Why the stove doesn’t warm on Kalina: reasons, solutions

Often, car owners think about the health of the stove only at the beginning of winter. But sometimes it can fail. No exception is Kalina. On it, like on many other cars of the Volga production, the stove breaks. For what reasons does this happen, and how to fix this problem? About all this - later in our article.


As you know, the cabin heater has its own radiator. It is filled with coolant. This design is part of the main cooling system. If the stove is not warming well on Lada Kalina, the reasons may be a low level of antifreeze. Open the hood and look at its level in the expansion tank. It should be between the minimum and maximum mark.

the stove does not heat on viburnum
Also, poor heat dissipation may be due to the presence of an air plug. How to check it out? On a cooled engine, touch the upper and lower radiator hoses. They should not gurgle when squeezed. If so, then air has formed in the system. He could get there for various reasons. But in any case, you need to get rid of it. How to do it? It is necessary to call the front of the car to any height and open the lid of the expansion tank. Then start the engine and let it run at idle (with periodic pre-gasing up to two or three thousand) a couple of minutes. After that, you can slide off the slope and close the lid.


This is another reason why the stove is not warming well on Kalina. The problem is that the flow of antifreeze to the cabin heater is directed only after heating the coolant in a small circle. The thermostat is a kind of valve that controls the flow of fluid in the system. As soon as the temperature of the antifreeze in the small circle exceeds 72 degrees (or 82, depending on the brand), it opens and circulates in a large circle.

Lada Kalina does not heat the stove
If the “Lada Kalina” does not heat the stove, it is necessary to check the thermostat. You can do this in two ways:

  • With dismantling. In this case, the element is removed from the car (antifreeze is first poured into a clean container). Then it is placed in a small pan filled with water, and heated on a stove. At this time, monitor the movement of the valve. If the water started to bubble, and the thermostat has not yet opened, then it has become unusable. An element can simply jam. This does not happen often, but it is because of this detail that the machine suffers overheating and problems with the cabin heater.
  • On the spot. In this situation, the engine should be warmed up to operating temperatures. Next, you need to find the upper and lower radiator pipe. In gloves, you should touch each of them in turn. If the pipe is cold on a warm engine, then the antifreeze circulates only in a small circle. The thermostat is not repairable and changes entirely. Fortunately, its cost is low - about 200 rubles.


Any car has this element. In addition to the main one, a cabin radiator is also required. It is slightly smaller, but it is precisely on its condition that the efficiency of the stove depends. So, this element can simply clog.

why on the viburnum the stove heats badly
Moreover, both outside and inside. Most often, its entrails are polluted. This is due to ignoring the coolant replacement procedure. Recall that antifreeze changes every 2 years or 60 thousand kilometers, and antifreeze - every 5 years or 150 thousand. If the fluid is not changed on time, it will lose its properties. Additives will cease to function and corrosion will form in the system. In the liquid itself there will be characteristic flakes. They clog the small channels of the cooling system and heat exchangers.

The element may become contaminated outside. So, honeycombs often suffer from down and dry foliage. The way out of the situation is an external washing of the element. It is carried out on the removed radiator.


If the stove does not heat on the Kalina, the reasons may be in it. The fact is that on "Kalina" in the ceiling (near the ceiling light) a sensor is installed that senses the temperature of the cabin. It can affect the operation of the heater. Electronics compares the data obtained on heating the air with those set by the driver, and thus regulates the position of the dampers.

the stove does not warm viburnum reasons
Over time, the contacts on this sensor may oxidize. The system stops working as expected. From the nozzles, either cold or hot air blows (and, regardless of the set parameters). If the stove does not heat on Kalina, the problem is solved by cleaning the contacts, or by replacing the sensor itself.

Cabin Filter

In addition to air, there is a cabin filter in Kalina. He is responsible for cleaning the air entering the cabin. The element must change every 10 thousand kilometers (in extreme conditions - every 5). If the stove does not heat on Kalina, the reason may be in it. In this case, the intensity of the flow itself will drop significantly. From the nozzles, air will blow slightly. The solution is to install a new cabin filter. It costs about 300 rubles. To replace, open the hood and partially remove the "frill" under the wipers. Next, open the lid and remove the contaminated element.

Lada viburnum heats the stove badly

In its place, install a new one and close everything with a plastic cover. It is worth noting that both conventional, paper and carbon filters are on sale. In addition to dust, the latter retain bad odors. According to reviews, such a filter is much more effective than the standard. But it is not polluted earlier than normal. Outwardly, it can be distinguished by color. It is slightly darker (graphite shade prevails).

Stove motor

This is another reason why the Lada Kalina does not heat the stove. But if in previous cases, when the heater was turned on, a distinctive sound of the fan was heard, then here it will be absent. First of all, check the fuse in the unit. At Kalina, the element F5 is responsible for the operation of the stove motor . Sometimes the mechanism may work, but with strange sounds or interruptions.

Lada viburnum heats the stove badly
In this case, the item must be replaced. To remove it, you will have to partially disassemble the front right side of the car. The motor is located right behind the cabin filter. A new fan from the Luzar company will cost about one and a half thousand rubles. This is perhaps the most expensive element after the radiator in the stove.

So, we found out the malfunction of the stove on the Kalina and the ways to fix this problem.

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