had not moved to Moscow that year.

Already in the capital, the girl is trying her hand at the casting of the project "Make Kids". There, representatives of the Music People company drew attention to an extraordinary teenager. At the advice of the Zasulsky family, a decision was made to sign a contract with the organization, and the 5sta musical group found a new member, which became an incomparable Loya. The biography of the owner of a bewitching voice is gradually replenishing its pages with new events, meetings with interesting people and creative successes.

In 2009, the 5sta team, in collaboration with the 23:45 group, recorded the song โ€œI Willโ€. Among the public, she also has the name "Baby." Such a rabid success of this composition was not expected by anyone. The song by a huge margin leads in the charts of numerous radio stations. She is hummed in the subway, in the streets, in clubs. The popularity of the team instantly skyrocketed. Now everyone was interested in: who is Loya, biography, how old are the members of the group, and many other questions.

The same year was marked by the receipt of several music awards. Loya became the laureate of the Golden Gramophone and Songs of the Year.

loya biography how old

Solo career

In 2010, the singer recorded with the band โ€œ5staโ€ the song โ€œWhy.โ€ At the same time, the performer is confidently working on a solo program. Its producer was Oleg Mironov, famous in the world of show business. However, their union did not last long - the man suddenly died.

Heavily experiencing the loss of a person who became very close, Loya leaves the 5sta group and goes into independent swimming. In 2011, her solo song "Dark Scarlet Roses" was successfully released, the producer of which was Oleg Nekrasov. Currently, the girl is working on her first album.

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